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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

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  • Poll closed .


In our civilized world, there ARE rules of engagement in war, REGARDLESS if the goals sought are right or wrong. Only combatants & their military equipment are targets, NOT AND NEVER civilians. They are UNARMED & still DO have an Earthborn RIGHT to the Rule of Law - fair trial & justice - in our civilized world, given by much sufferings & pain from our courageous ancestors to build Civilization from the BARBARIC past of caves & jungles that they sprang from.

What had been uncovered in RUS held UKR is a HORROR beyond belief - innocent non-combatants tortured & slaughtered by the ruling military leaders there, with EVIDENCES to prove. It reminds Humanity of the holocaust in Nazi held Europe & for Singaporeans - the 'Sook Ching' conducted by the Imperial Japan Army in the 40s where many of our innocent Chinese forefathers were beheaded JUST because they were Chinese.

Prez Putin may or may not had ordered such slayings of UKR citizens, BUT he still will have to held accountable for his invasion of a sovereign nation whom is not a threat to RUS & ANSWER to Humanity for what his troops & especially commanders had done, as he is the commander-in-chief & the buck stops with him.

Either he take responsibilities for the war crimes or OFFER up the names of the commanders whom had conducted such atrocities upon our fellow Humans to face justice & a fair trial by INTERNATIONAL standards, or else, as a leader he would only only send a message to his nation that there is NO such thing as Rule of Law in Russia, and EACH RUS citizen or soldier has the right to torture & slay another Human, including among his own citizens.

And conversely, by the golden rule of Humanity - do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you - it means 7 Billion Humankind now has the RIGHT to torture & kill ANY RUS citizen, as murder is NOT a crime in RUS, nor will there be consular support for RUS citizens in the World. Is this how Prez Putin & his circle of fiends want to run his country & assure his citizens?

Although there is ugliness in our World, there is also beauty. Each life is precious & means something special another, & thus civilization thru the Rule of Law & its progress was born, given by our brave ancestors for our todays....



Russia pulled out its troops already. @tanwahtiu 你有爽吗
They did the same in Donbass and won. Withdraw, restrategise, redeploy and strike again. This time fuck them all with the added 300,000 men troop. in Kherson they didn’t just withdraw troops, they evacuated 150000 Russians as well. Why? Lead my people to a safe place so I can fucking nuke the Nazis in due time. Even those in Washington suspect the Russians have sprung a trap for nato forces and have asked for talks. But Putin has had enough. no more nice guy, no more chatter. He is just biding time waiting for winter to take over and the ground to harden. By end Jan the faggot Zelensky should be toast. It’s really a war between Putin and sleepy joe. One is a chess master, the other a paedophile
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The insignificant nobody me once met a very successful Real Estate manager, & as we got to know each other well, he revealed the secrets of his success. He told me that when buyers whom view his listings & had no comment, they will be considered as non-potentials & not to waste time & effort on them. However, when he meets those whom are often critical, they are often the MOST potential buyers as they are merely listing their grouses about the property, & if SOLUTIONS are found & NEGOTIATED, they can be pacified & are often the buyers of his property listings.

Today, RUS Foreign Minister Lavrov, a member & representative of his People he is suppose to represent, made comments about the peace treaty proposed by UKR. Although he deemed it as insincere by UKR, it is nevertheless ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of receipt, followed by his reasons which are COMMENTS - a signature of interest if SOLUTIONS are found & NEGOTIATED.

He had many concerns but revealed a main concern that was with the UKR ports for RUS Grain export. He, being THE main representative person of the RUS People in the absence of Prez Putin at the G20 Summit, speaks on behalf of RUS concerns. It is a concern to RUS as should UKR controls the west southern flank of the Black Sea, it has the potential to choke the economy & starve Russians.

However, may FM Lavrov be assured - Should the peace treaty be accepted, UKR will be a neutral nation like Switzerland. A solution is that it will have free ports & access to all, & under Geneva convention, wars are only waged upon combatants & NOT civilians.

