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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Isn't this good news ? Ukraine army should be able to fight back, push back all the way to Moscow !!!
President Comedian will have breakfast in Moscow tomorrow, going at the rate of what they claimed.
Ukrainian people voted for safety from any war. Comedian just play into US politics until his whole country destroyed
Either way Ukrainian people are screwed, by the hands of Russian, or forever paying back the debts by EU/USA


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The porn is on Google dummy.
You are effectively denigrating your prophets described in your bible.

Which prophet is being denigrated, you retard?

In contrast, you've been denigrating your own 'prophet' mahomet by constantly denying all his embarassing deeds recorded in your hadith scriptures.


Which prophet is being denigrated, you retard?

In contrast, you've been denigrating your own 'prophet' mahomet by constantly denying all his embarassing deeds recorded in your hadith scriptures.
What the last prophet, did was preceded by the prophets in your bible.
Go read your bible, even though it's full of errors, there remains some truth in there.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
What the last prophet, did was preceded by the prophets in your bible.
Go read your bible, even though it's full of errors, there remains some truth in there.

LOL!! You can't state any!!!

The Bible prophets are not pedophiles and bandits like your fake prophet 'muhammad'.

While I should always read the Bible, you should stop reading whatever version of the quran you have now because it is full of errors and it is a corrupted version of the Bible.


LOL!! You can't state any!!!

The Bible prophets are not pedophiles and bandits like your fake prophet 'muhammad'.

While I should always read the Bible, you should stop reading whatever version of the quran you have now because it is full of errors and it is a corrupted version of the Bible.
Now you're truly on the road to hell when your bible clearly states your prophet, and yet you deny them.

Here is one example of your version of your prophet:
"David engages in adultery with Bathsheba, driving him to order the death of her husband Uriah the Hittite."

You can Google more about your prophets in your bible.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Now you're truly on the road to hell when your bible clearly states your prophet, and yet you deny them.

It's clear that you have no idea about the Bible that you claim to have read. There's nothing in the Bible about going to hell for "denying prophet".

Here is one example of your version of your prophet:
"David engages in adultery with Bathsheba, driving him to order the death of her husband Uriah the Hittite."

Yup. The Bible doesn't give face to anyone, including a prophet. If a prophet sins, God will send someone to call him out. You missed out that part where Prophet Nathan called out King David for his adultery and murder?

It appears that you prefer a religion where people are forced to lie and cover up for the misdeeds of important people. You're already doing it. Aren't you denying that your mahomet was a pedophile and a bandit?


It's clear that you have no idea about the Bible that you claim to have read. There's nothing in the Bible about going to hell for "denying prophet".

Yup. The Bible doesn't give face to anyone, including a prophet. If a prophet sins, God will send someone to call him out. You missed out that part where Prophet Nathan called out King David for his adultery and murder?

It appears that you prefer a religion where people are forced to lie and cover up for the misdeeds of important people. You're already doing it. Aren't you denying that your mahomet was a pedophile and a bandit?
How horrible. God's Prophets are supposed to be the best example of a human being, yet your bible shows them otherwise?
Then your bible cannot be God's words.


The death counts of RUS youths are mind boggling & numbing.. And sadly, those figures are expected to rise even further as the war drags on. At least Humanity will understand the UKR soldiers plight - they were fighting to DEFEND their loved ones from RUS invaders whom had proven to be monsters, especially from the RUS Wagner group & deadly missiles from the brutal but FOOLISH animal Gen Surovikin.

UKR soldiers would be HONORED for their courage & sacrifices, their names enshrined into history books for next generations to come, but will the same be said for the RUS troops, mostly untrained, not even sure of what they are fighting for & thus undisciplined, innocent youths descending upon the path of darkness when they have the potential to contribute to RUS & Humanity if not dragged into this senseless war of pride, to die?

RUS leaders warned World leaders to not support the small UKR against the mythical might of RUS, often. It only shows that the RUS leaders are realistic, & knows that the fight cannot be won, thus their threats.

Germany's leopard tank is modern & lethal, but the insignificant nobody me laffed at the attempts of others to criticize Germany for holding back its tank support. It is only a main battle tank, but to be successful in tank battles, it needs support units. The UK Challenger tanks will be the main battle tanks for UKR, & the formidable USA Stryker tank will be the supporting elements for tank battles.

Most do not know about tanks, let alone the US Stryker tanks. It is not just one tank, but variations with different components that WILL be a gamechanger in the battlefield, against the old T-90 RUS tanks & infantry. USA has the Abrams tank as it mains battle tank, with the Stryker class tanks as support, & is a super tank, but it will only be used against formidable enemies. To use Abrams against the mythical RUS military would be a waste. The UK Challenger & Stryker class tanks alone will do the job well, operated by trained UKR tank troops or new UKR citizens with such tank experiences whom hold dual citizenship .

Once those modern & advanced tanks get into the battlefield for mop up operations after missiles & artillery had been expired...it will be a bloodbath of RUS troops dead & any remaining RUS military equipment destroyed. Missiles & artillery shells don't hold ground. Only soldiers do, a mistake the barbaric nutjob Gen Serovikin made.... As RUS leaders now realized & thus their futile threats.

