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Marco Polo was impressed by Hokkien BIG ships. Another honorable FACT of Hokkiens achievements


Before ming, it was yuan, mongol rule. Just to show that mongols made better rulers and give more freedom. Chinese rulers have dictatorial tendencies and obsessed with control. That is the problem. Same with PAP.
Now that I understand better how evil and horrible humans are, it’s necessary to be controlling to prevent bad human pests like you to be stealing slandering and harassing good people non stop.


most hokkiens are generally are nice and friendly....
but the worst of the worst, are those FAKE high class ones....
..…. trouble makers wherever they go, ..… causing traffic jams at the causeway.... forever complaining,... quarrelling
.... their mouths smell like a toilet bowl full of SHIT
.... a neighbour from HELL !!!
.... really are a disgrace to their dialect :geek:

Nothing I said here is fake high class but you are a Cantonese liar son of whore and all words from you are evil shit lies of me.


She already did. Actually I have been fair to her but her rants n viciousness etc is getting out of hand. Anyway nothing new as Fuckkeins are like tat, their nature n culture won't change. So just read her rants n get a few laughs. I get alot of laughs from the resident opium addict, the mudslime whore, the resident mudland collaborator, the ah neh mudslimes etc, wat is one more clown in the Circus?

No you are a Cantonese liar and not been fair to me. As soon as I said Hakkas are in politics from Spore to Taiwan to Indonesia, you upped the thread on Ahok wife having affair to stab me.


marco polo was in china during the mongol yuan dynasty lah, not song dynasty. if you get this basic fact wrong all your further arguments have lost credibility.

When did I say that Marco Polo was in China during Song Dynasty? You are a mean Cantonese shit that’s always falsely accusing me out of thin air. I said hokkien ship building skills was already peak of the world during Song and Marco Polo - in Yuan dynasty headed by Kublai Khan - said Hokkiens ships are big, great and grand. When did I say Marco Polo visit China in Song Dynasty? Nowhere did I say that.


Hahaha..She will now claim she's not a history student and wriggle out her lies which she always call Facts. Lol :biggrin:

You are the shameless liar calling me liar based on hot air. Dishonorable Cantonese Hakka half breed snake is you.


And she will start a bout of her whataboutery that you and others harassed her and the load of shit about LJ Mcully and KT Latha blah blah blah...Lol :biggrin:

Whataboutery only comes from you fake high class people that called insulting woman with ccb lies as entertainment.


Actually Auntie Gins posts are not unexpected, full of self praises etc....very shameless,,,but most Fuckkeins are like that,,,grew up with Fuckeins and singkieland is majority fuckein,,,nothing fuckeins do surprises me anymore

No my posts are self praise based on facts. Better than Cantonese evil shit stabbing people from the back based on lies.


Alfrescian (Inf)
When did I say that Marco Polo was in China during Song Dynasty? You are a mean Cantonese shit that’s always falsely accusing me out of thin air. I said hokkien ship building skills was already peak of the world during Song and Marco Polo - in Yuan dynasty headed by Kublai Khan - said Hokkiens ships are big, great and grand. When did I say Marco Polo visit China in Song Dynasty? Nowhere did I say that.
here here. are you diagnosed yet with alzheimers?
Marco Polo travel account was verified by sunken ships during Song Dynasty that was found in recent decades. Poor Marco Polo was labeled a liar by many angmoh barbarians that didn’t believe his words of how great, big and grand everything in China was. I am in the same league of Marco Polo indeed being called a liar just because I am great and high class while the bastards slandering me liar are 小人 small brain small heart low class barbarians indeed.
song preceded yuan. how could marco polo's travel account have been verified by sunken ships during song dynasty when he only started his voyage with his dad and uncle in 1271 at the time when mongols (yuan) under kublai khan started their sextermination campaign against the song? in fact, kublai khan became first yuan emperor of china in 1271. and it would take marco several months, if not years, to reach the yuan capital by land. their voyage at sea was only a small part of their total journey towards china, primarily in the mediterranean. 69% of their journey to china were by land. on their way back to venice in 1295, kublai khan allowed them to travel by sea from south china sea to indian ocean. by then, song was long gone. song song gao jurong. your fake news and bullshit history know no bounds.


Old Fart
here here. are you diagnosed yet with alzheimers?

song preceded yuan. how could marco polo's travel account have been verified by sunken ships during song dynasty when he only started his voyage with his dad and uncle in 1271 at the time when mongols (yuan) under kublai khan started their sextermination campaign against the song? in fact, kublai khan became first yuan emperor of china in 1271. and it would take marco several months, if not years, to reach the yuan capital by land. their voyage at sea was only a small part of their total journey towards china, primarily in the mediterranean. 69% of their journey to china were by land. on their way back to venice in 1295, kublai khan allowed them to travel by sea from south china sea to indian ocean. by then, song was long gone. song song gao jurong. your fake news and bullshit history know no bounds.
View attachment 53055
This is troubling. Our @ginfreely is not only misrepresenting events of recent years and the present, but also history. Her preception of reality and fact is severely warped. I pity those who have to deal with her on a daily basis, she's certainly not a fun person to be around.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This is troubling. Our @ginfreely is not only misrepresenting events of recent years and the present, but also history. Her preception of reality and fact is severely warped. I pity those who have to deal with her on a daily basis, she's certainly not a fun person to be around.
can't wait for the day when she has to appear in court. she likes to sue this sue that. hope she goes to court and gets shamed or berated by judge for her fake and false accounts. cum cum sue sue.