So long as RUS proves the funds from exports & imports are only meant for civilian use, UKR will not hinder the trade flow as long as Prez Putin lives, & the critical port in Crimea Sevastopol be turned instead into a civilian private port instead of a military designated one, under RUS control for 100yrs so long as taxes are paid to UKR & UKR laws followed by employees there, as well as the access roads freely opened & protected for RUS trade from RUS to UKR to the World, & by UKR.



Even as I write, there are reports that missiles enmassed are firing upon UKR cities now. The new appointed hardliner general Sergey Surovikin, known for his brutal tactics in the Syrian civil war conflict, is only a mere moron.

Go ahead. Expend as many of the missiles he had fooled Prez Putin to put into the UKR war, using every NEEDED missile from its 17 borders it needs to defend itself against. RUS weapon stockpile is not to be under-estimated, but never to be over-estimated, as recent events had proven- from ill equipped troops and RUS needs to buy weapons from its axis members.

It's 17 border nations are just waiting.. to follow RUS leaders stupid REASONS to invade another country, including even RUS. Surovikin is an old & senile fool, already a foot in the coffin. He has nothing left to live for, except a name & legacy to build. Killing innocents with missiles - nothing more than a grenade on rocket - will not grant him immortality, but damnation from Humanity including RUS citizens for his last nefarious act upon Humankind.

How effective were the missiles - mere grenades on rocket fuel? A few building walls
, which can be rebuilt within months. where most had already left. Murder of UKR citizens, even if one when there are thousands reported more? Once documented, his name will appear on Interpol most wanted CRIMINAL list.


Old Fart
So nice to see the “no limits” bromance between Xi and Putin coming to an end. :thumbsup:

Chinese officials speak out in unprecedented criticism of Russia on eve of G20 OLD​

Arpan Rai
Wed, 16 November 2022 at 12:33 am·3-min read

Chinese officials speak out in unprecedented criticism of Russia on eve of G20 OLD

Officials in China have expressed their displeasure at Russia’s actions in Ukraine, including Vladimir Putin’s non-disclosure of his plans to invade, and condemned the "irresponsibility" of suggested nuclear threats ahead of the G20 summit in Indonesia.

Mr Putin did not tell his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping “the truth”, reported the Financial Times citing a Chinese official, who said that the two leaders had hailed a “no limits” alliance between Moscow and Beijing when they met just 20 days before the Kremlin launched its invasion on Ukraine in February.

If he had told us, we wouldn’t have been in such an awkward position,” the official said.

Mr Xi was caught off-guard by the invasion of Ukraine, which Russia still describes as a “special military operation”, according to four people briefed on the February meeting between the two leaders.

China resents the fact that this non-disclosure from Moscow threatened the safety of thousands of Chinese nationals who were in Ukraine at the time war broke out.

The official was quoted by the FT as saying that Beijing “had more than 6,000 Chinese nationals living in Ukraine and some of them died during the evacuation [although] we can’t make that public”.

The Russian president admitted last month that he did not inform his “close friend” Mr Xi of the plans to invade Ukraine in February, but nonetheless insisted the strength of their relationship was “unprecedented”.

Mr Putin will be absent from the global summit of G20 leaders in tropical Bali this week, instead being represented by his foreign minister Sergei Lavrov.

And also speaking on the eve of the G20 gathering, Chinese premier Li Keqiang underlined the "irresponsibility" of nuclear threats as he appeared during another summit in Cambodia. The comments are an indication that Beijing is uncomfortable with its strategic partner Russia’s nuclear rhetoric, a senior US official said on Monday.

Mr Li was participating in the East Asia Summit on Sunday where he "spoke rather extensively about China’s policy towards Ukraine," a senior US administration official said, as he briefed reporters ahead of a summit between Mr Biden and Mr Xi on Monday.

