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Marco Polo was impressed by Hokkien BIG ships. Another honorable FACT of Hokkiens achievements






By google translate

"In my mind, China's ancient ship is the best and most beautiful ship in the world. It used to be the main vessel of the Maritime Silk Road and played a role in promoting world civilization and cultural exchanges." Yang Yu-cone said. Ancient China was a maritime power in the world. China's shipbuilding technology and navigation technology are at the peak of the world. Among them, "福船" is an outstanding representative of Chinese ships.


Proving Hokkien ships were world class during Song Dynasty and could have reached America if not for the sabotage of 200 year sea ban from 13xx to 15xx by Ming emperor that deliberately brought chinese people backward when China was already most advanced civilization in the world during Song Dynasty time.

Marco Polo travel account was verified by sunken ships during Song Dynasty that was found in recent decades. Poor Marco Polo was labeled a liar by many angmoh barbarians that didn’t believe his words of how great, big and grand everything in China was. I am in the same league of Marco Polo indeed being called a liar just because I am great and high class while the bastards slandering me liar are 小人 small brain small heart low class barbarians indeed.
Oh ya hokkien ships were great, big and grand just like all other things in China then. Kena sabotaged by Ming emperor 200 year sea ban during 13xx to 15xx at the critical period of enlightenment of angmohs! That’s how China end up overtaken by angmohs!
Without this stupid sea ban, hokkien ships would certainly have reached and discovered America!

By google translate

"In my mind, China's ancient ship is the best and most beautiful ship in the world. It used to be the main vessel of the Maritime Silk Road and played a role in promoting world civilization and cultural exchanges." Yang Yu-cone said. Ancient China was a maritime power in the world. China's shipbuilding technology and navigation technology are at the peak of the world. Among them, "福船" is an outstanding representative of Chinese ships.


By google translate

"In my mind, China's ancient ship is the best and most beautiful ship in the world. It used to be the main vessel of the Maritime Silk Road and played a role in promoting world civilization and cultural exchanges." Yang Yu-cone said. Ancient China was a maritime power in the world. China's shipbuilding technology and navigation technology are at the peak of the world. Among them, "福船" is an outstanding representative of Chinese ships.
Ya Hokkien shipbuilding skills were at the PEAK of the world then. So chinese traitor dog snake crocodile @AhMeng what is so bull shit about what I said of possibility of Hokkien ships reaching and discovering America if no sea ban? I don’t bullshit anything ok, only you traitor dogs snakes crocodiles do that. Pui your @AhMeng whore family phua cb!

syed putra

Oh ya hokkien ships were great, big and grand just like all other things in China then. Kena sabotaged by Ming emperor 200 year sea ban during 13xx to 15xx at the critical period of enlightenment of angmohs! That’s how China end up overtaken by angmohs!
Before ming, it was yuan, mongol rule. Just to show that mongols made better rulers and give more freedom. Chinese rulers have dictatorial tendencies and obsessed with control. That is the problem. Same with PAP.


most hokkiens are generally are nice and friendly....
but the worst of the worst, are those FAKE high class ones....
..…. trouble makers wherever they go, ..… causing traffic jams at the causeway.... forever complaining,... quarrelling
.... their mouths smell like a toilet bowl full of SHIT
.... a neighbour from HELL !!!
.... really are a disgrace to their dialect :geek:


most hokkiens are generally are nice and friendly....
but the worst of the worst, are those FAKE high class ones....
..…. trouble makers wherever they go, ..… causing traffic jams at the causeway.... forever complaining,... quarrelling
.... their mouths smell like a toilet bowl full of SHIT
.... a neighbour from HELL !!!
.... really are a disgrace to their dialect :geek:
Just be careful u didn't get stabbed by them.


Later Aunty Gin stab you all then chiu know :biggrin:
She already did. Actually I have been fair to her but her rants n viciousness etc is getting out of hand. Anyway nothing new as Fuckkeins are like tat, their nature n culture won't change. So just read her rants n get a few laughs. I get alot of laughs from the resident opium addict, the mudslime whore, the resident mudland collaborator, the ah neh mudslimes etc, wat is one more clown in the Circus?


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
marco polo was in china during the mongol yuan dynasty lah, not song dynasty. if you get this basic fact wrong all your further arguments have lost credibility.
And she will start a bout of her whataboutery that you and others harassed her and the load of shit about LJ Mcully and KT Latha blah blah blah...Lol :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Then firecrackers, Mudlaysian neighbours, India Iran, dogs, sinkie traitor shit will be vomited all over the forum! :biggrin::roflmao::roflmao: