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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Alfrescian (Inf)
What a shame? @Loofydralb abang lives in a HDB flat in Slumland Yishun with open air car park. He takes the MRT for his daily commute and couldn't even afford GRAB. In today's aspect, he's considered a total failure at his age, because he still has to depend on government subsidy. I don't even want to apply for the CHAS card because I don't feel the need to anyway.

If you can show me your account balance of above half a million dollars, then you can continue to boast here. Otherwise, you'll have to sell your Pussy in Desker Road. I doubt you even qualify for the Prime Orchard areas.
I have already posted regarding my financial status so of course I cannot show you any half million dollars so what are you ranting about? I can show you my superior IQ though.


I have already posted regarding my financial status so of course I cannot show you any half million dollars so what are you ranting about? I can show you my superior IQ though.
I know you don't have half a million dollars and I don't expect you to have anyway. But as for your superior IQ? Ha ha. What a nerd? Self praise is no praise. Don't you even know this?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I know you don't have half a million dollars and I don't expect you to have anyway. But as for your superior IQ? Ha ha. What a nerd? Self praise is no praise. Don't you even know this?
Its not very superior in an absolute sense, but compared to yours then its superior.


I have a few aunties. Which one are you referring to?
I thought you had suffered from Endometrial Cancer and had your womb, fallopian tubes and uterus all removed already? In such a scenario, you should have no more mensus for the rest of your life anymore, isn't it?


How did you get to know about this? Did Loofy PM you too?
You had better get your lymph nodes checked and a biopsy be done as well. Endometrial cancer can easily spread to the surrounding lymph nodes. I'm saying this for your own good. By the way, can you stop mentioning PMs. These are so outdated nowadays, don't you know?


@aquilonian, Hey Pussy, stop disturbing this thread with your nonsense. If you want to continue, start a new thread of your own and we'll continue from there. Don't distract from the original topic of this thread if you still have some sense of responsibility and if you also want some respect from the other forumers here.


MORONONIC RUS leaders had claimed that destroying civilian infrastructures are LEGITIMATE targets. As RUS & UKR had declared war upon each other, so too are the civilian infrastructures IN RUS AND THUS considered LEGITIMATE targets, let alone military targets. The morons in RUS leadership knows not what they are saying! It is NOW AN AUTHORIZATION by foolish RUS leaders to BEGIN OPENING the war right into the heart of RUS by Ukrainians WITH support from 7 Billion Humankind!

The RUS leaders now have the cheek to claim it will respond with PRE-EMPTIVE strikes. So what was the so called 'RUS special operations into UKR in Feb 2022'? - a walk in the park OTHER than already a PRE-EMPTIVE strike to kill innocent UKR citizens & destroy their infrastructures - homes, schools, hospitals, power stations, etc, including a MISERABLY FAILED ATTEMPT by RUS to capture UKR capital Kyiv?

May both UKR troops & civilians do not fear what had happened at Odessa last night. The RUS leaders had genocidly intend to FREEZE innocent civilians to death thru such destruction. It is only electrical cables or MODULAR parts of power stations & CAN be replaced, if need be, CANNIBALIZED from other power stations & resources as repairs, so that NO Ukrainian will freeze.

The heroic UKR troops & civilians are a role model to the rest of Humanity whom may not be able to share in the MYTH of bigger nations, & UKR had DISPEL such myths by their out-of-this world resistance. As long as ONE Ukrainian still stands, RUS leaders will have to answer for their horrific crimes against Humanity & rules based order agreed by UN & the UN security council, that had suffered the horrific wars of past & will not allow the sacrifices by our forefathers whom fought for peace to go in vain.



Failure after failures, compounding mistakes with even far worse mistakes in the invasion of UKR, are the RUS leaders Human? Why had PrezPutin chose to remain silent, & left his dogs to speak on his behalf again?

After the illegal annexation of parts if not whole of UKR by its FAILED attempt to capture UKR capital city, what had foolish & naive Russian speaking Ukrainians in ASS U Me they are citizens of a powerful country now proven a myth, so too ill equipped & confused RUS troops whom had refused to think thoroughly on what they are fighting for in an invasion by RUS in another sovereign nation, torture & killing innocents, born by mainland RUS mothers now crying over their sons, whom trusted the current RUS leadership, gained?....

Forced evacuations, deprivations, utter destructions of their homes & cities in supposed RUS annexed lands in UKR even by Russian military, anger from 7 Billion Humankind whom shares this planet at the harm this foolish invasion had caused to their loves ones & thus their support for UKR, & much, much more...

