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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
And why not. They get economic boost with US military bases in their respective countries.

They get the economic boost with their local economies and banking system integrated with the rest of the civilized world, not from providing domestic services to the US bases. US bases in Europe are of moderate size. The largest US military bases are in the South Korea and Japan, not in Europe.


Alfrescian (Inf)


Andryi Petrenko
29 January 2023

leopard on a rat hunt​



It was reported that USA & Germany had issues over sending fighter jets to UKR for its valiant fight against the MYTHICAL might of RUS, whom have 17 borders to guard against, facing severe international SANCTIONS which will prevent any of further production of its illegal war efforts of conquest, its electorate on RUS over such brutal invasions that had left most of its naive youths to death, the money spent that could have elevated the lives of the RUS People on social expenditure, & much more...

May the valiant heroic UKR fighters NOT be disappointed. It is a MODERN war that is being waged in UKR. In the 1st HORRIFIC World war in the early 19th century, Bi-planes were believed to rule the skies. It did not. In the second Disastrous war in the 1940s, the bi-planes were a joke, & replaced with fast moving single winged planes, & towards the end of the war, fortunately for Humanity, jet power by the German Nazis never did took off as financially strapped Nazis was INCAPABLE of full production, or the result of WW2 would had been different.

Today, modern jet powered piloted aircrafts & its advances in tech will serve a critical purpose in battlefields, but itself is becoming fast obsolete with DRONE tech that can replace & save the critical life of pilots, ESPECIALLY with modern missile tech such as Patriot Missiles that can even take out bomber fleets flying within the atmosphere of Planet Earth. It will be a waste to send million dollar jets to UKR to fight against the proven pathetic MYTHICAL might of RUS military. Better to save those planes & pilots for more crucial surgical strike roles should it be necessary, & is unnecessary right now in UKR.

Rather, perhaps President Zelensky should question those-generals or politicians, whom are pushing for fighter jets, on their military competence or their financial records. A trap had been set by RUS leaders, to expand as much of Humanity's finances, efforts & resources in this war. Fighter jets are just another trap set. May President Zelensky & dedicated Generals not fall into such traps. Go for missiles instead, as it is far far cheaper in SUSTAINABLE costs & Human pilot lives.

It is a MODERN battlefield, & DEFENCE will need to evolve to save lives of citizens. Wars are NEVER won by planes or missiles, but by dedicated & courageous citizens whom are ABLE to hold the ground, to hide underground when bombs are pounded, & re-appear again, with the middle finger pointing towards the aggressors. Thus may UKR not fall into traps set by the enemy...

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SOS came across several Ukrainian men in Singapore lately, but didn't run into any ladies yet.
I again urge the SG Gov to allow Ukrainian women come to work as FDW and maids. Beats having Indons, Myanmar, CECAkroaches and Pinoys.

I will definitely support ukrainian economy by employing one.


It seems the anticipated STRIKE against UKR innocent fellow Humans by the BARBARIC RUS leaders had started today. May ALL UKR citizens stay calm. The moronic RUS leaders are only playing by a HIDEOUS rule book on aggression - to bomb ALL CIVILIAN structures such as electricity, to make UKR citizens be awed & KNEEL into submission to RUS domination & Rule.

The RUS leaders are PURE MORONS. Such tactics had LONG been anticipated. All it needs to WEATHER this pathetic man-made storm & not by Nature, is to simply hide underground each time early warnings are sounded off, to stay safe & alive. Foolish RUS leaders took pains NOW, after Human-wide criticism of its CRIMES against Humanity in targeting civilian structures such as residential homes, hospitals & even Kindergartens, sought to specifically target electrical power sources. Dumb & Dumber as they are, those power structures had already been LONG Shielded, & with spare modular parts to replace WITHIN hours.

So go ahead, may idiotic RUS leaders, let alone the already aware RUS Generals, officers & troops, that RUS had long lost the war in UKR, expand all its missiles as it had long depleted well trained troops & military equipment such as tanks & fighter jets/pilots in this illegal & foolish war that was never to protect RUS as UKR had never been a threat to RUS People, but only meant to prop up the FOOLISH self centered pride & ego of the BRUTAL RUS leaderships, that had costs HUNDRED THOUSANDS of innocent RUS youths their lives, & horrendous grief to many more RUS parents.

Should FREE Humanity wish to END the RUS empire, now is the best time, as half witted RUS leaders rule RUS today, as it is expanding EVERY military hardware it needs to secure itself against 17 borders, using ALL such in UKR now. With such resources used up in its futile war in UKR, it is time to make a move to carve out MORE territories it wishes, especially hungry China with 1.3 Billion mouths to feed, with the endless vast wheat fields in RUS, & more...

However, still, Humanity relies & had relied on the Rule of Law, International Law that our courageous Forefathers had gave their lives to uphold in the horrifying World Wars that saw so many, so many innocent lives misled & lost, rebuild a better World today for us to live in, with no more conquest ambitions....

