• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I think I did read somewhere where Loofydralb said he went to meet up with you but you were nowhere to be found. He also said that you have got no guts and only brag here about how tough you are but are actually a cowardly homosexual. Please note that this is not what I said , its only that I think I read on one of his posts.
You are such a stupid and naive Pussy. You just take wholesale of everything that's being told. You will also believe him if @Loofydralb tells you that he never washes nor wipes (as all Malays do since they don't use toilet paper) his arsehole after shitting.

Also, if your hubby or boyfriend will ask you to suck his cock to give him a blowjob and make him cum without first washing his cock's foreskin, you will also oblige him obediently? How much worse can you get? Never did your silly parents taught you to use your common sense and be more judgemental?

Sadly, I think my neighbor's dog is even more intelligent than you.
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This sounds like you still need some financial help.
Aquilonia was the strongest and greediest of the Hyborian Kingdoms and wished to extend to an empire. Her kings made war on their neighbors.

Source: https://conan.fandom.com/wiki/Aquilonia

Your Aquilonian nick therefore signifies that you are also a Greedy Pussy with a well-used and well-lubricated CUNT. You know, I'm totally fascinated with well-lubricated CUNTs. Can you offer yours to me since you are so sincere in helping me? I can make your Pussy even wetter by twitching and pinching your 2 pink nipples (aka Chuan Radio) and then use my 2 other fingers to foreplay on your erected clitoris to make you cum and spray your Pussy Juice all over the mattress. I won't hurt you the slightest bit. Any discomfort you can just signal to me and I promise I'll be very gentle with you.

Please stop insulting me because I am very sensitive and easily hurt. Also I am just trying to help you and to get your enemies here to stop bullying you.
As a bonus to me, if your titties and facial features are of this caliber below, I'll be even more STEEAAMEED. With such a splendid pair of titties, I guarantee they will sure to turn every men ON MARIKITA. In addition, since you've said that you are the "very sensitive" type, I would just love to use my fabulous tongue to "paint and suck" on the areolas surrounding your 2 pink nipples to make you steam till "beyond heaven" (aka Buay Jin Chu or simply translated as: You Can't Even Recognize Your Own House) so that we can then cum together, either CIM or pump you full tank. Furthermore, if you can fulfill my strict expectations on the bed, I'll not hesitate to keep you as my Small Three (aka 小三) with a monthly S$10k allowance. But of course, prior to such an arrangement, a full test drive must first be done by me personally to ensure that you still have good compression in your cylinder, good dynamometer grip strength, minimum oil consumption and both your headlights are still shining bright as I'm not used to auto-roam in the dark. We can also arrange to have a 3P together with my wife. I promised you satisfaction guaranteed or you can have your money back.

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No I am not trying to antagonize you or anything of that sort. In fact I am here trying to see if I can help you out. To show that I am sincere I am even prepared to donate some money to you because I see from the above receipt that you cannot afford to buy very many things. I can start a thread to raise some money for you through crowdfunding in this forum. Would you like that?
Just to prove to you that I'm not as poor as a Church Mouse as you have claimed me to be and that I "cannot afford to buy very many things" as you've said, I doubt if you even have the capability to own any of my weapons below for yourself:







Until you are able to have any one (just one) of the above, then you come to talk to me about raising money for me. Okay? Honestly, I don't want to embarrass you online in this forum, but you had just compelled me to do so. SO, DON'T FUCK AROUND WITH ME, UNDERSTAND? ALSO, A WARNING TO ALL THOSE WHO DARES TO FUCK AROUND WITH ME, JUST TRY AND SEE HOW YOU'LL BE HUMILIATED. WINNERS JUST DON'T GIVE UP EASILY.
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It had been reported of heavy fighting in the Donetsk region especially in Bakhmut. May the courageous UKR soldiers do not fear. We Humankind have only one life to live, so make it worthwhile & live FOREVER in the memories of those we love, to be looked up upon by all for generations to come.

