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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

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    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

OSLO - Russia has suffered 180,000 killed or wounded in Ukraine so far, while the figure for the Ukrainians is 100,000 military casualties and 30,000 dead civilians, according to estimates released on Sunday by Norway’s army chief.

“Russian losses are beginning to approach around 180,000 dead or wounded soldiers,” Norwegian Chief of Defence Eirik Kristoffersen said in an interview with TV2, without specifying how the numbers were calculated.

Norway, a country bordering Russia, has been a member of Nato since its founding in 1949.

“Ukrainian losses are probably over 100,000 dead or wounded. In addition, Ukraine has about 30,000 civilians who died in this terrible war,” said the general.

Moscow and Kyiv have not provided reliable accounts for their losses for months.

In November, US army joint chiefs of staff chairman Mark Milley said the Russian army had suffered more than 100,000 dead or wounded, with a “probably” similar toll on the Ukrainian side.

These figures cannot be independently verified.

Despite heavy losses “Russia is able to continue (this war) for quite a long time,” General Kristoffersen said on Sunday, citing Moscow’s mobilisation and arms production capacities.

“What worries most is whether Ukraine is going to be able to keep the Russian air force out of the war,” he said, adding that they have been able to so far “thanks to Ukrainian anti-aircraft defences”.

The bulk of Russian strikes in recent months have been carried out by long-range missiles.

The Norwegian general also called for the rapid delivery of combat tanks to Ukraine, which has so far been held up mainly by Germany.

“If they’re going to go on the offensive in the winter, they (Ukrainians) need it fast,” Gen Kristoffersen added.

Despite urgent appeals from Ukraine and several European countries, Berlin refused on Friday to supply its Leopard tanks to Kyiv.

These heavy tanks are present in the ranks of several other European nations, including Norway, but their delivery to Ukraine is in theory subject to the German green light. AFP



View attachment 177429

OSLO - Russia has suffered 180,000 killed or wounded in Ukraine so far, while the figure for the Ukrainians is 100,000 military casualties and 30,000 dead civilians, according to estimates released on Sunday by Norway’s army chief.

“Russian losses are beginning to approach around 180,000 dead or wounded soldiers,” Norwegian Chief of Defence Eirik Kristoffersen said in an interview with TV2, without specifying how the numbers were calculated.

Norway, a country bordering Russia, has been a member of Nato since its founding in 1949.

“Ukrainian losses are probably over 100,000 dead or wounded. In addition, Ukraine has about 30,000 civilians who died in this terrible war,” said the general.

Moscow and Kyiv have not provided reliable accounts for their losses for months.

In November, US army joint chiefs of staff chairman Mark Milley said the Russian army had suffered more than 100,000 dead or wounded, with a “probably” similar toll on the Ukrainian side.

These figures cannot be independently verified.

Despite heavy losses “Russia is able to continue (this war) for quite a long time,” General Kristoffersen said on Sunday, citing Moscow’s mobilisation and arms production capacities.

“What worries most is whether Ukraine is going to be able to keep the Russian air force out of the war,” he said, adding that they have been able to so far “thanks to Ukrainian anti-aircraft defences”.

The bulk of Russian strikes in recent months have been carried out by long-range missiles.

The Norwegian general also called for the rapid delivery of combat tanks to Ukraine, which has so far been held up mainly by Germany.

“If they’re going to go on the offensive in the winter, they (Ukrainians) need it fast,” Gen Kristoffersen added.

Despite urgent appeals from Ukraine and several European countries, Berlin refused on Friday to supply its Leopard tanks to Kyiv.

These heavy tanks are present in the ranks of several other European nations, including Norway, but their delivery to Ukraine is in theory subject to the German green light. AFP

HAHAHAAH lanjiao lah, Russia already issued warning to Sg govt telling them not to blindly reproduce western propaganda. If Ukraine were winning, why the fuck is Zelensky sucking Biden's lanjio at every and any given opportunity?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
HAHAHAAH lanjiao lah, Russia already issued warning to Sg govt telling them not to blindly reproduce western propaganda. If Ukraine were winning, why the fuck is Zelensky sucking Biden's lanjio at every and any given opportunity?

Russia has millions of soldiers. 180,000 dead for them is just a warm up for the actual war. Didn't you learn anything about WW2 eastern front?


View attachment 177429

OSLO - Russia has suffered 180,000 killed or wounded in Ukraine so far, while the figure for the Ukrainians is 100,000 military casualties and 30,000 dead civilians, according to estimates released on Sunday by Norway’s army chief.