Thus, should the RUS People wish to be dominated by other nations & other races, do support their imbecilic leaders, to expand ALL their missiles in their inventory in a stupid attempt to destroy UKR. Once those missiles are expended, as in the rule book of aggression, RUS tanks & troops will move in, but the rule book did NOT mention the RESPONSE by those whom had been aggrieved & saw the loss of their loved ones by such aggression. The RESPONSE by the proven & valiant them, supported by 7 Billion Humankind, will be - MAKE MY DAY.
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Russia deploys ships armed with tactical nuclear weapons for first time in 30 years, says Norway

Sravasti Dasgupta
Wed, 15 February 2023 at 10:40 pm SG

Russia has started deploying tactical nuclear weapons-armed vessels in the Baltic Sea for the first time in three decades, according to a Norwegian intelligence report.
The annual report released by the Norwegian Intelligence Service on 13 February states that the vessels belonged to Russia’s Northern Fleet, reported The New Voice of Ukraine.
The fleet’s warships regularly went to sea with nuclear weapons during the Soviet era, but this is the first time the Russian Federation has deployed them, the report stated.
“The key part of the nuclear potential is on the submarines and surface ships of the Northern Fleet,” it said.
“Tactical nuclear weapons are a particularly serious threat in several operational scenarios in which Nato countries may be involved.”
The intel report added that Russia also has submarine capabilities, anti-satellite weapons, and cyber capabilities that could threaten Norway.
The report comes ahead of Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine touches the one-year mark on 24 February.
The Norwegian intelligence report stated that the deployment of the vessels imply that Russia will continue to pose a threat to Norway and Nato.
“The ongoing tensions between Russia and the West mean that Russia will continue to pose the greatest nuclear threat to Nato, and therefore to Norway,” it said.
“It cannot be ruled out that a localised war could escalate into a wider conflict with direct military involvement of Russia, the United States, Nato, and Norway.”
Ukraine on Wednesday urged its allies to speed up the pace of military aid as Nato defence ministers prepared to meet for a second day on Wednesday.
“That is why speed is of the essence,” Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky said as Nato defence chiefs met in Brussels for two days of talks that continue on Wednesday.
“Speed in everything - adopting decisions, carrying out decisions, shipping supplies, training. Speed saves people’s lives.”
Russia has intensified attacks across a swathe of southern and eastern Ukraine in recent weeks.
The Russian Defence Ministry said on Telegram that its troops had broken through two fortified lines of Ukrainian defences on the eastern front.
Russia has called its war in Ukraine a “special military operation” and accused Nato of interfering.
Mr Putin has also issued warnings over the last year against “nuclear blackmail”, implying that he could be attempt to respond to threats with his own arsenal.
Additional reporting by agencies


Old Fart
Reagan's eloquent speech 41 yrs ago describing the Soviet Union, is applicable to Russia today. Totalitarianism is not the way.

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It was reported that RUS leaders AGAIN THREATENED World leaders over its support of UKR in the RUS illegal invasion of UKR. Such unhinged mentality by RUS leaders only leads one to ponder:-

1. Perhaps RUS leaders now had woken up to REALITIES. They know now that they cant fight against 7 billion strong Humanity & will eventually lose, sooner than later. Already the Free World is re-stockpiling its armaments, & even Asian nations are upgrading their armouries & weapon systems. With throwing everything at UKR, RUS faces economic doom, let alone being able to stockpile its armoury, while under sanctions.

They may have the raw materials & the Rouble$, but they lack the advance hi tech machineries for productivity as well the needed microchips. All they have are Human citizens & it is a HORROR to watch how RUS leaders would vilely throw their youths at frontlines as canon fodder to achieve a meaningless aim - to acquire a few miles of sovereign UKR land...

2. No Human would take kindly to threats or be bullied. That RUS leaders had done so yet again to only Humankind but even to its citizens, will only lead to a case of - either Humanity live on knees to RUS leaders, OR RUS leaders be eliminated. Make a guess at who will win in the end, even if unspeakable M.A.D nukes are used?

Perhaps the time has come for RUS leaders to do the necessary having woken up to realities - surrender to World Community & face a free & fair War Crimes Tribunal, have its own best lawyers & hope to survive. This way, NO ONE needs to die anymore...



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

MOSCOW: President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday (Feb 21) delivered a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine, suspending a bilateral nuclear arms control treaty, announcing new strategic systems had been put on combat duty and warning that Moscow could resume nuclear tests.

Speaking nearly a year to the day since ordering an invasion that has triggered the biggest confrontation with the West since the depths of the Cold War, Putin said Russia would achieve its war aims and accused the West of trying to destroy Russia.

"The elites of the West do not hide their purpose. But they also cannot fail to realise that it is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield," a defiant Putin told his country's political and military elite.

Cautioning the United States that it was stoking the war into a global conflict, Putin said that Russia was suspending participation in the New START Treaty, the last major arms control treaty between Moscow and Washington.

Signed by then-US President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, in 2010, the treaty caps the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads that the United States and Russia can deploy. It was due to expire in 2026.

