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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

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1st Lesson to be learnt:

Don't trust Tiongs.

Russkies now realize tiongs can't be trusted.

2nd Lesson to be Learnt:

Don't trust Russkies.

Iran and Norkies should have learnt this lesson when both tiongs and russkies imposed UNSC sanctions on them. On both of them.

3rd Lesson to be Learnt:

Don't trust Yankes.

Yankes are fleecing their vassal states in EU Japs gooks and taiwanese in concert with tiongkok, like I had said earlier. I'm the only one who has said this in public so far, anywhere in the world, to the best of my knowledge.

The idea is tiongs and yankes want to remain only two contenders in the ring after the next level contenders are all eliminated or severely weakened.

I'm the only one who said this was planned and carried out by yanke-tiong combo.

NONE of these two can be trusted.

Yu ppl had better learn from their actions and behaviour all around the world so far. Increase population that's the only way to increase national might national power. Else prepare to be servants and subjugated, maybe genocided like red indians or enslaved like negroes or tibetans uighurs or hans by ccp.


RUS claimed that UKR has tactical nukes & will use it. Let's suspend belief & assume it is true.

Then all the more reason for RUS to back off now, as it would be suicidal to fight against a nuke power nation - millions will die. If one has a tact nuke, it would mean more, & being easily assembled, it may even be outside of UKR now..

If it is RUS that has such & to deviously use it by blaming the use on others to avoid M.A.D WW3, then RUS would only had opened a can of worms, as it would mean other nations can do the same, even to RUS.

Imagine the conflicts - Israel/Palestine, China/Kashmir India border, and many more...how many millions of dead would make RUS happy to own a few square miles of UKR land?


Alfrescian (Inf)
“ukraine, here i cum! but oh wait, no rifle?”


Crimea got hit by drones! Oh dear…

It was only a case of 'tit or tat'. RUS leaders had NO interest anyway to prosper UKR, as evident by its intransigence since UN had attempted to broker a deal to keep grain supplies to alleviate Worldwide hunger. RUS had NOT kept to its terms of agreement by constantly hindering FREE Humanity vessels from docking over mealy mouthed excuses of RUS red-tape. In an invasion by RUS, it is only comprehensible to DENY ANY means of cash flow to the victim-UKR.

If RUS continues in its BELLIGERANCE, only for its own foolish invasion of a ANOTHER nation, it is EQUALLY that there WILL BE a response from the BULLIED side.

If RUS thinks that by walking out of the UN brokered dead to supply grain to Humanity, do go ahead, as it will for sure incur the WRATH of starved Humans, & the high price many have to pay for staple food, & WILL surely see the demise of RUS leaders, by 7 billion+ Humanity's concerted efforts, one way or clandestine another.

Crimea has the best port for vessels, but it is NOT the only port in UKR. There are others.

In Humanity's past, there were NO such thing as ports even back then in trading nations such as what we know today such as researched deep water ports, currents, weather conditions, trade pacts, funds for port infrastures, etc. When a proven peaceful trading vessel bearing known flags arrives, inhabitants would throng in canoes to supply those vessels with necessities such as water, food & trade products in the small canoes, which led to wealth, scientific studies & how to bring vessels closer to shores to cut down on time & effort spent, as well as cranes, etc for productivity.

During the evacuation of Dunkirk at the start of WW2, there were little military vessels to save the allied troops trapped there. It was the MASSIVE civilian fleet from allies that evacuated many there, from trade ships to even yachts, & left a lasting memory to the saved troops, ingrained upon them to realize what they were fighting for - Humanity from being tyrannized - & returned to their military units to DESTROY the Nazi tyrants.

There is no use to live on bended knees to tyrants such as today's RUS leaders. They WILL NEVER listen, & is only a waste of time, a precious time when we Humanity can resort to ALTERNATIVES that our ancestors & forefathers had used for SURVIVAL. Grain is vital but it MUST never be held hostage by anyone. It only needs the WILL & intelligence for the logistic movement to ALTERNAIVE shores for transport. Ports in UKR - Nikolayev, Oktyabrsk, Dnepro-Bugsky, Yuzhny, UST-Dunaisk, etc CAN be use to keep the grain supply moving, than be on knees to RUS.

If RUS DARES to hinder such ports on international waters, then it would be considered a crime against Humanity, & for HUMANKIND to decide on what to do next. The RUS leaders can be counted by mere fingers. But Humanity are in the Billions. Are the RUS leaders prepared to fight against ALL Humanity?


