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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

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    Votes: 3 14.3%
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    Votes: 18 85.7%

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Alfrescian (Inf)
The Russian President Putin emptying the Russian Banks from Cash with the I owe you notes


10 January 2023

The New Russian Tsar​



Unicef had sent out an URGENT appeal to fellow Humankind in recent days, to help innocent kids still surviving, & hoping to survive in this CRUEL war & harsh winter, a senseless conflict created by RUS leaders for their own survival but NOT even for their own fellow Human Russians youths as FORCED soldiers sent to end up as corpses, untrained & unequipped & worse - forced to have their potential in life ROBBED by their RUS leaders.

Evil is NOT some instantly recognized being - horns on head, deadly eyes, a tail & hooves as feet. It lays WITHIN THE HEART of unevolved Humans, often unseen but only recognizable by their ACTIONS.

May we fellow Humans sharing this planet help donate to Unicef, to save innocent kids. They are our future. Having gone thru such ordeals, it will impact on them during their formative years, to remember the harm done, as we will never forget the harm done to them, & to us in similar situations decades ago & passed down for generations till it is resolved peacefully, which sadly, the RUS leaders had no intentions to do so by their harmful actions.

All it takes is only S$10. Alone, no matter how much money I can & will donate, will not even be able to buy a warm hoodie for ALL the kids, but when COMBINED with 7 Billion fellow Humans, it will tens of billions that will not only keep the kids warm with clothings, but even generators, clean water, etc, to survive.

FREE World leaders are doing their best within their budgets to defend Ukraine, a military commitment made after the awful 2 World Wars to end the partitioning & conquests of independent sovereign nations by evil & insane barbarians. The Ukrainains had proven much, much courage, resilence & much more in resistance & even uncommon bravery to fight back against tremendous powers . They DO NOT just fight for UKR, but for ALL nations on Earth whom seeks not to be bullied, a role model that must be supported if Humanity is to survive & be free from tyranny. They will NOT be abandoned, to fight alone. We, fellow Humans, will be their shield..

We whom live in peace can do no less for innocent fellow Humans. Those whom buy Louis Vutton bags, can opt for Charles & Keith products instead, as it is of similar quality & quality control than made in China controlled poor quality bags. Instead of a coffee at Starbucks in the morning, a cup at the neighborhood coffee shop can do its job to perk one up. It will be savings that can save innocent lives. Each life is precious & means something special to another...

Only by working TOGETHER, will we Humanity progress, evolve, for better world for ourselves & generations to come even if unable to comprehend the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to the stars, promised eon ago....
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It was reported that RUS leadership had replaced General Surovikin by General Gerasimov as the commander of its brutal invasion of UKR. It is a sign of RUS leadership impatience & CONTINUED insane foolhardiness.

Gen Surovikin made his name as the Butcher of Syria thru the use of missiles to whack defenseless & little supported Syrian Freedom fighters against the Syrian regime. He was only successful because it was another senseless war, as it left RUS to pour billions to rebuild Syria & made PrezPutin begged even EU to help, which was unanswered as EU are not fools, & Syria is another basket case in our World, relying on handouts.

Gen Surovikin became known as a successful warrior to the naive, & after months attempting to subjugate the resilient & courageous People of UKR, he was a desperate choice for PrezPutin, & after 3mths, with his order to leave Kherson, & then to bombard it with missiles, he failed, cause he, like morons, lived in a fantasy world, foolishly ASS U ME missiles are limitless. With 17 borders to guard, sanctions in place, roubles are only made of paper & will not become sophisticated missiles.

Thus, as REALITIES sank in, & his proven failures as Kherson still stands, he was replaced.

Gen Gerasimov is an old school military college trained army commander. He believed in the old school concept of war - the best defense is to attack, which still holds true today. By attacking, it will limit the enemy's attempt to attack but reduced to defense of its territory, & best of all, total destruction on the enemy's infrastructures than one's own territory. With his new appointment, it clearly now shows RUS strategy to the military uninitiated.

Crimea is, had been & will always be the main prize & objective of PrezPutin's insane invasion of Sovereign UKR & slaughter of thousands, including even his own troops, as a legacy & pride to his name. Sadly, when the war ends, he will only become as nefarious as Hitler by Humankind for generations...

To hold Crimea, it is necessary to ATTACK all other parts of UKR, to keep the UKR military forces in a quagmire of weapon stockpile & financial depletion, so that UKR will be so engaged, it will not even dare to think to attack Crimea to REGAIN back its territories. Most consider the current fighting in Soledar & Bakhmut as having no strategic value, but its TRUE strategic value to RUS leaders are that it is keeping UKR forces busy there whom will not make a move into Crimea & especially to its vital port - Sevastopol.

