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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

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  • Poll closed .


Just take out those generators and transformers. It takes years to replace those. Can't wait to see frozen Ukes.
Come on Putin! Don't be a nice guy!

Not true. In this modern age, a power station is made up of MODULAR components. What those mere missiles had destroyed are only cables & concrete structures. Example:- if the cables are damaged, those parts that are damaged will only need to be cut off, resplice with new cable joints & the electrical current will continue its work. Should the generators or transformers are damaged, similarly, with stocked MODULAR parts replacement, it will be replaced within mere hours, & not years as you foolishly & ignorantly presumed.

The only way to destroy a power station is to destroy it whole, as MASSIVE Allied planes needed had proven in WW2 in back then Nazi Germany industrial Dresden. Today, if moronic RUS leaders wish to do the same to Kiev, it's fleet of bombers WILL be destroyed by supplied UKR missiles the moment it reaches border of UKR. And RUS WILL have to consider its stockpiles of bomber planes which Hitler & Imperial Japan Army in 1940s DID NOT & saw their insane & diabolical ambitions ended with stupid misuse of stockpiles. Current RUS missiles & toy aircrafts are a joke & reflects badly upon the military leadership of RUS.

As a harsh winter is approaching UKR, WE Humanity MUST NOT leave the courageous UKR troops & citizens to bear the cold alone. While imbecile RUS navy fleet attempts a blockade in the Black Sea, even on International waters that WILL bring wrath upon RUS by ALL Humankind, there are STILL land borders that goods can be sent into UKR.

UKR is a only a small nation, yet UKR troops & civilians had shown great inhuman resilience & courage at the face of being bullied by a foolishly assumed great power that RUS is, as it has 17 borders to guard against. For months since February, they had been bullied, rob, slaughtered & pummelled by all kinds of explosives, & yet they had not given up & is still bravely fighting on, & destroying the myth of RUS superiority.

Such exemplary COURAGE are a model for small nations on Earth, to never be bullied by anyone, but to follow Rules of Law that was created to prevent another World War after the horrors of WW2. Thus, we - from Poland to the Solomon Islands, small & not self reliant with all resources, MUST support the UKR citizens in their epic battle against the bully - RUS, by every means, especially now in the harsh winter, as a message to dictator-wannabes.

We Humanity will not abandon them or leave them in the cold. A blanket, a warm clothing, a bag of coal, a can of sardine, etc, DONATED, WILL go a long way to help them survive, & can be shared even for the RUS conscripted soldiers whom are FORCED to fight but willing to surrender, as they are NOT the enemies, only RUS leaders are. We Humanity are 7 Billion strong & have ability to save them all.

EQUALLY, may the UKR authorities NOT abuse the good will from Humanity, but assist in the distribution of goods to all. Corruption was common in UKR in the past, but may the corrupted realized now how it had endangered the nation, as most of corrupted funds came from RUS whom had designs to swallow UKR whole, even if it means hundred thousands of deaths to innocent UKR citizens.

A new beginning awaits for UKR today, descendants of an ancient race that came out from the Steppes, & the forefathers that had created the Red October that toppled the brutal Tsars, & defended Stalingrad from greedy 'lebensruam' seeking animals in the 40s

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Kudos to the brave Ukranians. War is important, but far more important is mental health - to find ways & means to maintain MENTAL health amidst the miseries caused by RUS aggression upon innocent civilians.



Equally, may PrezZelensky advice his generals to give some time, cycle time off after operations for recreation for UKR frontline troops. Those courageous soldiers are NOT robots. They are mostly young, & should be given a chance to REALIZE what they are fighting for - the sovereignty of UKR & MOST importantly - the building blocks of civilization-Humanity.

Without the family or the chance to form one, there will be little hope left in them. With 7 billion Humankind's support for small UKR battle against RUS bully, there will be hope.

Let them have recreation, & be REJUVENATED to face the next day with hope. Love compels all. Let them mix with fellow citizens during recreation time, & as long as none is FORCED into a relationship or a 1 night stand, it will help in the gene pool of UKR. They MUST be in their best behaviour, if not will face the harsest military law, as citizens have rights & to be respected. It must NEVER be like the reports of RUS troops had engaged in, sparing no women or even female child.

And drugs must be avoided. The battles ahead are enough adrenalin to charged up a soldier. Sadly, there may be no tomorrow for some...but with mutual consent & respected activities, the one night is memory enough to give courage, as love compels all Humankind...



Although RUS had pulled out its troops or claimed to had done so, it had NOT left the sovereign territories of UKR.

Some presumed the pullout was genuine, but others do not think so, & presume it as a RUS trick. Ultimately, the facts remained - RUS troops are still on UKR soil.

The pullout was nothing more than to consolidate its DWINDLING forces & equipment, & FOCUS on creating defensive lines to prevent the URK military from reaching Crimea, more so in the coming record Climate change Winter. With International sanctions upon RUS, it has problems even producing equipment - missiles, tanks, etc as it is not a self reliant nation & need supplies for such material. Roubles earned from selling its fossil fuels alone will not create such military equipment, nor are its axis members willing to supply such as they need it for their own.

RUS can bring ALL its existing stockpile of military equipment from its 17 borders for its fight in UKR against 7 Billion Humankind, but it WILL leave it open for its 17 neighbors to expand their territory, inch by inch right up to Moscow eventually. Thus the RUS leadership will have to consider seriously, to return ALL forces back to RUS or lose the entire RUS now over a bit of UKR lands.