It is war & only to be expected, but to survive, one will need courage & KNOW what they are fighting for - for loved ones, the nation & People of UKR. It may seem strange, as one's love ones are far away & the place to defend them is near them, but the reality is that Ukrainians need EACH OTHER fellow compatriot to battle the internationally deemed illegal invaders.

Defense of a nation are BY layers - frontlines & the rear. Fortunately, loved ones are at the rear & being protected by every means possible by most & resources. EACH needs to play their roles COLLECTIVELY - frontline or rear. Alone, each will not be able to defend even oneself selfishly against the onslaught by armed invaders, let alone loved ones, BUT COLLECTIVELY, as a NATION, & with support from fellow 7 billion Humankind, even enemies will have to think not just twice, but several times before REALITIES sink in.

In UKR, both front & rear are experiencing the worst, & NONE is living it easy. The frontlines are the most difficult, but it is ALL that stands in the way of invaders easily cruising into the rear to hurt & harm UKR citizens, as RUS troops had done in the early invasions till they were driven south by courageous UKR soldiers & support from Humankind.

Thus, may each UKR soldier know what to expect, to hold the line & advance when possible, not suicidally, but intelligently, calm, cold, methodically & clinically when opportunities & forthright intelligence provided for the best & successful outcomes. The concept of war from a good General is NOT his troops to die for one's country unless there are no more alternatives, as each life is precious & means something special to another, but to make the enemy soldiers whom do not surrender but continue to fight, to die for their country where possible for their foolish & brainwashed beliefs.

RUS had depended on missiles & artillery, as it is all that they have left. It seemed each minute last forever in such attacks, but reality is that it will end at some point, as those weapons are not SUSTAINABLE in the long run. It will end now or days from now, as its supplies are limited, more so by international sanctions, & worse - OTHER UKR forces on the lookout to destroy such supplies, NOT just only in UKR territory.

All the best to the courageous UKR troops, & to the brave 7 Billion Humankind volunteers among them.... And equally, all the best to negotiations to end the war, to save lives - both UKR, RUS & Humanity. We Humankind have more to deal with to progress & evolve than waste time, efforts & resources over petty differences...

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Aquilonia was the strongest and greediest of the Hyborian Kingdoms and wished to extend to an empire. Her kings made war on their neighbors.

Source: https://conan.fandom.com/wiki/Aquilonia

Your Aquilonian nick therefore signifies that you are also a Greedy Pussy with a well-used and well-lubricated CUNT. You know, I'm totally fascinated with well-lubricated CUNTs. Can you offer yours to me since you are so sincere in helping me? I can make your Pussy even wetter by twitching and pinching your 2 pink nipples (aka Chuan Radio) and then use my 2 other fingers to foreplay on your erected clitoris to make you cum and spray your Pussy Juice all over the mattress. I won't hurt you the slightest bit. Any discomfort you can just signal to me and I promise I'll be very gentle with you.

As a bonus to me, if your titties and facial features are of this caliber below, I'll be even more STEEAAMEED. With such a splendid pair of titties, I guarantee they will sure to turn every men ON MARIKITA. In addition, since you've said that you are the "very sensitive" type, I would just love to use my fabulous tongue to "paint and suck" on the areolas surrounding your 2 pink nipples to make you steam till "beyond heaven" (aka Buay Jin Chu or simply translated as: You Can't Even Recognize Your Own House) so that we can then cum together, either CIM or pump you full tank. Furthermore, if you can fulfill my strict expectations on the bed, I'll not hesitate to keep you as my Small Three (aka 小三) with a monthly S$10k allowance. But of course, prior to such an arrangement, a full test drive must first be done by me personally to ensure that you still have good compression in your cylinder, good dynamometer grip strength, minimum oil consumption and both your headlights are still shining bright as I'm not used to auto-roam in the dark. We can also arrange to have a 3P together with my wife. I promised you satisfaction guaranteed or you can have your money back.