Super Moderator
If RUS DARES to hinder such ports on international waters, then it would be considered a crime against Humanity, & for HUMANKIND to decide on what to do next. The RUS leaders can be counted by mere fingers. But Humanity are in the Billions. Are the RUS leaders prepared to fight against ALL Humanity?
No wonder the Russkies want to make Ukraine a land-locked nation :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Old Fart
It was only a case of 'tit or tat'. RUS leaders had NO interest anyway to prosper UKR, as evident by its intransigence since UN had attempted to broker a deal to keep grain supplies to alleviate Worldwide hunger. RUS had NOT kept to its terms of agreement by constantly hindering FREE Humanity vessels from docking over mealy mouthed excuses of RUS red-tape. In an invasion by RUS, it is only comprehensible to DENY ANY means of cash flow to the victim-UKR.

If RUS continues in its BELLIGERANCE, only for its own foolish invasion of a ANOTHER nation, it is EQUALLY that there WILL BE a response from the BULLIED side.

If RUS thinks that by walking out of the UN brokered dead to supply grain to Humanity, do go ahead, as it will for sure incur the WRATH of starved Humans, & the high price many have to pay for staple food, & WILL surely see the demise of RUS leaders, by 7 billion+ Humanity's concerted efforts, one way or clandestine another.

Crimea has the best port for vessels, but it is NOT the only port in UKR. There are others.

In Humanity's past, there were NO such thing as ports even back then in trading nations such as what we know today such as researched deep water ports, currents, weather conditions, trade pacts, funds for port infrastures, etc. When a proven peaceful trading vessel bearing known flags arrives, inhabitants would throng in canoes to supply those vessels with necessities such as water, food & trade products in the small canoes, which led to wealth, scientific studies & how to bring vessels closer to shores to cut down on time & effort spent, as well as cranes, etc for productivity.

During the evacuation of Dunkirk at the start of WW2, there were little military vessels to save the allied troops trapped there. It was the MASSIVE civilian fleet from allies that evacuated many there, from trade ships to even yachts, & left a lasting memory to the saved troops, ingrained upon them to realize what they were fighting for - Humanity from being tyrannized - & returned to their military units to DESTROY the Nazi tyrants.

There is no use to live on bended knees to tyrants such as today's RUS leaders. They WILL NEVER listen, & is only a waste of time, a precious time when we Humanity can resort to ALTERNATIVES that our ancestors & forefathers had used for SURVIVAL. Grain is vital but it MUST never be held hostage by anyone. It only needs the WILL & intelligence for the logistic movement to ALTERNAIVE shores for transport. Ports in UKR - Nikolayev, Oktyabrsk, Dnepro-Bugsky, Yuzhny, UST-Dunaisk, etc CAN be use to keep the grain supply moving, than be on knees to RUS.

If RUS DARES to hinder such ports on international waters, then it would be considered a crime against Humanity, & for HUMANKIND to decide on what to do next. The RUS leaders can be counted by mere fingers. But Humanity are in the Billions. Are the RUS leaders prepared to fight against ALL Humanity?
War crimes and crime against humanity, the russkies have done it and are currently doing it. Their leadership is leading them on a path from which they is no getting back. They've become the most hated country on earth. A nation of thugs. A bunch of liars, murderers, rapists, thieves, and corrupted to the core. We're counting on the remaining good men and women to muster the courage to overthrow the regime. To save their country from self destruction, the alternative being they'll be destroyed from the outside.


who won?

unlike yanke vasssals like you stinkies, most other countreis didnt impose any sanctions on russkies.

we know russkies deadscared of yankes, also russkies cant choke or strangle yankes to death, they haven't got ability. moreover, tiongkok dun dare to side with russkies openly.

meanwhile despite gayropeans seizing russkie assets north of 600billion or what not, russkies dun dare to proliferate NIA (nukes icbm antisatmissiles), which means russkies value NIA at more than 600billion, maybe at over 1 trillion, or 10 trillion? or even 1 quadrillion?

sure ah not?

how come some mediocre mundane NIA worth so much?

i think individual muslims incl Taliban Hamas Hizbullah Houthis rohingyas Indon or some others like nigger afros should seek norkie assistance. cultivate ties, find safe enough location to trade, then receive tech transfer materials equipment to rpodeuce nukes and ICBM. in return, you supply norkies with food sufficient for 20 years, so they can't go hungry even if ENTIRE WORLD incl tiongs abandon them, embargo them, isolate them. yeah provide them with refrigeration and storage tech if they need it. provide them with fuel, coal, natural gas, for 30 years too, so their industries and civilian lifestyle won't come to a halt even if whole world incl tiongkok embargoes them. in return, you receive tech for nukes + ICBM. and if iran or some others (won't mention who, in here) can transfer anti satellite missile tech, that's all too wonderful.

that's called win-win collaboration.

various Muslim communities can gain strategic independence.

norkies also gain independence from blackmail by tiongs or yanks or russkies. with 20-30 years supply of food, storage tech, and 20-30 years supply of fuel/energy, no way to blackmail norkies by blockading them.

if they need medicine, medical supplies, medical devices, these can also be arranged, just need to be discreet. intel agencies can manage them. not too tough.