As RUS strategy is clearer now, it will be up to how UKR & its allies to make use of such to win. It is said - loose lips sink ships. With so much intel & help from Free World Humanity & leaders, as well as the courage within even its own citizens & military commanders, the insignificant nobody me am sure it will find ways to defeat its enemies.

PrezPutin was reported that he went to a church alone on Christmas. If he wanted an answer, it will be that the TRUE prophesied black flag had been raised yet again, this time against the inhumane & cruel RUS leaders....

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It was reported today that Soledar, a waste empty wasteland, of no strategic value to UKR, had been captured by the murderous Wagner mercenary group, although such claims had been disputed. But still, the barbarous CEO - Yevgeny Prigozhin - a mere uneducated chef whose specialty is serving lousy Pelmini to PrezPutin , boasts that it was his supposedly paid brutal mercenaries ALONE were responsible for the so called success, & even had the audacity to humiliate RUS defense minister, its institutions including FULLY trained RUS Generals & soldiers.

This sadly, is how bad the RUS invasion had gone, that a mere low classed uneducated chef became the military commander of the invasion, & how desperate PrezPutin is for victory, even if Pyrrhic, a symbolic gesture of grasping at straws to many more others more intelligent...

Yevgeny Prigozhin, being a low class chef, is only just another ambitious beast. Best PrezPutin realize the truth that he is playing with fire if he seeks to survive - ' fire is a good servant but a bad master' - an adage the insignificant nobody me & many others had warned Muslims Worldwide during the era of terrifying radically Islamic motivated Terrorism, that saw innocents Humans slaughtered, many more others living in fear for close to a decade, that was finally defeated & decimated when the TRUE black flag was raised in the battle of Raqqa..

My only wish to save lives, on both sides. Each life is precious & means something special to another. There HAS to be a pragmatic endgame. At the rate RUS leaders are going, the only endgame is the eventual dissolution of the Russian Federation, precious lives lost & much more, should its current course continues...


My only wish is that Putin takes out zelenski and let it be known that Putin will take out every zelenski replacement until they surrender.
Beats killing more soldiers.


It was reported that RUS leadership had replaced General Surovikin by General Gerasimov as the commander of its brutal invasion of UKR. It is a sign of RUS leadership impatience & CONTINUED insane foolhardiness.

Gen Surovikin made his name as the Butcher of Syria thru the use of missiles to whack defenseless & little supported Syrian Freedom fighters against the Syrian regime. He was only successful because it was another senseless war, as it left RUS to pour billions to rebuild Syria & made PrezPutin begged even EU to help, which was unanswered as EU are not fools, & Syria is another basket case in our World, relying on handouts.

Gen Surovikin became known as a successful warrior to the naive, & after months attempting to subjugate the resilient & courageous People of UKR, he was a desperate choice for PrezPutin, & after 3mths, with his order to leave Kherson, & then to bombard it with missiles, he failed, cause he, like morons, lived in a fantasy world, foolishly ASS U ME missiles are limitless. With 17 borders to guard, sanctions in place, roubles are only made of paper & will not become sophisticated missiles.

Thus, as REALITIES sank in, & his proven failures as Kherson still stands, he was replaced.

Gen Gerasimov is an old school military college trained army commander. He believed in the old school concept of war - the best defense is to attack, which still holds true today. By attacking, it will limit the enemy's attempt to attack but reduced to defense of its territory, & best of all, total destruction on the enemy's infrastructures than one's own territory. With his new appointment, it clearly now shows RUS strategy to the military uninitiated.

Crimea is, had been & will always be the main prize & objective of PrezPutin's insane invasion of Sovereign UKR & slaughter of thousands, including even his own troops, as a legacy & pride to his name. Sadly, when the war ends, he will only become as nefarious as Hitler by Humankind for generations...

To hold Crimea, it is necessary to ATTACK all other parts of UKR, to keep the UKR military forces in a quagmire of weapon stockpile & financial depletion, so that UKR will be so engaged, it will not even dare to think to attack Crimea to REGAIN back its territories. Most consider the current fighting in Soledar & Bakhmut as having no strategic value, but its TRUE strategic value to RUS leaders are that it is keeping UKR forces busy there whom will not make a move into Crimea & especially to its vital port - Sevastopol.

