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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Silly old man....so is Humanity to kneel down, grovel before any World leader who threatens the use of nukes?

Ever since the invention of nukes, Humankind already know of the consequences, & research studies had been done long ago. It is expected that 70% of Human population will die, including myself, as it will not be a single nuke launch, but MULTIPLE launches from every nation that has nukes, to be fired upon the nation that use nuke strike first. It will be Mutually Assisted Destruction upon all nations on Earth.

However, plans had already been made. Bunkers for Humans. Seeds from every plant & animal life had been collected & stored deep underground, so too every up to date technology & knowledge, hidden away in safe regions. Such will help to RESTART Human civilization again, as 30% of Humankind will survive - not all regions will be inundated with nukes or radiation - hopefully, build a better world than the one we are living in.

Should RUS launches nukes, Humanity's response will be to turn the entire RUS landmass into a sheet of radiated glass, that even those elites in RUS bunkers will not survive.

So go ahead, crazy old man. Humanity WILL NOT live on knees to any mortal being again. We will STAND & fight till the last days, for ourselves & our loved ones Earthborn Rights & sustainability, come what may, face even doomsday nukes, as our forefathers had done in the face of tyranny, so that our loved ones & their generations whom will survive, will live in a better World than today's greed fill RUS self interest akin to Hitler's Götterdämmerung policy which almost ended German civilization.
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Just another scare mongering tactics by Bloodymir Putin's lapdog. If I were the West, just nuke Moscow and St Petersburg. Remember, if a fight is inevitable, then you must be the first one to strike in order to win.

orh mee suah

Uncle Sam is using troops and equipment from Ukraine and Nato countries to wear the Russians down.
He stands a better chance at defeating a tired enemy. Old stratagem.


Just another scare mongering tactics by Bloodymir Putin's lapdog. If I were the West, just nuke Moscow and St Petersburg. Remember, if a fight is inevitable, then you must be the first one to strike in order to win.
Strike your head lah strike. You think Russia nukes all store there? Next thing u know 10 war heads heading up ur ass hole. Ow! :x3:

syed putra

China and India already backstabbed Russia.
India declared its stand on Russia that it is not a time of war. but wants only oil and gas (opportunists)
As long as india and china buys russian oil, it should be good enough as smaller nations are too petrified to annoy the US.
In any case, US has just destroyed one of its biggest competitor, the EU with russia economically intertwined as it chsllenges and threatens the US economically, financially and militarily. It is as big but if fragmented into smaller states, it is weak.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

As long as india and china buys russian oil, it should be good enough as smaller nations are too petrified to annoy the US.
In any case, US has just destroyed one of its biggest competitor, the EU with russia economically intertwined as it chsllenges and threatens the US economically, financially and militarily. It is as big but if fragmented into smaller states, it is weak.


Both CCP and CECA with no proper birth control causing so, much burden to the world.


Strike your head lah strike. You think Russia nukes all store there? Next thing u know 10 war heads heading up ur ass hole. Ow! :x3:
people with bird brain will tell u russia nukes are actually toys for show. you would be amazed how these people loved to
reveal their low level of IQ by consistently making stupid remarks


Strike your head lah strike. You think Russia nukes all store there? Next thing u know 10 war heads heading up ur ass hole. Ow! :x3:
You think Bloodymir Putin can be bothered with a tiny red dot? He's already in a very predicament status presently because if the war will drag on beyond February 2023, his credibility to his nation and the world will totally be tarnished. That is why recently, he was asking for negotiations (to compromise for a quick end to the war), but claimed that it was Ukraine (and the West) which don't want to negotiate. Everyone can see for themselves that he's already being very desperate, except you, a Bloody Naive And Useless Pussy.
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China and India already backstabbed Russia.
India declared its stand on Russia that it is not a time of war. but wants only oil and gas (opportunists)

and yet stupid putler russkis don't offer free nukes to iran, doesn't recognize afghan taliban and befriend other anti Western countries, specially Muslim parties and regions so that they can topple pro-western puppet regimes like al saud al nahyan sisi regimes.

yet when it comes to tiongs and ceca stupid russkies opened their vault and offered pretty much all 2nd tier or below weapons, even nuclear powered subs SSBN were leased to ceca virus. what more could russkies have done? have they helped in any way apart from buying some oil and gas and diverting some trade? just stupid.

instead of threatening to launch nukes on yanks, which are just empty threats, just sign currency swap agreements with yemeni houthis, afghan taliban, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Palestine, Venezuelan regime etc etc. then they can pay you in roubles for your icbm, hgv, thermonukes. the idea is to arm as many anti yankee regimes and countries as possible with the most deadly most powerful most destructive weapons i.e thermonukes or higher.

they need to deliver the payloads, so if you need to supply hypersonic glide vehicles, HGV, so be it. export them, earn paper money which is not of much use in any case, and blast yankees out of orbit.


there goes gayropean and western daydreams of crushing russkies.

but would the coward russkies possess the balls to sell nukes and HGV atop icbms to all these parties and countrries? or just too cowardly?

If I were putin I would have sent 1000 nukes to Iran for free and 200 ICBM to Iran for free. Ditto for Afghan Taliban. Establish diplomatic ties with Afghan Taliban immediately, no delays then send 1000 nukes and 200 icbm with Hypersonic Glide Vehicles.

That'd be a good starting point for reshaping the global order.