Thanky you Mr. Glockman for your clear-sighted perceptions. Sadly, it will take far, far more for civilians to challenge the authorities. They have no arms, little leadership & diverse views on the progression of a nation, little common grounds & thus barbaric leaders whom use the Rule of Might reigns. Most would not believe that the common Russian People would rise up, as the Russians told the foolish Nazis in the 40s - they were too late, as the devil Stalin was a social engineer of the highest degree, & had cowed Russians by his cruel methods & tyranny just right after the overthrow of the cruel Tsar Nicholas.

The insignificant nobody me had read the works of Karl Marx, & his dream of a socialist empire ruled by Law & equality for all, & admired him, but my admiration fell short as he was flawed like all mortals. For socialism to work, it needs 3 ingredients - A)the nation must be self sufficient, B)there must ALWAYS be open discussions & debates on national policies by all, to find solutions to progress as NO individual is a genius, with checks & balances of no fear or favor to anyone. C) None is above the law.

Unfortunately, Lenin & Stalin HIJACKED Marx ideals, & became the new Tsars & continued with Nicholas barbarism Today, in the new RUS Federation brought about by the far sighted visionary Yeltsin to progress RUS, it was yet again hijacked by another new Tsar.

The conditions for a new Revolution in RUS are becoming more & more apparent each day. Most of those conscripts sent as canon fodder in UKR today came from the fringes of RUS Federations, while most in Moscow escaped the draft, a similar sign during the reign of Nicholas, as if the sons of those outside the RUS capital are expendable & are 2nd or 3rd class citizens of RUS, deserved to die. Another sign are the numerous military, socio-economic failures from the current RUS leaders.

My deep respects for the Russian People, those who speak the Russian language, have DNA lineage to the ancient race from the RUS steppes & those who became Russians by the vote. They had suffered the most & deserve to have their pains & sufferings alleviated & be led by true leaders & not tyrants whom only cared about their own pride, standing & legacy than the People they were mandated to govern over. If Russia needs to be broken up, then so be it, so that each Human has the Earthborn choice & right to choose their leaders for their own future & generations to come, than to have their lives decided by tyrants with NO representation or checks & balances.



There had been intel reports that desperate RUS leaders will attempt to blow up the hydro-electric Kakhovka dam in Kherson for a win to eliminate courageous UKR soldiers attempting to save their homeland, which will flood Kherson city & kill thousands if done so, & lay the blame upon UKR for the dastardly deed, as usual with RUS leaders as saw in the Syrian civil war conflict. No matter the deed, as the RUS war on UKR intensifies on Kherson, of utmost importance is to SAVE fellow Humans lives - the counter-measures needed.

Should the dam blow
, those in Kherson city will not survive as the force of the waters will be tremendous & WILL blow away even concrete structures in its path. However, not all is lost. The waters will flow fast & strong but only for a few hours till it find its level to the sea. No one knows WHEN RUS will blow the dam, thus it is best be PREPARED.

1.Those whom still live in Kherson city & UKR troops will only need to find high grounds as an pre-planned evacuation point once signal message is sent that the dam had been destroyed, & there are many just a few kilometers from the city, & there may still be minutes left before the waters reaches the city.

2.It would be advisable to go on foot then vehicles, as such will jammed up roads. Or better still, move to higher grounds early, camp there while the battle rages on, as the flood waters will not reach above certain heights even at 1st deluge, est 20 meters.

3. For those who delayed moving early to higher grounds & the water rushes up, just tie oneself with any form of ropes to a tree loosely with quick release knots, so as to be able to rise with the flood waters, on the opposite side of the onrushing waters as there will be heavy debris that will be flowing too, & that strongly rooted tree will bear the brunt of the force for you, & hope for the best as you did not responded early. Best would be life vests, especially for loved ones, so that they may at least float above water level, to breathe, to see, & avoid any speeding hard surface debris along the water flow.