"I am forced to announce today that Russia is suspending its participation in the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty," said Putin.

The Russian leader said, without citing evidence, that some people in Washington were thinking about resuming nuclear testing. Russia's defence ministry and nuclear corporation should therefore be ready to test Russian nuclear weapons if necessary, he said.

"Of course, we will not do this first. But if the United States conducts tests, then we will. No one should have dangerous illusions that global strategic parity can be destroyed," Putin said.

"A week ago, I signed a decree on putting new ground-based strategic systems on combat duty. Are they going to stick their nose in there too, or what?"

It was not immediately clear which ground-based systems had been put on combat duty. Putin said Ukraine had sought to strike a facility deep inside Russia where some of its nuclear bombers are based, a reference to the Engels air base.

Russia and the United States have vast arsenals of nuclear weapons left over from the Cold War and remain, by far, the biggest nuclear powers. Between them, they hold 90 per cent of the world's nuclear warheads.

The New START Treaty limited both sides to 1,550 warheads on deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine ballistic missiles and heavy bombers. Both sides met the central limits by 2018.

The impact of Russia's statement that it is suspending nuclear arms control talks is unclear and the US nuclear posture remains unchanged, State Department spokesman Ned Price said.

"It's unclear if there will be practical impact," Price said in an interview with CNN.

The United States announced publicly this year that Russia was not in compliance with the New START treaty, he said, so Washington will watch to see what steps Moscow actually takes.

"We haven't seen any reason to change our nuclear posture, our strategic posture just yet," said Price.


In essence, Putin is warning that he can dismantle the architecture of nuclear arms control - including the big powers' moratorium on nuclear testing - in an attempt to get the West to back off in Ukraine.

China, whose top diplomat Wang Yi arrived in Moscow on Tuesday, has cautioned against any nuclear escalation to the Ukraine war.

The Ukraine conflict is by far the biggest bet by a Kremlin chief since at least the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union - and a gamble Western leaders such as US President Joe Biden, who visited Kyiv on Monday, say he must lose.

Russian forces have suffered three major battlefield reversals since the war began but still control around one fifth of Ukraine. Tens of thousands of men have been killed on both sides.

Speaking for one hour and 45 minutes below a large emblem bearing the two-headed eagle of Russia, and flanked by a total of eight tricolour Russian flags, Putin vowed to continue until he achieved his aims in Ukraine.

Putin accused the US-led NATO alliance of fanning the flames of the conflict in the mistaken belief that it could defeat Moscow in a global confrontation.

"They intend to transform a local conflict into a phase of global confrontation. This is exactly how we understand it all and we will react accordingly, because in this case we are talking about the existence of our country," Putin said.

The United States says it is concerned Beijing may be considering supplying weapons to Russia, a step that would risk a potential escalation of the Ukraine war into a confrontation between Russia and China on the one side and Ukraine and the US-led NATO military alliance on the other.




It is regrettable that PrezPutin had AGAIN thrown the gauntlet to Humankind in his latest tirade akin to desperate Hitler, in its final SUICIDAL attempt to win over others whatever FOOLISH DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR that he, a former KGB agent, brainwashed by the evil STALIN attempts on RULING THE WORLD with its half baked moronic dreams, using NUKES as a means to threaten 7 billion Humankind yet again.

Make my day. Humanity had LONG been prepared for this moment, & WILL NEVER LIVE ON KNEES to any mortal again. PREPARATIONS had been done - physical & educational vaults filled with science, history & technology had been BUILT & HIDDEN throughout our planet, as it had been calculated that 30% of Humankind will survive, & HOPEFULLY, build a better World than today that had been CORRUPTED by self serving corrupted evil rulers of today.

The insignificant & nobody me & most WILL perish in a M.A.D nuke assault, but for the sake of our innocent loved ones, we must be prepared & sacrifice ourselves, so that they may live, & make a stand, to NEVER be bullied by any mortal being as such as PrezPutin is doing, whom had made 7 billion Humanity suffered thru high prices in oil & other commodities in its illegal invasion of UKR, amongst many MORE grievances attributed to this senseless war.

Our forefathers had done the same for us in the horrific two WORLD WARS in recent history. May their sacrifices not be in vain, & we this generation will do no less than what they had done for us, for the future progress & evolution of Humanity....

It is already evident of the unhinged mentality of RUS leaders by PrezPutin's speech today. It is only comprehensible that his bootlicking supporters will support his speech, but for the many mothers & fathers, relatives & friends of loved ones sent to be cannon fodder in UKR invasion, it is not comprehensible that they would not attempt to stop their leaders. Fear is comprehensible, but what is a life worth for if lived in fear & on knees?

The courageous RUS Spec Forces, under command of wise RUS military leaders whom did not fear to overthrow Gorbachev who was on a deadly wrong direction to lead the RUS civilization. Had the current RUS military commanders lost their courage, which is why they had lost in even a simple operation in UKR, & prefer to be sacked or be stabbed in the back for their failures over an impossible mission to challenge 7 billion Humankind?
