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Marco Polo was impressed by Hokkien BIG ships. Another honorable FACT of Hokkiens achievements


here here. are you diagnosed yet with alzheimers?

song preceded yuan. how could marco polo's travel account have been verified by sunken ships during song dynasty when he only started his voyage with his dad and uncle in 1271 at the time when mongols (yuan) under kublai khan started their sextermination campaign against the song? in fact, kublai khan became first yuan emperor of china in 1271. and it would take marco several months, if not years, to reach the yuan capital by land. their voyage at sea was only a small part of their total journey towards china, primarily in the mediterranean. 69% of their journey to china were by land. on their way back to venice in 1295, kublai khan allowed them to travel by sea from south china sea to indian ocean. by then, song was long gone. song song gao jurong. your fake news and bullshit history know no bounds.
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Hey the sunken ship that was recovered was Song Dynasty ship was as per the news I posted. And that’s what was said in the news tallied to the Marco Polo travel account description of China ships. You are the one that anyhow linked the two to conclude I said Marco Polo visited China in Song.


This is troubling. Our @ginfreely is not only misrepresenting events of recent years and the present, but also history. Her preception of reality and fact is severely warped. I pity those who have to deal with her on a daily basis, she's certainly not a fun person to be around.

No it’s ccb people with ccb mouth ccb pointing fingers that think you are god condeming a virgin as a slut that is misrepresenting my history.


can't wait for the day when she has to appear in court. she likes to sue this sue that. hope she goes to court and gets shamed or berated by judge for her fake and false accounts. cum cum sue sue.

No I never even thought of complaining to SIA on LJ Mccully and KT latha last time, let alone report police or sue. I was ignorant of sexual harassment and my rights but now than I am aware, no more am I going to let you ccb people with ccb mouth get away without returning insults as you fully deserved.


AMDK!!!! Lol :biggrin:

That’s true because they bother to venture out of their country, broaden their mind, learn about other people culture and practices and adopt them like learning from Marco Polo travel account on monggols and their practice of conquering land from natives.


That’s true because they bother to venture out of their country, broaden their mind, learn about other people culture and practices and adopt them like learning from Marco Polo travel account on monggols and their practice of conquering land from natives.

Ya people Columbus read Marco Polo travel account can end up inspired and conquering America. Why Chinese under monggol rule never learnt a thing?


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
That’s true because they bother to venture out of their country, broaden their mind, learn about other people culture and practices and adopt them like learning from Marco Polo travel account on monggols and their practice of conquering land from natives.
You backside itchy bawa looking for to chat wif you izzit. Lol :biggrin:

I got better company...hahaha ... Bye :biggrin:


This is the exact paragraph proving what I said word for word. Chinese traitor dogs snakes crocodiles instead of being grateful for people doing charity to educate them, turned around to cast aspersions on me.


You backside itchy bawa looking for to chat wif you izzit. Lol :biggrin:

I got better company...hahaha ... Bye :biggrin:


Ya people Columbus read Marco Polo travel account can end up inspired and conquering America. Why Chinese under monggol rule never learnt a thing?
Actually not that chinese learnt nothing from monggol rule but Ming emperor only learnt how to do bad things to fellow chinese but never learnt how to do bad things to OTHERS. Angmoh the best indeed from USA to Russia all learnt from monggol how to snatch lands from OTHERS. Isn’t it?