“Russian losses are beginning to approach around 180,000 dead or wounded soldiers,” Norwegian Chief of Defence Eirik Kristoffersen said in an interview with TV2, without specifying how the numbers were calculated.

Norway, a country bordering Russia, has been a member of Nato since its founding in 1949.

“Ukrainian losses are probably over 100,000 dead or wounded. In addition, Ukraine has about 30,000 civilians who died in this terrible war,” said the general.

Moscow and Kyiv have not provided reliable accounts for their losses for months.

In November, US army joint chiefs of staff chairman Mark Milley said the Russian army had suffered more than 100,000 dead or wounded, with a “probably” similar toll on the Ukrainian side.

These figures cannot be independently verified.

Despite heavy losses “Russia is able to continue (this war) for quite a long time,” General Kristoffersen said on Sunday, citing Moscow’s mobilisation and arms production capacities.

“What worries most is whether Ukraine is going to be able to keep the Russian air force out of the war,” he said, adding that they have been able to so far “thanks to Ukrainian anti-aircraft defences”.

The bulk of Russian strikes in recent months have been carried out by long-range missiles.

The Norwegian general also called for the rapid delivery of combat tanks to Ukraine, which has so far been held up mainly by Germany.

“If they’re going to go on the offensive in the winter, they (Ukrainians) need it fast,” Gen Kristoffersen added.

Despite urgent appeals from Ukraine and several European countries, Berlin refused on Friday to supply its Leopard tanks to Kyiv.

These heavy tanks are present in the ranks of several other European nations, including Norway, but their delivery to Ukraine is in theory subject to the German green light. AFP


So say Norway who has no clue about the war, ga ki gong, ga ki song


Condolences to the parents of those kids killed in the RUS - UKR war. It was a senseless illegal war for a few sq miles of territorial conquest, such conquests that our forefathers had given their lives to end after 2 horrific world wars. Although the RUS leaders will try to hide such figures, unfortunately, it cannot be hidden.

1. During battles, soldiers from each unit would have to report how many are killed or wounded. None would be left to rot in battlefields.
2. Military or public doctors would have to issue death certificates, as such are needed by Insurance companies, pension funds & last salary payments to soldiers. Such figures are in the public sphere as such biz & public entities have to report outflow of such vast sums.
3. Coffins would have to be bought, and mostly would be from Russia for those KIA, as well as State Flags to drape the coffins. Should there be a spike is such production, it would be noticed.
4. There are many other trails to find the truth, & will be up to the Russian People to accept - official or otherwise.

Ultimately, may the Russian People seek within themselves - was the illegal & atrocious invasion & slaughter of both the UKR & RUS youths worth it...



One thing's for sure, there is no way that Russia can win this war. It'll be a stalemate which may drag on for some time (of even up to 2 years), the duration of which will depend on how much help the West is willing to supply more advance armaments to Ukraine and also how long more does Bloodymir Putin will remain in power.


I'm not a moslem like you. So I don't pray to idols. Have you bowed before your idols in the kaaba today?
You didn't view the attachment? I have some which are a bit pornographic where he kissed the idols genitals. Say you want to see and I will post it.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You didn't view the attachment? I have some which are a bit pornographic where he kissed the idols genitals. Say you want to see and I will post it.

Wow! You keep porn? Your mohammedan religion permits you to keep porn? Then again, your own fake prophet muhammad was a pedophile who broke his own islamic laws when they got in the way of his sex life.

syed putra

One thing's for sure, there is no way that Russia can win this war. It'll be a stalemate which may drag on for some time (of even up to 2 years), the duration of which will depend on how much help the West is willing to supply more advance armaments to Ukraine and also how long more does Bloodymir Putin will remain in power.

Mad putin may conscript another batch of russian soldiers to fight in Ukraine.
You need millions of armed men to invade a country as big as Ukraine.
Putin will have to invade the country entirely as its seeking compensation. A new country will be formed in the eastern side. Russia will need to rebuild the entire nation by itself. Russian majority areas will have the option to integrate with the motherland.
Western Europe will lose its source of cheap lng.
The act of withdrawal from eastern europe by russia in the hope for peace was not reciprocated as NATO expands eastward.


Wow! You keep porn? Your mohammedan religion permits you to keep porn? Then again, your own fake prophet muhammad was a pedophile who broke his own islamic laws when they got in the way of his sex life.
The porn is on Google dummy.
You are effectively denigrating your prophets described in your bible.