The top Chinese official "put clear emphasis on sovereignty, on the irresponsibility of nuclear threats, [and] the need to ensure that nuclear weapons are not used in the way that some have suggested," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Mr Putin last met his Chinese counterpart during the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) leaders’ summit in Samarkand in September this year.

In the last eight months of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Moscow has been accused of making irresponsible statements on the possible use of nuclear weapons.

The US official said there was "undeniably some discomfort in Beijing about what we’ve seen in terms of reckless rhetoric and activity on the part of Russia," despite a formal partnership with Moscow. "I think it is also undeniable that China is probably both surprised and even a little bit embarrassed by the conduct of Russian military operations," the official said.

The G20 summit in Indonesia – one of the biggest gatherings of world leaders since the start of the pandemic – will be unfolding in the shadows of geopolitical tensions triggered by the eight-month old war in Ukraine which has torpedoed trade in oil, natural gas and grain.

Sustainable energy, renewed focus on climate crisis policies, digital transformation and health are among the topics up for discussion.



Brutal RUS leaders still continues to launch waves after waves of missiles upon UKR, & is the strategy than to use ill equipped troops. Thus, Ukranians must be PREPARED for such attacks.

1. When air raid sirens go off, head for the nearest shelters. Underground, those grenades on rockets & the following debris will not be able to penetrate thru. Leave all belongings behind, as life & lives of loved ones are far more important.

2. Let those waves of grenades pass. Let RUS military loose as many missiles as possible. They do not have unlimited missiles, & while under sanction from Humanity, it will not be able to reproduce those missiles nor have the resources to do so, nor willing to procure more from its stockpiles guarding its 17 borders, more so now after the Poland strike as NATO & neighbors are moving their defenses closer to the borders. Eventually, as its stocks run outs, they will have to return to their country.

3. Already, billions of dollars from 7 billion Humankind are on standby to help UKR rebuild its cities. Rather than to dwell on fears, it would be better spent on contemplating what kind of buildings & civilian infrastruture they want to rebuild & replace the drab soviet era flats they live in.

4. Many of the missiles came from RUS warships, & thus they are LEGITIMATE TARGETS of War. RUS sea blockade of grains is a crime against Humanity, as it will lead to hunger. It is using this fear to protect its own warships by allowing a grain deal to pass, as they think Humanity will COW in fear & DARE NOT attack its ships. We Humanity WILL NOT BE HELD HOSTAGE by RUS. Let RUS opt out of the grain deal. Humankind had FOUND ALTERNATIVES to wheat, & are no longer dependent on such, more so those from RUS. It will be better to sink those illegal blockading ships than for 7 Billion Humankind to live on knees to vile & cruel RUS.

In the 1st place, it should NOT have blockaded the International Waters. Doing so only invites attacks by Humanity upon its ships, so that grain & trade ships can move freely, for trade to progress lives. May RUS remember the Nazi fearsome warship Bismarck. It too went down to the bottom of the sea & with it, the end of Nazi naval power, and relied on submarines & eventually lost those subs too.

Is this what RUS leaders & the Black Sea admirals want - the end of their navy - million dollar ships & submarines for just a few miles of UKR land?
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So nice to see the “no limits” bromance between Xi and Putin coming to an end. :thumbsup:

Chinese officials speak out in unprecedented criticism of Russia on eve of G20 OLD​

Chinese officials shooting themselves in the foot by inadvertently admitting they failed in their intelligence assessment.

To cover for that, they get angry at Putin in the hopes that Winnie doesn't punish them.


The temperatures are at average single digits celsius - 1 to 6 in the north & 7 to 15 in the south. The harsh cold winter is yet to set in. To Ukranians, such weather are normal as they had grown up & acclimatized to such cold conditions. As long as the Human body is properly covered to keep warm, they would be able to go about with usual activities.