As RUS strategy is clearer now, it will be up to how UKR & its allies to make use of such to win. It is said - loose lips sink ships. With so much intel & help from Free World Humanity & leaders, as well as the courage within even its own citizens & military commanders, the insignificant nobody me am sure it will find ways to defeat its enemies.

PrezPutin was reported that he went to a church alone on Christmas. If he wanted an answer, it will be that the TRUE prophesied black flag had been raised yet again, this time against the inhumane & cruel RUS leaders....

Fucking propaganda



Yet another atrocity by RUS leaders in the RUS invasion of UKR. Killing courageous UKR men defending their homeland is not enough, it CONTINUES to SLAUGHTER even civilians for close to year now - kindergartens, schools, markets, hospitals, residential homes, etc. Although many kind FREE World leaders had expressed condemnation at the highest levels on such attacks, nothing stops the evil RUS leaders & their brainwashed troops.

What had those non-combatant civilian did to Russia & Russians? For sure an UKR baby could never hold a rifle & be considered a combatant. What crime had they committed that they deserve the max penalty of death by RUS leaders? Collateral damage is often used as an excused in wars, but DELIBERATE bombing of civilian infrastructures & precious innocent lives as evident by RUS invasion?

No. Humanity MUST NOT be SANTIZED by such RUS Atrocities & MUST support UKR actions to save their fellow citizens, as well as fighting FOR all Humankind against tyranny from RUS - it troops & soon to be terrorist Wagner mercenary troops NOW.

Despite the so called support from Free World leaders in terms of finances & weapons, little came forth. Thus, EACH UKR will have to take matters into their hands, to respond to RUS atrocities, & serve justice upon the brutal RUS leaders, or else such atrocities will only continue. Beasts know not the language of Peace, only the language of VIOLENCE.

That apartment building with many missing & dead, may had some whom were related by family ties to soldiers of the frontline. Each UKR soldier does not fight alone for himself or his loved ones only, as in a war, there is NO way a soldier can fight alone to save loved ones. But UNITED as a force, it fights for ALL families & loved ones, to stop the hideous monstrosity RUS leaders had became.

There is NO such thing as passing the buck when it comes to slaughter of innocents, as each has the Earth born right of Free Will. By giving the order or pressing the button to launch a missile to kill innocents, one becomes an accessory to MURDER. May Ukranians - civilians & soldiers alike, not grief or weep anymore, but to channel that anger & bitterness into action upon the guilty - RUS leaders & their combat commanders. Let them NEVER ever again to have a nite's sleep. They are in Kremlin, Crimea & onboard missile frigates in the Black sea that would need to harbor to replenish fuel & stocks. Their names are listed, right down to the soldier whom pressed the button. There is nowhere to hide. WE will find you...

May UKR citizens & soldiers alike, - organize, plan, train, rehearse, rehearse & then rehearse again to bring those evil commanders to justice, as we Humanity did to those whom started the horrifying two World wars where millions, mostly innocents died. Those whom started the war & perpetrated it are most certainly legitimate targets of war, being combatants. The concept of war is NOT to die for one's own country, but to make the enemies DIE for their own country, crimes & brainwashed beliefs. Accept the RUS troops whom surrendered & treat them according to Geneva Conventions of war, but never hesitate to destroy the enemy who persists to fight on for their barbarity upon innocents.

On a side note, it is thankful that some kind nations are giving UKR tanks. However, tanks must be judiciously used. Example - it will only be after massive missile attack upon Sevastopol, when most of its artillery & defenses are destroyed, can UKR tanks be use as mop up operations, never ever before. It is such strategy that RUS leaders are using now on Luhansk - to wipe out all resistance with massive missile attacks, & then roll in the tanks. Thus, may those in the heavy battle zones be prepared with anti-tank defenses to repel the villainous RUS strategies...
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syed putra

Putin giving ukraine one year to negotiate.
Once that date is reached, there will be a invasion, unlike the special Military operation currently.
I just wondered if putin needed to secure the western border of Ukraine to prevent military equipment ftom coming in, or just go all the way right through till russian army reaches polish birder.


Putin ally warns of nuclear war if Russia loses in Ukraine
Former president Dmitry Medvedev says Nato should think about the risks of its policy on Russia. (AP pic)

MOSCOW: Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, an ally of Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin, warned the Nato today that the defeat of Russia in Ukraine could trigger a nuclear war.

“The defeat of a nuclear power in a conventional war may trigger a nuclear war,” Medvedev, who serves as deputy chairman of Putin’s powerful security council, said in a post on Telegram.

“Nuclear powers have never lost major conflicts on which their fate depends,” said Medvedev, who served as president from 2008 to 2012.