The insignificant nobody me wonders HOW those RUS leaders can sleep peacefully at night, & WHAT are their moronic justifications to continue this senseless war in UKR, causing SHATTERED DREAMS to all whom trusted & believed in the now proven UNCONSCIENABLE & INSENSATE RUS leadership..

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No need to bet on this war. Bloodymir Putin is going to lose this war. How can he overcome those sanctions imposed on his country and the tremendous economic suffering for his people presently? How can he overcome when of the world are against what Russia is doing now and even Winnie seems to be distancing from him? This son of a fucking bitch will end with the greatest humiliation from his own people and will eventually be ousted from ever ruling Russia again. However, it will also be a long and tough road ahead to rebuild Ukraine when the war is finally over. Trust me.

I am very seldom wrong in my predictions, just like I had predicted the demise of @tanwahtiu.

US to send Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine:​

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No need to bet on this war. Bloodymir Putin is going to lose this war. How can he overcome those sanctions imposed on his country and the tremendous economic suffering for his people presently? How can he overcome when of the world are against what Russia is doing now and even Winnie seems to be distancing from him? This son of a fucking bitch will end with the greatest humiliation from his own people and will eventually be ousted from ever ruling Russia again. However, it will also be a long and tough road ahead to rebuild Ukraine when the war is finally over. Trust me.

Russia On The Brink Of Catastrophe: Successive Fires Panicked the Russian People!​



Alarmed by the successes of the courageous & resilient out-of-this World UKR troops & citizens EVEN in the face of a bitterly cold & harsh winter, RUS leadership mongrels had attempted to force its puppet ally - the foolish & selfish pariah puppy Lukashenko, Prez of Belarus, neighbor of UKR, to sable rattle, to INTIMIDATE UKR.

Go ahead & EVEN invade if so, BUT may PrezLukashenko know the history of Mussolini, the puppet ally of Evil Hitler. Those whom failed to understand history are DOOMED to repeat it. Does PrezLukashenko wish to have his legacy & bones be DRAGGED along streets of Belarus?

7 Billion Humankind had been relatively quiet over the issue of FAILED governance & management of Belarus, whom is only supported by the beasts RUS leaders. Many of Belarus activists whom only seek for a better governance of peace, prosperity, equality, justice & progress had been bullied, tortured & killed. PrezLukashenko & his fiends seeks to preserved their abusive power & privileges thru support from the falling & failing RUS leadership.

May PrezLukashenko know WHO are the super power on planet Earth. It is for sure NOT the proven failed RUS leaders. It is us - 7 Billion Humankind whom EMPOWER leaders to serve a purpose - our manifest Humankind peaceful & evolution destiny to the stars to provide opportunities for Humankind & innocent generations to come.

All it needs to destroy the lusts of PrezLukashenko and his fiends including his RUS leadership support is just simply a stroke of pen or the click of a mouse pad in our INTER-CONNECTED World, & ensure he & his fiends WILL suffer the fate of Mussolini.

The ball, is in the court of PrezLukashenko, & the RUS advisor dogs ruling RUS instead of PrezPutin, for peace....

31st Dec 2022 is in another 16 days. A new year for the Phoenix of hope arising from ashes, better choice thru wisdom & deliverance for ALL Humankind will start then...or another year of sadly self destruction. The clock...is ticking....

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Another day of massive missile & drone strikes upon UKR infrastructures. Perhaps UKR should consider setting up anti-missile & drone SHIELDS near critical infrastructures? Conventional missiles carries only under 200kg of explosives including even the S-300 missiles used by both UKR & RUS, less so for Iranian drones & only upon contact does it explode.

Thus, if there are layered steel sheets surrounding the infrastructure, such will take the initial blow from missiles or kamakazi drones before the impact hits steel & concrete infrastructure. And such infrastructures can be used as a bait to make RUS commanders expend their stockpiles of missiles, while Ukrainians dig in or hide in shelters. Furthermore, it will save UKR missiles stockpiles from responding to RUS missile attacks & use it upon effective military targets when it comes.

Also, steel is metal & can be RECYCLED. Get teams to collect any of the metallic debris, including from RUS missiles, quickly, to smelting points, circa 11th century style village blacksmith furnaces in every UKR province, to avoid detection, recycle them & REPLACE the physical METAL shields. In this manner, it will be a far cheaper, faster & effective alternative to using expensive missiles. As an UKR soldier once said - Let RUS do what they want, because eventually courageous & resilient Ukrainians are gonna screw up RUS plans as always, since the invasion.

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