4. May the authorities in Kherson city remember to CUT power once signal is received that the dam had blown, as water is conducive to electric currents & may harm others should the downed electrical posts with electric currents are still flowing.

Should a 'dirty nuke' bomb be used:-

1. Such will be use mostly on military troops. Thus may each UKR soldier be equipped with a radiation Geiger counter, & with HAZMAT suits in their packs. They will have at least a few moments to react once the Geiger counter sounds off before being radiated. The dirty bomb yield is low, with only a few hundred metres range but radiation will linger for years in those spots which it exploded.

2. It would be good if those civilians living in Kherson city too have such Geiger counters. Hopefully, may RUS leaders not use such upon civilians, but if so, & often so, such will notify the civilians & quickly move away from blast areas to safer grounds.

It is my hope that the situation in Kherson will not come to such, but it is best each fellow Human is prepared in advance. Should such happens, RUS leaders WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE & made to pay a HIGH PRICE for their barbaric actions...


Super Moderator
Putin aims to deepen ties with the Arabs, left hand or right hand, which is he gonna choose?



U.S. privately asks Ukraine to show Russia it's open to talks -Washington Post

Sun, 6 November 2022, 7:43 am·2-min read

The Biden administration is privately encouraging Ukraine’s leaders to signal an openness to negotiate with Russia and drop their public refusal to engage in peace talks unless President Vladimir Putin is removed from power, the Washington Post reported on Saturday.

The paper quoted unnamed people familiar with the discussions as saying that the request by American officials was not aimed at pushing Ukraine to the negotiating table, but a calculated attempt to ensure Kyiv maintains the support of other nations facing constituencies wary of fueling a war for many years to come.

It said the discussions illustrated the complexity of the Biden administration’s position on Ukraine, as U.S. officials publicly vow to support Kyiv with massive sums of aid "for as long as it takes" while hoping for a resolution to the eight-month conflict that has taken a big toll on the world economy and triggered fears of nuclear war.

The paper said U.S. officials shared the assessment of their Ukrainian counterparts that Putin is not for now serious about negotiations, but acknowledged that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's ban on talks with him had generated concern in parts of Europe, Africa and Latin America, where the war's effects on costs of food and fuel are felt most sharply.

"Ukraine fatigue is a real thing for some of our partners," the Post quoted one unnamed U.S. official as saying.

The White House National Security Council had no immediate comment when asked if the report was accurate, while a spokesperson for the State Department responded by saying:

"We've said it before and will say it again: Actions speak louder than words. If Russia is ready for negotiation, it should stop its bombs and missiles and withdraw its forces from Ukraine.

"The Kremlin continues to escalate this war. The Kremlin has demonstrated its unwillingness to seriously engage in negotiations since even before it launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine."

The spokesperson also noted remarks by Zelenskiy on Friday, in which he said: "We are ready for peace, for a fair and just peace, the formula of which we have voiced many times."

In his nightly address to the Ukrainian people on Friday, Zelenskiy added: "The world knows our position. This is respect for the UN Charter, respect for our territorial integrity, respect for our people."



It was reported on the news 6th Nov 2022, just yesterday that unnamed US officials are urging UKR PrezZelenskiy - whom had avowed on behalf of his bullied, robbed & oppressed, even slaughtered innocent UKR citizens by the aggression caused by RUS INVASION upon a SOVEREIGN nation to ONLY hold peace talks with RUS when PrezPutin is removed from power, to talk to RUS now.

Such talks will only DISHONOR the many UKR patriots whom had sacrificed their lives for the sovereignty of their nation, & the MANY allies & Humanity whom had sacrificed financial & supply means with Honor to support UKR, a small nation being BULLIED by a bigger nation that RUS claimed it is.

However, discussions & talks for peace would be good for all. ULTIMATELY, if peace can be achieved, none would care whom made it possible, enemy or friend. It would be the TERMS of PEACE that most would care about. If PrezPutin & his diabolical circle of fiends would agree, then let the talks begin - the WITHDRAWAL of all RUS troops & RUS military, & even RUS owned biz enterprises in the sovereign land of UKR including Crimea.

Humanity had shown & proven willingness to support bullied UKR, & being a sovereign nation, it need NOT depend on RUS for anything. Many UKR citizens & Humanity, even RUS citizens, DO have cause to be angry with RUS leaders for the sufferings imposed on them close to a year now.

