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Marco Polo was impressed by Hokkien BIG ships. Another honorable FACT of Hokkiens achievements


It goes to show that no matter what I do and to what level I show the proof of what I said. Ccb people with ccb mouth can and will find something to falsely accuse me a liar or slut or whatever out of hot air.
I can be talking anti pap stuff like what I did last time, or talk mudland news or talk history or science or whatever and ccb 贱货can twist to flirting. It goes to show the problem lies with such ccb people with ccb mouth ccb pointing fingers. Not me.



Only two paragraphs of news that I highlighted with source. Nothing is unclear and nothing is obscure and yet ccb people with ccb mouth can ignore the news and falsely accuse me out of hot air and then when pointed out just blame it on fake news when it’s nothing fake about the sunken ships and how they verified Marco Polo account of how big, great and grand Hokkien ships are. That’s how evil and horrible humans are.


It goes to show that no matter what I do and to what level I show the proof of what I said. Ccb people with ccb mouth can and will find something to falsely accuse me a liar or slut or whatever out of hot air.
And this is the essence of all the evil shit that happened to me in life. Just because I don’t act subservient or por ccb people to make them like me, ccb people with ccb mouth think they are entitled to bully me with all kinds of false accusations and think they are so smart and clever to do so. That’s how evil and horrible humans are.