Humanity would prefer to live in Peace & Stability, but sadly, RUS machinations & manipulations on World markets & the destabilizations upon their own economic aims had deprived Humanity of opportunities to grow, let alone survived, as critical fuel supplies, currency exchanges, food supplies, etc were sabotaged by RUS efforts, and for what - a few sq km of land in SOVEREIGN UKR, which was under a treaty by both USA & RUS to be protected in exchange for nukes held in UKR under the previous Soviet regime? So dont blame 7 Billion Humankind for supporting UKR.

RUS needs not Crimea, the prize it is fighting in UKR thru the tactic of invasion of other UKR lands than defending Crimea that the foolish Gen Surovikin had done when he pulled RUS troops out of Kherson territory. The need for access to Black Sea is STILL within RUS hands - thru its other border landholdings & allied ports such as greedy & corrupted African leaders.

RUS leaders had already woke up to realities. Now is time to take action. Pull back its forces. Crimea is not needed. Compensation for the damage done to UKR can be re - termed as assistance to help rebuild a country. OR do RUS Leaders want the inevitable - war crimes trials, humiliation & further defeats in battles, & ESPECIALLY - the loss of more precious RUS youths?

Once RUS pulls back its forces & assist UKR in rebuilding, most sanctions will end, with such good will build up over time, RUS will be granted economic access to the Black Sea thru Crimea, & it will prosper like Saudi Arabia, & with the right directions, it can be a powerful nation it seeks to be. This post is not done to help RUS leaders. IT is meant to SPARE the further loss of lives on both sides - RUS & UKR youths, as well as stability for Humanity to progress & evolve. Each life is precious & means something special to another. Instead of killing each other, we can help one another & build a better world for future of ourselves & loved ones...

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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
How horrible. God's Prophets are supposed to be the best example of a human being, yet your bible shows them otherwise?
Then your bible cannot be God's words.

The Bible is the Word of God. Unlike the moslem koran, the Bible is not subservient to prophets or kings. The Bible does not cover up when people, including prophets and kings, fall short of God's standards.

If you think the Bible cannot be God's words, then your arabian religion should kindly stop stealing Biblical people and content for its own arabic religion.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The death counts of RUS youths are mind boggling & numbing.. And sadly, those figures are expected to rise even further as the war drags on. At least Humanity will understand the UKR soldiers plight - they were fighting to DEFEND their loved ones from RUS invaders whom had proven to be monsters, especially from the RUS Wagner group & deadly missiles from the brutal but FOOLISH animal Gen Surovikin.

People only fear Russia because of its nukes. In WW2, if not for the US sending endless supply of modern military equipment to the USSR, the Nazis would have won on the Eastern Front. Today, US is still holding back and sending equipment to Ukraine piecemeal. The Russians of today are not ready to die in human wave attacks like back in the 1940s. And with today's improvement in artillery accuracy, the Russians would be dead before their mass attacks can hit home.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Isn't this good news ? Ukraine army should be able to fight back, push back all the way to Moscow !!!
President Comedian will have breakfast in Moscow tomorrow, going at the rate of what they claimed.

I think the war will either end in a current stalemate or with Ukraine taking back Crimea and some russian generals staging a coup to topple Putin.

The Allied forces are giving Ukraine enough equipment to win back their territory, not to stage offensive war to drive deep into Russia.


Today, yet again RUS leaders voiced outrage that Humanity is supplying advanced weapons to UKR. What do the RUS leaders expect - to be quiet & allow our fellow Humans in UKR to wiped out & genocided? RUS leaders had DISHONORED their 1991 treaty for the independence of UKR AND the 1994 treaty which transferred nukes back to RUS in provision RUS, USA & other signatories of the treaty WILL provide security for UKR's survival.

With such craven attitude by current RUS leaders, disrupting trade & its conventions when it has nothing to be trustworthy of which WILL bankrupt the life savings of Humankind as well as more critically - the ILLEGAL conquest of UKR whom it had signed to protect but dishonored, who DARES trust RUS leaders again? Thus don't blame Humanity for its support of UKR.

The fighting against the mythical might of RUS were done by the AWESOME courageous & resilient People of UKR. They sought for help & it WILL NOT be denied to them, more so by those whom were signatories & allies to the 1991 & 1994 treaties. If treaties are just a piece of paper to be discarded at will, then NONE will be safe from conquerors, that our brave forefathers had sacrificed their lives to destroy & gave us Humans today at least some peace to progress, prosper & evolve in many ways - science, tech, med, etc.

For the sake of peace & the precious Human lives on both sides, it is high time to pull back RUS forces in UKR, before a bloodbath ensues, as RUS leaders would be foolish to take on the ENTIRE World & 7 Billion + Humankind. Throwing another million RUS troops will NOT turn the tide, but only further deaths to clueless RUS youths given a rifle & forced to go to the frontline, to die for the pride of RUS leaders & NOT for their loved ones whom had not been attacked unlike the many UKR mothers, fathers & kids slaughtered by this cruel war from RUS leaders...