However, under war conditions, troops will have to be properly equipped - both body & equipment, or equipment may freeze up & fail to work properly. When snowstorms occur, it can be blinding to the eyes as all one sees is everything blindingly white, thus sunglasses or cardboard with slits to protect the eyes will have to be used. Also thermal image equipment will be needed to detect enemies presence. Thus, & fortunately, Ukrainian troops are supplied by 7 Billion Humanity, in a fight against a far bigger nation & saw myths broken, on behalf of ALL Humanity whom do not wish to be bullied.

It is the best opportunity for UKR to win back ALL its forceful & horrifically stolen territories, to both land & civilians. It was reported RUS lost 100,000 of its best troops in its invasion since Feb. Currently, its troops are not well equipped or trained, mostly farmers, clerks, & coming from as 2nd class Russians whom are FORCED to fight. RUS military allocated stockpiles too are dwindling & resupply difficult, especially under winter conditions & under severe working sanctions.

Therefore, the door is open right up to the gates of Russia. Just keep searching the RUS supply lines & depots, strike them & they will have nothing left to fight with.

However, may UKR troops give the opportunity for RUS troops to surrender & treat them according to Geneva conventions. They are not the enemy. The enemy are RUS leaders, even to its own citizens. One RUS soldier whom surrenders is one less soldier to fight against. No matter how horrific some RUS soldiers, especially the RUS Wagner mercenaries, UKR must seek Justice & NOT Vengeance. Vengeance belongs to the Almighty. Humanity can depend on Justice. Furthermore, the current RUS troops are as confused & bewildered about RUS leaders purpose of invasion & are not supportive, but only told to obey orders. Time will come for the RUS leaders..

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Old Fart
Chinese officials shooting themselves in the foot by inadvertently admitting they failed in their intelligence assessment.

To cover for that, they get angry at Putin in the hopes that Winnie doesn't punish them.
Those CCP fuckers are not as smart as they think they are. Look, theirs is a culture of copy and paste, stealing ideas and everything they can get their yellow hands on. They haven't had the talent to invent anything noteworthy since gun powder, paper and prostitution.

Their top brass fell for putin's bs, that fucker is deluded and is a talkcock king. But more importantly, they let their hatred (which I read as extreme jealousy and a mega-chip on their shoulder) to cloud their objective assessment of putin. Too quick to jump into bed with a girl just because she seemed attractive and managed to stoke your ego.


The coldness in Ukraine is nothing to joke about. It is so cold some will suffer from frostbite, where even an exposed toe will just simply cracked & drop off...

It is inhumane of what RUS leaders are doing to UKR-targeting the energy resources, & have NO intention to stop till every last UKR citizen dies, including even its own RUS POWs. If this is not GENOCIDE of sovereign citizens of an UN recognized nation as well RUS POWs, then what is?

However, NOT all is lost. Voluntary evacuations are in placed for UKR citizens, with funds from 7 Billion Humankind, but sadly, UKR & kind neighbor Moldova is experiencing avg temp of 4C & below, even Odesa, & will need Humanity's support to supply more warm clothings, food & heating apparatus to them. There is no where that is warm in the north.

FORTUNATELY, UKR citizens are a RESILIANT People. Their ancestors had SURVIVED in such cold atmosphere even BEFORE electricity was discovered, & gave birth to courageous sons & daughters whom had withstood the coldest weather even when Stalingrad was invaded by animals, like what RUS is doing now to UKR. That which does not kill us will only make us stronger. May UKR citizens take strength from its ancestors. And may the UKR troops, in the most debilitating cold conditions, be aware of what their purpose - to destroy RUS beasts supply depots, artillery & missile sites, & boot those animals back to RUS where they belong.

May UKR citizens be aware that the inconvenience of moving or adapting to the cold is only temporary, but RUS Tyranny is forever. Once RUS are booted out of UKR, a free & independent nation, there will be education & trade opportunities for all Ukrainians, & many more will be able to travel to tropical sunny weather zones with families & friends. Have courage. Ukrainians had not & will not be abandoned. We Humanity will leave no one behind...



