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Marco Polo was impressed by Hokkien BIG ships. Another honorable FACT of Hokkiens achievements


Actually not that chinese learnt nothing from monggol rule but Ming emperor only learnt how to do bad things to fellow chinese but never learnt how to do bad things to OTHERS. Angmoh the best indeed from USA to Russia all learnt from monggol how to snatch lands from OTHERS. Isn’t it?

Ya so smart so clever Ming emperor set up eunuch spy network, put up sea ban, killed learned chinese people, etc ought to be shamed and not glorified.


Old Fart
She's damn flirty. Always flirt with us here. Always want us to scold her so she can "feel" 打是疼,骂是爱...horny right ...Lol :biggrin:
yes indeed! :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hey the sunken ship that was recovered was Song Dynasty ship was as per the news I posted. And that’s what was said in the news tallied to the Marco Polo travel account description of China ships. You are the one that anyhow linked the two to conclude I said Marco Polo visited China in Song.
fake news and bullshit history from none other than auntie (vir)gin.


She's damn flirty. Always flirt with us here. Always want us to scold her so she can "feel" 打是疼,骂是爱...horny right ...Lol :biggrin:
Another ccb Malaysian son of whore pussy hiding here calling people 贱based on nothing. To you pussy bullies any rape victim is asking to be raped too. Another disgrace to chinese. Pui!