As for UKR, this is the BEST opportunity to win back its territories & end the war. It had driven right up the gates of Kherson - the gateway to Crimea. Regardless if the RUS pullout was a ruse or not, it will still have to reclaim back Kherson. However, to do so, it WILL NEED to destroy ALL artillery & missile sites that are within striking range of Kherson, everyone of them, as the RUS consolidation points to that direction - to wipe out Kherson with all UKR troops inside before it can enter to liberate Crimea.

Should such artillery & missile sites be destroyed, which now RUS is dependent on than its ill supplied, cold & angry/confused troops, the way to Crimea is open, right up to the gates of RUS as it faces serious logistic issues that will not be resolve immediately, let alone growing dissatisfaction from its citizens over economic & military issues, unless RUS leaders grow up & think of its own territories than be greedy & blind to seize another's.

Ultimately, if it is not yet clear to anyone, RUS aim in invading UKR is to protect its own border & access to the Black Sea, evident by its foolish military operations in seizing the coastal & surrounding areas, in the face of NATO aligned nations on its border. By such atrocity upon UKR citizens, it had only drawn Worldwide anger, mostly economic issues as well as the harm done to innocent lives - est 200,000 of them in MERE 8 mths & economic sufferings/turmoil on planet Earth.

Perhaps a bone can be thrown to PrezPutin & his circle of brain-dead fiends to save their faces from an eventual humiliating defeat - UKR will not join NATO or allow NATO troops & equipment upon UKR soil, to be neutral only in military matters, AS LONG AS PREZ PUTIN lives IN RETURN for the TOTAL ABSOLUTE pullout of its military forces, equipment including FSB agents from every inch of UKR soil & NEVER, ever interfere in UKR's sovereignty - socio, economic or military. This offer stands until 31st Dec 2022, before the onset of a harsh winter to come, to save as many lives as possible, including even Russian troops & citizens.
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Alfrescian (Inf)


9 November 2022

Putin retreats from Kherson…​



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Why? Is it wrong for Putin to reprimand and teach this child-like nation called Ukraine to behave?

What 'reprimand'? Destroying Ukraine's generators will lead to many Ukrainians to freeze to death in winter. There's enough people dying in wars already. I thought islamists like to criticize Europeans for killing lots of people?


Super Moderator
What 'reprimand'? Destroying Ukraine's generators will lead to many Ukrainians to freeze to death in winter. There's enough people dying in wars already. I thought islamists like to criticize Europeans for killing lots of people?
Still in time to collect firewood?


What 'reprimand'? Destroying Ukraine's generators will lead to many Ukrainians to freeze to death in winter. There's enough people dying in wars already. I thought islamists like to criticize Europeans for killing lots of people?
Hey, if the non Muslims wants to kill each other, I say, go for it!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Hey, if the non Muslims wants to kill each other, I say, go for it!

What if moslems want to kill each other? Like sonni and shi'te moslems in iran-iraq wars, or taliban and hizbollah killing moslem civilians, or arab moslems killing blackie moslems in sudan? Go for it too?


My insignificant nobody me congratulates the awesome & courageous soldiers whom had liberated Kherson city & villages. Although 7 billion Humankind had helped, stood their ground in the face of RUS bullying, the perseverance & will of brave UKR troops & commanders made such LEAP possible, that destroyed the myth that RUS is a superior nation on Earth & can do whatever it wants anytime with any reason.

May UKR citizens-both troops & civilians, enjoy the moment, BUT never to forget that there's still Donetsk, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia to liberate, especially the many in Mariupol whom had borne the brunt of cruelty & atrocities from RUS leaders, as well as the many courageous UKR troop deep in fighting RUS there. The UKR military leadership were right to HIT the RUS supply lines, more so now when RUS military supplies & logistics are dwindling due to many factors, especially sanctions where materials for RUS war efforts are limited.

The moment when the RUS supply lines are cut, the ill equipped, angry & confused troops will have nothing left to fight. Thus UKR needs to SEARCH & DESTROY every resources that the RUS military needs. The ULTIMATE resource in a war is the soldiers. Give them a chance to surrender, & dispel ANY myths that they will be badly treated, if unreachable, use drones to drop leaflets than bombs. They will be treated according to Geneva Conventions of war, & for those whom had committed crimes against UKR civilians, to SURRENDER up their commanders' names, as in war - soldiers obey orders. It is pointless to harm the small fishes.

It is the BIG fishes whom gave the orders that UKR citizens as well as HUMANITY wants, for them to FACE JUSTICE for their crimes against innocent UKR civilians &Humanity. Such BEASTS MUST be made an example of & BE DESTROYED, so that no other Human will dare be influenced or follow his merciless methods upon innocents.

As for the RUS leaders today, may they start reflecting on their actions that had destroyed the stability achieved by UN after WW2 & realize that they have 17 neighbors on their borders to contend with. Alone, each of them may not be able to counter RUS allocated defenses except for a few, but if COMBINED & USING the same PRETEXT & METHODS of invasion by RUS into UKR - special operations - they WILL eventually inch by inch reach Moscow eventually. The proverbial ball in in RUS court now - dialogue or end of the RUS Federation?

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What if moslems want to kill each other? Like sonni and shi'te moslems in iran-iraq wars, or taliban and hizbollah killing moslem civilians, or arab moslems killing blackie moslems in sudan? Go for it too?
Then they can't be real Muslims if they kill each other against the Quranic injunctions.