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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .



Russia-Ukraine war: Russian forces launch 76 missiles in a day; at least three dead​


What can the West and US do?
Fucking useless and waste of their stockpiles. Imagine 76 missiles fired and only 3 dead. What a fucking loser? With America's Patriot anti-missiles on the way, Russia will face the eventual consequences. With the microchips sanctions against Russia, they will have no means to build more missiles guidance systems and also when their oil and gas facilities will need maintenance and repairs (as they operate in very hostile cold climate conditions), they will have no means to do so due to their lack of electronic chips and Western technologies.
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A cold and dangerous winter_ Russia’s gift to Ukraine - Russia-Ukraine war News - Al Jazeera .jpg


The brave Ukrainians won't freeze to death. They can always burn fire woods to keep warm. Isn't this what civilizations had been doing before the advent of electricity?

Fucking Bloodymir Putin is a real loser. When they cannot attack military to military, they attack civilian infrastructures. What a fucking coward leader?


This is the best from a comedian

Ukraine war: Russia could launch more heavy strikes, Zelensky warns​

Local officials said as many as nine power facilities were hit as Russian forces fired 76 missiles and carried out drone attacks.
Kharkiv's mayor said the city suffered "colossal" damage.
One resident, Anastaisa, told the BBC the strikes began on Friday morning.
"In a matter of minutes, the lights started blinking," the mother of a two-month-old child said.
"Just 10 seconds later, we were out of power, everything just went still and that's it."



Dear Mr Rus, never ever under-estimate any Human.

President Zelensky is the titular leader of a nation, with very, very heavy responsibilities to his People, more so when facing an illegal invasion by a bigger & mythical powerful foreign country. While some may presume he is merely asking for help, but being the leader, he has full access to national & international intel reports, collected by agents & analyzed by intel analysts & experts on Human behaviour.

And according to proven Maslow theory on needs, PrezPutin is at the age whereby he seeks to leave a legacy behind, to be worshipped as a saviour or hero of RUS, & thus his foolish & narrow self defeating determination to CONQUER UKR at any costs-no matter how many lives he needs to kill, to keep his sadly demented legacy alive. Thus, it may not be impossible that a RUS foolish ground invasion is yet to come. Unfortunately, the reality is that it is one thing to get troops to invade, & quite another for the troops to succeed, more so against the proven courageous & resilient UKR soldiers & civilians, with full support form 7 Billion Humankind, after 8mths of suffering, torturing & deaths....

There is a bigger picture involved than most would presume. For simple understanding, do allow me to analogize the RUS invasion as a poker game of the big picture, of the high stakes involved.

5 represented players on the poker table - RUS, US, EU, China, UNGA.

After rounds of game, RUS had lost consistently. His chips are getting lesser & lesser, & in a final round based upon table money, he threw it all & had a good card, so as he had the best card, he unfortunately called for a SHOW HAND. Unknown to him, the other players have BETTER cards than him. In a poker game, it is not necessarily having an ACE would win. He lost yet again, as the others had better cards.

With no chips on the table, he demanded to play another round. He promised everything - his endless fertile agricultural lands, his weapons, his citizens' future, whom voted for him & foolishly believed in him even in UKR, etc. The other players only smiled....

The insignificant nobody had played in high stakes card games before, & seen such DESPERATE cases happening - the loser even willing to pledged his wife, his kids, his properties, his family fortunes, for just one more final round. But a card game has its rules - only money on the table - only play what you can afford to lose, more so after a bad run. I would advise the loser not to play anymore, take a break. It's only recreation among gentlemen, but unfortunately, there are others whom have motivations other than mine. I just simply & sadly walked away from the game, even as I had far more chips on the table & cash-case than what he proposed in value, unwilling to partake in only a tragedy for the loser proven by calculated odds even within the little known realm of Quantum & Human behavioural Mechanics....

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Russia is not at war with Ukraine, she is merely teaching Zelensky a lesson for obeying or being used by the West and US
All the comedian needs is to promise Putin, Ukraine will never join NATO or even think about it now or in the future
The price for not delivering the promise is very expensive.


Some 140,000 residential buildings have been destroyed in Ukraine since the Russian invasion started.
Iryna Vereshchuk, Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories, said this in an interview with Ukraine's FREEDOM TV channel, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.
"You can see the extent of destruction. Only one figure - 140,000 residential buildings destroyed. This is only data on residential buildings, not to mention the infrastructure," she said.
Vereshchuk turned to Ukraine's international partners and "those who decide how much money, in what way and when to transfer to Ukraine for support."
"Unfortunately, we are dying on our own land - we pay for principles and values with the blood and lives of our civilians. You are preparing for a cold war, a cold winter, and this will also be part of your war. Let's unite our efforts, let's not stop the dynamics, let's talk about only increasing [aid to Ukraine]. […] And this will only save us all from a larger-scale war on all continents," the official said.


What a fucking false impression? If a country runs by Bloodymir Putin is so good as claimed, there wouldn't be hundreds of thousands of its civilians and citizens running away from their homeland presently. What a fucking nerd to claim as such, especially from a coward who lives in Slumland Yishun? Even my 6-year old nephew will also know this logic.

On the other hand, the people of Ukraine are so willing for fight for their own country's survival and even their leader is always seen on the battlefield himself and also visiting his soldiers in hospitals to give moral support whilst the fucking Bloodymir Putin can only be seen at his Big Oval Table fucking his commanders for their incompetence. See the difference between these 2 leaders?