View attachment 171585
How @aquilonian? Why suddenly no picture no sound anymore? I'm still waiting for your response to my proposal for us to have a fling together so that we can "cum and steamed to heaven together" in our small little world on the bed. Don't be shy to reply leh. Muck....Muck.....Muck.
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It had been reported of heavy fighting in the Donetsk region especially in Bakhmut. May the courageous UKR soldiers do not fear. We Humankind have only one life to live, so make it worthwhile & live FOREVER in the memories of those we love, to be looked up upon by all for generations to come.

It is war & only to be expected, but to survive, one will need courage & KNOW what they are fighting for - for loved ones, the nation & People of UKR. It may seem strange, as one's love ones are far away & the place to defend them is near them, but the reality is that Ukrainians need EACH OTHER fellow compatriot to battle the internationally deemed illegal invaders.

Defense of a nation are BY layers - frontlines & the rear. Fortunately, loved ones are at the rear & being protected by every means possible by most & resources. EACH needs to play their roles COLLECTIVELY - frontline or rear. Alone, each will not be able to defend even oneself selfishly against the onslaught by armed invaders, let alone loved ones, BUT COLLECTIVELY, as a NATION, & with support from fellow 7 billion Humankind, even enemies will have to think not just twice, but several times before REALITIES sink in.

In UKR, both front & rear are experiencing the worst, & NONE is living it easy. The frontlines are the most difficult, but it is ALL that stands in the way of invaders easily cruising into the rear to hurt & harm UKR citizens, as RUS troops had done in the early invasions till they were driven south by courageous UKR soldiers & support from Humankind.

Thus, may each UKR soldier know what to expect, to hold the line & advance when possible, not suicidally, but intelligently, calm, cold, methodically & clinically when opportunities & forthright intelligence provided for the best & successful outcomes. The concept of war from a good General is NOT his troops to die for one's country unless there are no more alternatives, as each life is precious & means something special to another, but to make the enemy soldiers whom do not surrender but continue to fight, to die for their country where possible for their foolish & brainwashed beliefs.

RUS had depended on missiles & artillery, as it is all that they have left. It seemed each minute last forever in such attacks, but reality is that it will end at some point, as those weapons are not SUSTAINABLE in the long run. It will end now or days from now, as its supplies are limited, more so by international sanctions, & worse - OTHER UKR forces on the lookout to destroy such supplies, NOT just only in UKR territory.

All the best to the courageous UKR troops, & to the brave 7 Billion Humankind volunteers among them.... And equally, all the best to negotiations to end the war, to save lives - both UKR, RUS & Humanity. We Humankind have more to deal with to progress & evolve than waste time, efforts & resources over petty differences...

Didn't you realize that all those Pro-Russkies in this forum have been rather quiet lately? They know that they are already on the losing end.


the only winners are arms manufacturers in a conflict.
That's why must buy the stocks of ST Engineering, Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop and Lockheed Martin. The Singapore SADA (Singapore Air Defence Artillery) units are using the Raytheon Rapier Launchers. I was there and I knew this. Also, some of the parts are made in Singapore by the ST group, under license from Raytheon.
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That's why must buy the stocks of ST Engineering, Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop and Lockheed Martin. The Singapore SADA (Singapore Air Defence Artillery) units are using the Raytheon Rapier Launchers. I was there and I knew this. Also, some of the parts are made in Singapore by the ST group, under license from Raytheon.

It's true that investments in those stocks will see better returns, as the need for such equipment are needed to upgrade national defense by every nation on Earth. Rather than to borrow funds from banks which comes with interests, retail investors are huge & thus save those companies from loans & only need to pay annual dividends from its profits generated by those nations with defense needs.

However, it is easy to build rockets & planes. Just a cylindrical pipe to house the solid rocket fuel, with an aerodynamic cone at the top connected to a grenade with fuse upon contact to trigger the explosion. However, it is the GUIDANCE system in the rocket that makes it effective, to navigate & fly to the intended target. The most important component are the semi-conductor chips that play many roles - guidance & sensors.

During the 1800s gold rush in California, Sears & Roebuck store was set up, to sell spades & other equipment necessary for the huge hordes of gold prospectors, some whom found gold & most did not. However the ones who actually profited were the investors of Sears & Roebuck, whom did not even dig any hole for gold, but made huge fortunes from the sale of equipment.