Medvedev said Nato and other defence leaders, due to meet at Ramstein Air Base in Germany tomorrow to talk about strategy and support for the west’s attempt to defeat Russia in Ukraine, should think about the risks of their policy.

Russia and the US, by far the largest nuclear powers, hold around 90% of the world’s nuclear warheads.

Putin is the ultimate decision maker on the use of nuclear weapons.
While Nato has conventional military superiority over Russia, when it comes to nuclear weapons, Russia has nuclear superiority over the alliance in Europe.

Putin casts Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine as an existential battle with an aggressive and arrogant west, and has said that Russia will use all available means to protect itself and its people against any aggressor.


Russia’s Feb 24 invasion of Ukraine has triggered one of the deadliest European conflicts since World War II and the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the west since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

The US and its allies have condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as an imperial land grab, while Ukraine has vowed to fight until the last Russian soldier is ejected from its territory.

Since a grim New Year’s Eve message describing the west as Russia’s true enemy in the war on Ukraine, Putin has sent several signals that Russia will not back down.

He has despatched hypersonic missiles to the Atlantic and appointed his top general to run the war.

Putin said yesterday that Russia’s powerful military-industrial complex was ramping up production and was one of the main reasons why his country would prevail in Ukraine.

Russia’s nuclear doctrine allows for a nuclear strike after “aggression against the Russian Federation with conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is threatened”.

Washington has not detailed what it would do if Putin ordered what would be the first use of nuclear weapons in war since the US unleashed the first atomic bomb attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

Medvedev, 57, who once presented himself as a reformer who was ready to work with the US to liberalise Russia, has recast himself since the war as the most publicly hawkish member of Putin’s circle.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Medvedev has repeatedly raised the threat of nuclear chaos and used insults to describe the west.

Russia has 5,977 nuclear warheads while the US has 5,428, China 350, France 290 and the UK 225, according to the Federation of American Scientists.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Putin ally warns of nuclear war if Russia loses in Ukraine
Former president Dmitry Medvedev says Nato should think about the risks of its policy on Russia. (AP pic)

MOSCOW: Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, an ally of Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin, warned the Nato today that the defeat of Russia in Ukraine could trigger a nuclear war.

“The defeat of a nuclear power in a conventional war may trigger a nuclear war,” Medvedev, who serves as deputy chairman of Putin’s powerful security council, said in a post on Telegram.

“Nuclear powers have never lost major conflicts on which their fate depends,” said Medvedev, who served as president from 2008 to 2012.

Medvedev said Nato and other defence leaders, due to meet at Ramstein Air Base in Germany tomorrow to talk about strategy and support for the west’s attempt to defeat Russia in Ukraine, should think about the risks of their policy.

Russia and the US, by far the largest nuclear powers, hold around 90% of the world’s nuclear warheads.

Putin is the ultimate decision maker on the use of nuclear weapons.
While Nato has conventional military superiority over Russia, when it comes to nuclear weapons, Russia has nuclear superiority over the alliance in Europe.

Putin casts Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine as an existential battle with an aggressive and arrogant west, and has said that Russia will use all available means to protect itself and its people against any aggressor.


Russia’s Feb 24 invasion of Ukraine has triggered one of the deadliest European conflicts since World War II and the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the west since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

The US and its allies have condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as an imperial land grab, while Ukraine has vowed to fight until the last Russian soldier is ejected from its territory.

Since a grim New Year’s Eve message describing the west as Russia’s true enemy in the war on Ukraine, Putin has sent several signals that Russia will not back down.

He has despatched hypersonic missiles to the Atlantic and appointed his top general to run the war.

Putin said yesterday that Russia’s powerful military-industrial complex was ramping up production and was one of the main reasons why his country would prevail in Ukraine.

Russia’s nuclear doctrine allows for a nuclear strike after “aggression against the Russian Federation with conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is threatened”.

Washington has not detailed what it would do if Putin ordered what would be the first use of nuclear weapons in war since the US unleashed the first atomic bomb attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

Medvedev, 57, who once presented himself as a reformer who was ready to work with the US to liberalise Russia, has recast himself since the war as the most publicly hawkish member of Putin’s circle.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Medvedev has repeatedly raised the threat of nuclear chaos and used insults to describe the west.

Russia has 5,977 nuclear warheads while the US has 5,428, China 350, France 290 and the UK 225, according to the Federation of American Scientists.

That is internal politics/
How many allies Pitin got in the international community to fight against NATO??

Putin's allikes - North Korea, Iran???