When the Patriot anti-missiles will arrive, most of those Russian missiles will become redundant. Besides, the fucking Russians are now running low on their stockpiles such that they have to buy those lousy alternatives from North Korea and Iran. Those 2 latter countries will suffer from even more sanctions in 2023.

KNNBCCB, I have to start such a beautiful Sunday morning with my curse. With 76 missiles fired and only 3 got killed, KNNBCCB this type of news is better not to announce as it's such a big disgrace and failure displayed by the aggressor. Even a simple landslide caused by the FUCKING BASTARD GOD THE DOG in Genting will have already killed 21, so what is 3 being killed by 76 missiles? A BIG FUCKING DISGRACE INDEED. Death after all is nothing to me as living in this world is just a transit and everyone will have to face death eventually.
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I thank Putin for listening to my advise to hit Ukraine harder.
However that is not hard enough. Eventually Putin, you must take out Zelensky, so that whoever takes over will be hesitant to listen to the west telling them to commit suicide.
May you die a horrible death together with your family this Christmas. And don't even tell me about Karma because I never believe in all this shit. When it's time to go, it's time to go.

Biggest Loss in One Day: The Ukrainian Army Fired Hundreds of Missiles at the Russian Army:​

Russia Lost Control: The Gates Of The Baltic Closed To Russia!:​

Russian tank brigade has completely FALLEN! Ukraine trapped Russia in the East!:​

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This is how and why those ancient Russian tanks failed.

Why does this happen to all Russian tanks? / real footage frome Ukraine​



It was reported in the news TODAY that President Putin is willing to negotiate to end the UKR war. What some may had missed was that he no longer set the conditions that he did when he sacrificed his troops, funds, stockpiles, etc to conquer another country, as well as now finally acknowledging his invasion into another sovereign nation is war & not some flimsy 'special ops' excuse.

Equally, most sides & Humanity want the senseless war to end, which had disrupted our economies, evolution & most importantly - loss of precious Human lives on all sides - combatants & innocent civilians.

Most had considered President Putin's desire to end the war as INSINCERE, thus RUS leaders will HAVE TO show sincerity. The biggest stumbling block for negotiations are the troops still in sovereign UKR. The best form of SINCERITY by RUS leaders are to WITHDRAW its troops from UKR NOW, let them at least enjoy the festivities of this cold season with their loved ones, & for negotiations to begin.

However, to ensure RUS gains in its ILLEGAL invasion by international rules based standards, & show sincerity BUT without any loss to its gains & 'face', all RUS leaders need to do is to:-

a)Place mines in every strategic parts of their illegally occupied sectors. Then have EACH mine placed be REGISTERED & RECORDED by GPS location, set up barricades & signposts ACCORDING to Geneva conventions to warn all of mined areas, that will take years if not decades to de-mine.

The purpose is that if the true aims are not achieved, RUS can easily return to their occupied territories & resume the senseless & costly war, thru the many porous borders between UKR & RUS, & even from the Black Sea, a war that RUS can never win, not with 7 Billion Humanity & funds supporting UKR...

However, should negotiations go well, with aims achieved, those registered & recorded mined locations will be handed over to UKR for a quicker process of de-mining.

As for President Zelensky, he had done a great job in motivating & protecting his nation, along with support from Humankind. However, may he also be aware that Humankind DOES NOT want this war to be a forever war, harming lives, economies & evolution worldwide. Only diplomatic solutions can prevent it from turning it into a forever war, thru dialogue, discussions & compromises, to live..& let live...so that ALL Humankind may progress & evolve, as we have far more critical issues to deal with for the present & future innocent generations to come...

The new year is only a few days away...the clock...is ticking...


What a fucking false impression? If a country runs by Bloodymir Putin is so good as claimed, there wouldn't be hundreds of thousands of its civilians and citizens running away from their homeland presently. What a fucking nerd to claim as such, especially from a coward who lives in Slumland Yishun? Even my 6-year old nephew will also know this logic.
The number of russian prostitutes around the world looking for tan chiak is enough evidence.


Old Fart
Pfft, blah blah blah.

Putin: Russia will destroy US Patriot missiles​

Katie O'Neill
25 December 2022 • 5:01pm
Ukrainian servicemen stand as self-propelled artillery is fired at Russians on a front line in the Kharkiv region - Evgeniy Maloletka / AP

Ukrainian servicemen stand as self-propelled artillery is fired at Russians on a front line in the Kharkiv region - Evgeniy Maloletka / AP

Vladimir Putin said he was "100 percent" confident that his forces would destroy the Pentagon's most advanced air defence system that US President Joe Biden has promised to send to Ukraine.

"Of course we will destroy it, 100 percent!" Mr Putin said, referring to the Patriot missile battery in extracts of an interview aired on Russian television.

In another extract from the interview, the Russian president said he is ready to negotiate but Kyiv and its Western backers have refused to engage in talks.

"We are ready to negotiate with everyone involved about acceptable solutions, but that is up to them - we are not the ones refusing to negotiate, they are," Mr Putin said in an interview on Russian state TV.

"I believe that we are acting in the right direction, we are defending our national interests, the interests of our citizens, our people. And we have no other choice but to protect our citizens," he added.