Equally, it is not the arms industry that will profit. It is those whom MAKE the COMPONENTS that will make it rich - semi conductor industries. Such chips are used NOT only for defense purposes but even in daily life - from oil processing plants to a simple Casio watch, some of which are huge as those for the space industry & some so small intended to fit a mere 5.56mm smart bullet. And demand for such chips are rising daily, so much that its production cant meet demand, with other industrial production halted, awaiting such chips component for their products.

Thus a better long term investment lays in the chip manufacturing industries, & even the creation of more such factories so long as the nation has the technology, funds, the mineral resources & manpower to start it off.

And of RELEVANCE to the illegal war by RUS in UKR, without such chips, the RUS military equipment are as useless as a garage made rocket, & even its professed military equipment supplier - Iran - too will face issues with chip shortages. May the semi-conductor industries worldwide think twice before supplying such chips to those aggressor nations. It will help end the war & save lives.


It's true that investments in those stocks will see better returns, as the need for such equipment are needed to upgrade national defense by every nation on Earth. Rather than to borrow funds from banks which comes with interests, retail investors are huge & thus save those companies from loans & only need to pay annual dividends from its profits generated by those nations with defense needs.

However, it is easy to build rockets & planes. Just a cylindrical pipe to house the solid rocket fuel, with an aerodynamic cone at the top connected to a grenade with fuse upon contact to trigger the explosion. However, it is the GUIDANCE system in the rocket that makes it effective, to navigate & fly to the intended target. The most important component are the semi-conductor chips that play many roles - guidance & sensors.

During the 1800s gold rush in California, Sears & Roebuck store was set up, to sell spades & other equipment necessary for the huge hordes of gold prospectors, some whom found gold & most did not. However the ones who actually profited were the investors of Sears & Roebuck, whom did not even dig any hole for gold, but made huge fortunes from the sale of equipment.

Equally, it is not the arms industry that will profit. It is those whom MAKE the COMPONENTS that will make it rich - semi conductor industries. Such chips are used NOT only for defense purposes but even in daily life - from oil processing plants to a simple Casio watch, some of which are huge as those for the space industry & some so small intended to fit a mere 5.56mm smart bullet. And demand for such chips are rising daily, so much that its production cant meet demand, with other industrial production halted, awaiting such chips component for their products.

Thus a better long term investment lays in the chip manufacturing industries, & even the creation of more such factories so long as the nation has the technology, funds, the mineral resources & manpower to start it off.

And of RELEVANCE to the illegal war by RUS in UKR, without such chips, the RUS military equipment are as useless as a garage made rocket, & even its professed military equipment supplier - Iran - too will face issues with chip shortages. May the semi-conductor industries worldwide think twice before supplying such chips to those aggressor nations. It will help end the war & save lives.
Semiconductors are the present day's new oil industries. That's why I'm heavily invested in them, but unfortunately, I'm still underwater because I had bought them too early last year as I did not expect the onset of the Ukrainian/Russian war. However, I have faith in them to recover within the next 2 to 3 years as AIs, IOTs and EVs will surely to require more of such components. And prior to Covid, I had already made about S$120k from these same stocks by trading (buying and selling) in them. Besides, my semiconductor stocks are still giving me about S$15k of dividends annually (at least for now). And furthermore, I don't play on leverage, so no worries of being called to top up for my paper losses.

I still have about S$500k of spare cash ammunition to invest into in case of another crash.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
It's true, I have over half a million Singapore dollars in my Singapore SCB Account, another half a million Ringgits in my Malaysian RHB Account, another half a million Singapore dollars in shares investments, plus 3 houses fully paid and totally no outstanding loan at all. I'm not bull-shitting or may I be strike by lightning. BUT I JUST CONSIDER MYSELF AN AVERAGE SINGAPOREAN ONLY.
Yes from what you posted you are average or slightly below average. Loofy PM me last night and said that your finances are in fact very little compared to his. He told me that previously some bank in the USA had to close shop because he withdrew all his money. That is real big time.