Let HUMANITY decide what to do with the RUS leaders instead. RUS leaders had only created an ILLUSION of power, an illusion because it shares 17 BORDERS with neighboring nations, & thus its military might, let alone economic might, is spread thin. It takes only a match to gaslight the end of the RUS Federation or ANY further attempts to gain lands as Hitler tried to do.

Already, RUS missile stockpiles are running low with its atrocious use for the horrendous pounding upon UKR civilians & infrastructures, & needs supply from its axis members whom are not foolish, whom need it for their own borders. How many more are left in RUS stocks for the defense of its 17 borders, more so with International Sanctions on supplies & even machineries on RUS now?

Thus, should UKR engage on talks, it will be from a position of strength as it has the support of 7 Billion Humankind whom have no wish to be bullied.
Last edited:


Old Fart
It was reported on the news 6th Nov 2022, just yesterday that unnamed US officials are urging UKR PrezZelenskiy - whom had avowed on behalf of his bullied, robbed & oppressed, even slaughtered innocent UKR citizens by the aggression caused by RUS INVASION upon a SOVEREIGN nation to ONLY hold peace talks with RUS when PrezPutin is removed from power, to talk to RUS now.

Such talks will only DISHONOR the many UKR patriots whom had sacrificed their lives for the sovereignty of their nation, & the MANY allies & Humanity whom had sacrificed financial & supply means with Honor to support UKR, a small nation being BULLIED by a bigger nation that RUS claimed it is.

However, discussions & talks for peace would be good for all. ULTIMATELY, if peace can be achieved, none would care whom made it possible, enemy or friend. It would be the TERMS of PEACE that most would care about. If PrezPutin & his diabolical circle of fiends would agree, then let the talks begin - the WITHDRAWAL of all RUS troops & RUS military, & even RUS owned biz enterprises in the sovereign land of UKR including Crimea.

Humanity had shown & proven willingness to support bullied UKR, & being a sovereign nation, it need NOT depend on RUS for anything. Many UKR citizens & Humanity, even RUS citizens, DO have cause to be angry with RUS leaders for the sufferings imposed on them close to a year now.

Let HUMANITY decide what to do with the RUS leaders instead. RUS leaders had only created an ILLUSION of power, an illusion because it shares 17 BORDERS with neighboring nations, & thus its military might, let alone economic might, is spread thin. It takes only a match to gaslight the end of the RUS Federation or ANY further attempts to gain lands as Hitler tried to do.

Already, RUS missile stockpiles are running low with its atrocious use for the horrendous pounding upon UKR civilians & infrastructures, & needs supply from its axis members whom are not foolish, whom need it for their own borders. How many more are left in RUS stocks for the defense of its 17 borders, more so with International Sanctions on supplies & even machineries on RUS now?

Thus, should UKR engage on talks, it will be from a position of strength as it has the support of 7 Billion Humankind whom have no wish to be bullied.
Real trench warfare, the ukrainians are really brave, they don't appear to be fazed at all.

And at the end of the video, a very moving and teary "last words" from a ukrainian soldier. It goes to show they would rather die than be bullied, robbed and oppressed. I have a lot of respect for them. Hope he and his fellow soldiers survived.



It was reported that RUS leaders now had to resort to a MERCENARY group in UKR - the Wagner, a RUS private funded mercenary biz entity led by Yevgeny Prigozhin who is a a close fiend of PrezPutin. Yevgeny Prigozhin had boasted that his company had interfered with US elections & policies thru social media. Moron that he is, he does not realize USA is a Democracy, & anyone elected to power WILL still have to abide by USA sacred Constitution or be impeached.

Yevgeny Prigozhin by profession is just a mere chef. It is NO WONDER PrezPutin's attempt to swallow up UKR had failed as he trusted the Rasputin-like conman than his generals & intellectuals.

Best Yevgeny Prigozhin stick with cooking food, than cooking Humans unless he is a cannibal, as he is responsible for the huge amount in loss of lives of his SCAMMED mercenaries as well as INNOCENT UKR lives SLAUGHTERED by his killers.

It is NOT necessary to take down that moron & a waste of time. It is his ACCOUNTS DEPT & banking support that needs to be taken down. Most mercenaries are military professionals, & sees it as a way to earn a living, while others are just purely insane, out to kill & end their life, BUT will still seek at least for 3 hot meals, shelter & equipment. Regardless, it IS money that they will need.

Once the finances are CUT, with SALARIES, 3 hot meals, shelter, office or equipment are deferred, etc, his serfs will realized that they had been SCAMMED & WILL abandon him. He is nothing but a mere chef. What does he knows about the real world except to use & abuse those whom foolishly trusted him?