Valiant UKR troops, supported by Humanity, advanced to the frontlines not with hate, but only with love for those whom are behind & are protecting & defending them as a force. We as Humanity have no hate towards the RUS People, & even sympathize with them, especially for the RUS parents whom saw their beloved sons being FORCED to be conscripted to support the vainglorious atrocities of its Leaders & became canon fodder.

However, we Humanity had no choice, but to defend ourselves & way of life. Each time me & many others in battlefields, & with an enemy within firing sight, only needs 3 seconds to aim & 5g pressure to pull the trigger, but subconsciously within that 3 secs, we say a prayer & beg for forgiveness from the parents of the youth in sight, more so those whom had been fooled & forced to fight in aggressive senseless war such as the RUS-UKR war now, as we whom are civilized had been taught to follow the Golden Rule since young - to not harm others or be harmed by others. It's a case of either him dead, or if alive will only harm our loved ones later....

Sadly, RUS leaders knows not the language of Peace or love, but only the lingo of violence. World Human tribes had spoken, & thus their reactions, & more to come... May the RUS leaders wake up to realities & not foolish Götterdämmerung fantasies...

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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Today, yet again RUS leaders voiced outrage that Humanity is supplying advanced weapons to UKR. What do the RUS leaders expect - to be quiet & allow our fellow Humans in UKR to wiped out & genocided? RUS leaders had DISHONORED their 1991 treaty for the independence of UKR AND the 1994 treaty which transferred nukes back to RUS in provision RUS, USA & other signatories of the treaty WILL provide security for UKR's survival.

With such craven attitude by current RUS leaders, disrupting trade & its conventions when it has nothing to be trustworthy of which WILL bankrupt the life savings of Humankind as well as more critically - the ILLEGAL conquest of UKR whom it had signed to protect but dishonored, who DARES trust RUS leaders again? Thus don't blame Humanity for its support of UKR.

The fighting against the mythical might of RUS were done by the AWESOME courageous & resilient People of UKR. They sought for help & it WILL NOT be denied to them, more so by those whom were signatories & allies to the 1991 & 1994 treaties. If treaties are just a piece of paper to be discarded at will, then NONE will be safe from conquerors, that our brave forefathers had sacrificed their lives to destroy & gave us Humans today at least some peace to progress, prosper & evolve in many ways - science, tech, med, etc.

For the sake of peace & the precious Human lives on both sides, it is high time to pull back RUS forces in UKR, before a bloodbath ensues, as RUS leaders would be foolish to take on the ENTIRE World & 7 Billion + Humankind. Throwing another million RUS troops will NOT turn the tide, but only further deaths to clueless RUS youths given a rifle & forced to go to the frontline, to die for the pride of RUS leaders & NOT for their loved ones whom had not been attacked unlike the many UKR mothers, fathers & kids slaughtered by this cruel war from RUS leaders...

Valiant UKR troops, supported by Humanity, advanced to the frontlines not with hate, but only with love for those whom are behind & are protecting & defending them as a force. We as Humanity have no hate towards the RUS People, & even sympathize with them, especially for the RUS parents whom saw their beloved sons being FORCED to be conscripted to support the vainglorious atrocities of its Leaders & became canon fodder.

However, we Humanity had no choice, but to defend ourselves & way of life as RUS leaders knows not the language of Peace, but only the lingo of violence. World Human tribes had spoken, & thus the reactions, & more to come. May the RUS leaders wake up to realities & not foolish Götterdämmerung fantasies...

Russia originally had equal or even more advanced tanks than the Abrams. But Russia has outdated military tactics, and sent their own tanks forward without sufficient air and infantry support. As we saw, many Russian tanks were destroyed by cheap drones or by RPGs and now Russia is resorting to pulling tanks out of WW2 museums to be refitted for war today.

Russia is so fucked!

syed putra

Today, yet again RUS leaders voiced outrage that Humanity is supplying advanced weapons to UKR. What do the RUS leaders expect - to be quiet & allow our fellow Humans in UKR to wiped out & genocided? RUS leaders had DISHONORED their 1991 treaty for the independence of UKR AND the 1994 treaty which transferred nukes back to RUS in provision RUS, USA & other signatories of the treaty WILL provide security for UKR's survival.
US can anytime unilaterally pull out of any agreement. That includes nafta, salt II, tppa just to name three.

syed putra

Russia originally had equal or even more advanced tanks than the Abrams. But Russia has outdated military tactics, and sent their own tanks forward without sufficient air and infantry support. As we saw, many Russian tanks were destroyed by cheap drones or by RPGs and now Russia is resorting to pulling tanks out of WW2 museums to be refitted for war today.

Russia is so fucked!
Ukraine was given the chance to reconcile with mother russia. But they choose to side with the devil. So be it. The punishment for being defiant is torture and torment.total annihilation.

syed putra

As we all know, US does not tolerate competition.
China is now a vomoetitor and a existential threat to US hegemony.
But we missed out Europe and russia working together which will be far bigger than the US in terms of gdp, and similar level in terms of technology, finance and military. So US made sure that does not happen and looks like they are successful.
But according to thus guy, its not europe which worried the US. It is germany working closely with russia. And that cooperation must be destroyed.