Alfrescian (Inf)
So poor thing. Can I recommend a reputable Neurologist from SGH to have you properly diagnosed? My nephew is a Professor in a local medical institute.
Is he properly qualified or did he get his degree from India? You had better check up on this otherwise he could get into trouble one of these days.


Alfrescian (Inf)
View attachment 171601

Until you are able to have any one (just one) of the above, then you come to talk to me about raising money for me. Okay? Honestly, I don't want to embarrass you online in this forum, but you had just compelled me to do so. SO, DON'T FUCK AROUND WITH ME, UNDERSTAND? ALSO, A WARNING TO ALL THOSE WHO DARES TO FUCK AROUND WITH ME, JUST TRY AND SEE HOW YOU'LL BE HUMILIATED. WINNERS JUST DON'T GIVE UP EASILY.
Which part of your anatomy is this for and how regularly do you use it? Can I watch while you do it to yourself? I must confess that I am a serial voyeur.


Semiconductors are the present day's new oil industries. That's why I'm heavily invested in them, but unfortunately, I'm still underwater because I had bought them too early last year as I did not expect the onset of the Ukrainian/Russian war. However, I have faith in them to recover within the next 2 to 3 years as AIs, IOTs and EVs will surely to require more of such components. And prior to Covid, I had already made about S$120k from these same stocks by trading (buying and selling) in them. Besides, my semiconductor stocks are still giving me about S$15k of dividends annually (at least for now). And furthermore, I don't play on leverage, so no worries of being called to top up for my paper losses.

It was true that semi conductor stocks fell at the onset of the illegal RUS invasion into UKR. The cause was attributed to the destruction of UKR's massive steel industry which produces a side product - Neon gas in abundance & sold to chip manufacturers as it is a critical resource in its production. Investors of chips were spooked, but they did not realize that Neon gas is EVERYWHERE & can be extracted from the air.

Fortunately, chip makers had now found alternative supplies & diversified their neon gas dependency, built their own atmospheric processes & even new chip production is springing up in many other nations that has the tech knowledge. And yet still unable to meet todays & future demand, as EV car production were slowed down & even halted for the lack of chips such as in EU, China & Japan. Many more other industries if not most are in deep need of such chips, & thus should not be wasted upon or sold to aggressor nations that use it on missiles or other military equipment to kill innocent fellow Humans in UKR.


Which part of your anatomy is this for and how regularly do you use it? Can I watch while you do it to yourself? I must confess that I am a serial voyeur.
Why don't you post a photo of your Abalone in this forum to show us if it is still Pinkish? You can also post a faked one if you dare not to do it.
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Yes from what you posted you are average or slightly below average. Loofy PM me last night and said that your finances are in fact very little compared to his. He told me that previously some bank in the USA had to close shop because he withdrew all his money. That is real big time.
What a shame? @Loofydralb abang lives in a HDB flat in Slumland Yishun with open air car park. He takes the MRT for his daily commute and couldn't even afford GRAB. In today's aspect, he's considered a total failure at his age, because he still has to depend on government subsidy. I don't even want to apply for the CHAS card because I don't feel the need to anyway.

If you can show me your account balance of above half a million dollars, then you can continue to boast here. Otherwise, you'll have to sell your Pussy in Desker Road. I doubt you even qualify for the Prime Orchard areas.


What a shame? @Loofydralb abang lives in a HDB flat in Slumland Yishun with open air car park. He takes the MRT for his daily commute and couldn't even afford GRAB. In today's aspect, he's considered a total failure at his age, because he still has to depend on government subsidy. I don't even want to apply for the CHAS card because I don't feel the need to anyway.

If you can show me your account balance of above half a million dollars, then you can continue to boast here. Otherwise, you'll have to sell your Pussy in Desker Road. I doubt you even qualify for the Prime Orchard areas.
I just love it when I know someone who knows me better than myself


I just love it when I know someone who knows me better than myself
It's a well known fact that you are a coward, claiming to be a hero. You will pay for your lies when you face your Allah one day. Don't you even realized that

lying is forbidden in Islam:

The Prophet Muḥammad, ṣallAllāhu `alayhi wa sallam, said:

لاَ يَصْلُحُ الْكَذِبُ فِي جِدٍّ وَلاَ فِي هَزْلٍ

La yaṣluḥu l-kadhibu fī jiddin wa lā fī hazl.

