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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Pffft...a few drone strikes, a few burnt out buildings intermixed with actual bombed out structures in battle zones, to scare the population?

Such is how RUS propaganda works, to fool the naive & low IQ humans, & to help the despicable devils in Iran masquerading as Muslims but had only destroyed Islam - a religion of peace- to boost the sales of their toy crafts. UKR brave fire fighters had probably put out those fires within minutes.

If the ignorant wants to know what truly is massive fire-bombing, they only need to search for historical records of such massive scale during WW2 upon Nazi Germany Dresden & the back then military Imperial Japanese Army upon Tokyo by Allies.

Today, toy aircrafts with short ranges due to it weight, sent by RUS special forces, using VHF freq using line of sight from high features are comparable? Just mere EMF vectoring & dedicated satellite imagery would reveal where they are, & where those stocks of toys are kept. Do they even know HOW MANY buildings are there in Kiev & HOW LARGE Kiev is, to burn it all down with toys? Even village idiots would laff at such RUS idiocies. It is no wonder RUS foolish war in UKR had failed long ago, because they were run by kid Generals still playing with toys!!

However, such are atrocities & are ARSON, & is a criminal offence, worse by a foreign nation upon an innocent sovereign nation. It will NOT be forgotten by the International Community dedicated to peace & progress of Humanity, & ESPECIALLY by Ukrainians whom suffered from such cruelties amongst many more by the Russian leadership.

There will be no return to compassion for RUS leaders & its military, as it had shown NO mercy to innocents, neither will innocents & GENERATIONS of UKR show any mercy anymore for each & every RUS leader - military, political, economic or social leaders whom had supported the attempted SLAUGTHER of innocents in UKR, & so too will RUS citizens whom realized the meaninglessness & depravity of this war that neither elevate or alleviate lives & livelihoods for them & all Humanity, whom are dependent on each other for progress to prosper & evolve.

May RUS leaders stop now, or only worse will befall upon them, & to the many whom had been misled & lied to by them...


Super Moderator
StarLink down, Musk says Ukrainians paid for basic services only…

Altogether now!!! HUAT AH!!!
Musk will accept donations for the usage these StarLinks while he provides pro-bono services to the Ukrainians.




When the Mobilized Recruits are told to bring their own war equipment, you'll know that Bloodymir Putin is totally insane. And only that similarly lunatic @Loofydralb will go to Russia to sign up for this mobilization recall. By the way, before you leave, remember to bring some of your mother's tampons which can then be used as band-aids for your wounds.​

RUSSIA RUNS OUT of Equipment for TROOPS - Mobilized Recruits Told to BUY KIT & Then Sent to War:​

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When the Mobilized Recruits are told to bring their own war equipment, you'll know that Bloodymir Putin is totally insane. And only that similarly lunatic @Loofydralb will go to Russia to sign up for this mobilization recall. By the way, before you leave, remember to bring some of your mother's tampons which can then be used as band-aids for your wounds.​

RUSSIA RUNS OUT of Equipment for TROOPS - Mobilized Recruits Told to BUY KIT & Then Sent to War:​

Only a clown like you would believe this western propaganda to make Putin look bad.


As winter comes on our planet that had faced drastic changes in climate, & no longer a constant value in calculations, may each side & supporters be prepared. The temp in UKR is steadily dropping, even to minus degrees just a few days ago...

Thank you Mr. Loofydralb, for pointing out that there may had been propaganda by West, but equally, if techniques of propaganda by man can be used to fool others, so too from RUS. Thus, Humanity will have to rely on FACTS.

Thank you too, Mr Winners, for your intelligent assessment over troop equipment supply. It may be that only special troops will be provided with such, but not ALL RUS troops. Such facts are based not on the video supplied, but what had been ACTUALLY happening on the ground in RUS - INTERNATIONAL SANCTIONS & are working. RUS is NOT a self sufficient nation such as USA or Australia. So far, many manufacturers from World had fled RUS due to the sanctions, including even the supply of materials. And thus the shortage of MANY products & even equipment to produce products in & for RUS.