It was reported that UK is considering sending UKR helicopters. It WOULD be a mistake.

Currently, the airspace of invaded UKR are only filled with missiles. Even RUS dares not fly its much vaunted million dollar MIGS, which are stationed in Belarus, as in this MODERN stage of warfare, just a mere missile is enough to bring down a plane, if not fleets of them. Worse will be helicopters as it is slower & pure easy target for a mere handheld SAM or RPG launcher.

However, if kind UK is willing to give those helicopters, it MUST be painted either with UN or Red Cross symbols, & used SOLELY for evacuation of UNARMED troops or CIVILIANS. Should the beastly RUS shoot down such marked planes, then it WILL face an International outcry from 7 Billion Humankind. Even war has Rules.

It is not that pilots would be useless in our evolved warfare, but even MORE critical, to save their lives. It will be drones that will rule the skies in this modern age. Being trained, they are far more useful to PILOT drones, each kept separate FAR from each other thru the use of tech in their drone command consoles, to avoid being blown apart if massed together, & pilot their drones skillfully as trained to their targets.

Iran had been accused of supplying RUS with drones, yet it, being a small nation & subject to being confronted, it claimed it is neutral. If so, it can supply its drone tech & manufacturing to UKR too. Does Iran wish to be a pariah & continued to be sanctioned by nations, or stand with Humanity from being isolated from Planet Earth's Human community?


How’s the development of signal jammers going?

Ever since the discovery of electricity & the electro-magnetic spectrum in the 18th century, Humanity had experimented, tested & used it for a variety of purpose in ordinary lives. The further development of such was not just confined to civilian use, but to military uses as well, & is often funded & conducted by govts in secrecy even right up to today, known generally as SIGINT or COMINT ( signal intelligence/communications intelligence) within military depts worldwide. Some nations, mostly democratic ones, are able to achieve further by building upon known knowledge, even to the stars, while others remained either stagnant or foolishly satisfied with what they know.

As such development are secrets held by nations, it is best one comment carefully & only upon what is reported or generally known. As UKR, a small nation being bullied by a bigger & mythical but barbaric led RUS, it can be assured that 7 Billion Humankind's representative govts sanctioned military knowledge on Sigint is being shared to help UKR to defend its citizens & fellow Humankind.

RUS too has its own SIGINT & COMINT developments, but how can it be compared to 7 Billion Humankind's COMBINED mental abilities in every aspect of life? RUS has its own reputed geniuses, but is NOTHING compared the NUMBERS of geniuses from Humanity.

It's a senseless war for RUS leaders to continue. There is no need for further bloodshed & suffering for UKR, RUS & Humanity in this war. How & when will RUS leaders see the light???

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It was reported by AP news that UKR is planning its next move after the pressured liberation of Kherson. May the leaders be acceptive of intelligent insights from others, more so from Civilization's history of SUCCESSFUL military commanders. 'Know yourself, KNOW your enemy. A thousand battles fought, a thousand won' - Sun Tzi ( 500BC).

Thus INTELLIGENCE is critical for success. For months, representatives of 7 Billion Humanity had supported small nation UKR against the big bully RUS in this atrocious invasion by RUS leaders. Many of them, from UKR own spec forces & intel agents to international intel agents to unarmed but dedicated international researchers & reporters, civilians, etc, had provided insights, some sadly even to their cost of their own lives, to help UKR, amongst many more other assistances, to boot the RUS invaders including their brutal mercenaries back to RUS...

All the best to UKR - leaders & citizens. You are not alone.

Wars are NOT movies. Real lives, often innocent ones are lost. Each life is precious & mean something special to another. Will the wild animals in Human form from RUS leadership realize such? Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you - is Planet Earth's GOLDEN & basic rule for civilization to thrive, grow, prosper & evolve...

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