Which means: “Lying is not good, whether in seriousness or joking.” (Related by al-Bayhaqiyy.)

The Prophet Muḥammad, ṣallAllāhu `alayhi wa sallam, said:

« وَيْلٌ لِلَّذِي يُحَدِّثُ القَوْمَ ثم يَكْذِبُ لِيُضْحِكَهُم وَيْلٌ لَهُ ووَيْلٌ لهُ »

which means: "Woe to him who talks to people and lies to make them laugh, woe to him, woe to him" related by imam 'Aḥmad in his Musnad

The Prophet, ṣallAllāhu `alayhi wa sallam, also said:

إِيَّاكَ وَالْكَذِبَ فَإِنَّ الْكَذِبَ يَهْدِي إِلَى الْفُجُورِ وَإِنَّ الْفُجُورَ يَهْدِي إِلَى النَّارِ، وَلاَ يَزَالُ الْعَبْدُ يَكْذِبُ وَيَتَحَرَّى الْكَذِبَ حَتَّى يُكْتَبَ عِنْدَ اللهِ كَذَّاباً

Iyyāka wa l-kadhib, fa'inna l-kadhiba yahdī ila l-fujūr. Wa inna l-fujūra yahdī 'ila n-nār. Wa lā yazalu l-`abdu yakdhibu wa yataḥarra l-khadhiba ḥattā yuktaba `indAllāhi kadhdhābā.

Which means: “Do not ever lie, because lying leads to very abhorrent sins, and those in turn lead to Hellfire. One keeps on lying and seeks to do that until one is recorded as a liar in some books of Allāh.” (Narrated by Ibn Mājah.)

The Prophet, sallAllāhu `alayhi wa sallam, also said what means: “ Truthfulness leads to piety and piety leads to Paradise. The Muslim who continues to be truthful will then be recorded as a truthful person. Do not ever lie, because lying leads to very abhorrent sins, and those in turn lead to Hellfire. One keeps on lying and seeks to do that until one is recorded as a liar in some books of Allāh.” (Narrated by Ibn Mājah).

There are many things that are among the sins of the tongue and fall under the category of lying. They include: swearing by Allāh to a lie, false testimony, and falsely attributing something to Allāh and His Prophet.
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Which part of your anatomy is this for and how regularly do you use it? Can I watch while you do it to yourself? I must confess that I am a serial voyeur.
Let me give you an analogy:

1. I'll zap you with my taser to make you unconscious.

2. Next, I'll strip your blouse and bra to evaluate your 2 assets and see if they are worth to explore further. You should already know my standard by now. Your 2 assets must be at least Cup C+, no sagging (like a papaya) and must be firm and round (like a melon). Remember, must at least be the same standard as those 2 pussies below:


Otherwise, don't even bother to show up in front of me. Also, even if your 2 assets may be large, but not to my liking, especially when they are sagging and with inverted nipples, I'll just call off the deal and leave you in the lurch (semi-naked) for the next Bangla to come for you instead.

3. If your 2 assets are still acceptable to my standard, I'll next strip your skirt and carefully remove your G-String to reveal your bushy mold to see if they are well kept, tidy and also if your abalone is still pinkish in colour. If it is dark coloured and looks very well used, then forget it as well.

4. By this time, you should begin to slowly regain your consciousness again.

5. I'll then penetrate inside you slowly to allow you a little more time to get your abalone wet and also to get it accustomed to my newly introduced enlarged sea cucumber. As I continue to thrust harder. deeper and with each longer thrust, we can both timed and cum together with you pleading me for more ----- IIIKKUUUUTT.... with you shouting: More....more...give it to me...giivve it to meeee.......

6. After pumping full tank inside you, I'll then pass to you some tissues to clean up after yourself and compensate you with some cash for being a bitch.
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