During WW2, Hitler faced similar shortages, & when faced with his military disasters in his attempt to conquer RUS in winter & his lies & outright contempt for Stalin, he resorted to DEPRIVE his own citizens of clothing to keep warm in winter, but used every such materials, already far limited in a time of war, to reserve it for his troops, but it was already too late as winter had set in & most Nazi German troops froze to death, so too many civilian Germans in their own homeland...History..repeats itself, this time with RUS leaders taking the place of Hitler. Why, why.. can't morons learn???

Ultimately, we are ALL Humans. RUS troops are only fellow Humans, & being soldiers, are brainwashed to follow orders. It is their leaders that must take the blame, not them. Already, many being conscripted & forced to be canon fodder to fulfill an insane leader's lust, had smartly fled or rebelled, more so then to follow one whom had been brainwashed by Stalin's inhumane KGB apparatus, which he can be certified as insane, & thus many RUS citizens are appalled today by his insanity & more so failures in UKR & his economic strategies.

May the mobilized troops see the futility of this aggression upon an innocent nation UKR, as well as RUS citizens at homeland realize the same, the way Americans at home saw the same during the needless Vietnam war in the 60s, rose up & helped end that hurt & harm to fellow Human brothers & sisters. RUS troops today are NOT fighting for the homeland, as UKR or the West had not invaded RUS, but had even attempted to help RUS citizens progress thru trade for decades.

It must be made known to them that RUS leaders cares not about them, but only their own lives, livelihood & achieving power for their own ends & not motherland RUS. Many of those mobilized troops need NOT face the uncertainty & bloodshed of senseless wars or die not for their loved ones, but only for their insane leaders. Those troops are innocent, & must surrender the moment they step foot into UKR, the way the intelligent Iraqis did when USA attempted to liberate them from the tyrant Saddam.

With capitulation, those troops will be treated well, & share whatever UKR citizens has - at least 3 hot meals a day & warm shelter, under Geneva Conventions. If need be, allies may consider offering 'bath tub ships' - car cargo vessels which can hold at least 300,000 humans instead of cars, modified with modular toilets & kitchens, to keep warm in winter, per vessel.

We Humanity will NOT leave anyone behind, so long as each have no desire to hurt or harm another to serve their insane leader's power lust.


Only a clown like you would believe this western propaganda to make Putin look bad.
You are still in total denial despite the cards are all on the table for everyone to see. When Russia has to turn to North Korea and Iran for arms, only an idiot will still insist that Putin is winning this war. Even Winnie doesn't even dare to supply arms to Russia for fear of sanctions. Embarrassingly, even my Primary 6 nephew knows better than you. I know Mu.ds are renown to be naive and simple, but not exactly to this extent like you.


Alfrescian (Inf)
tiagong rasputin wants all except cannon fodder conscripts to stay in kherson (as a deception that russia will stay and defend the city) and then blow up the dam to cause a catastrophe while blaming ukrainian “saboteurs”.


Europe News - Today's latest from Al Jazeera .jpg


Super Moderator
tiagong rasputin wants all except cannon fodder conscripts to stay in kherson (as a deception that russia will stay and defend the city) and then blow up the dam to cause a catastrophe while blaming ukrainian “saboteurs”.
The Russkies should opt for a hot meal by surrendering to the Ukrainians en-mass.


Super Moderator
It must be made known to them that RUS leaders cares not about them, but only their own lives, livelihood & achieving power for their own ends & not motherland RUS. Many of those mobilized troops need NOT face the uncertainty & bloodshed of senseless wars or die not for their loved ones, but only for their insane leaders.
Maybe the Russkies remembered what happened to the German 6th Army and Field Marshall Paulus.



Fucking Bastard Bloodymir Putin is sending his own citizens to their graves.​

Recently Mobilized Russian About How He Was Sent On The Frontline As A Cannon Fodder:​



During ancient times of Rome, when the roman ruling republic & citizens hear of Germanic uprisings, they would panic, as the Germanic hordes were in the millions. Roman military commanders - mostly of patrician class, sent to deal with them often failed thru by being complacent. It was only until the time of great Caesar whom had been taught by military genius Marius & his harsh childhood that led him to developed pragmatic plans & defeated the Germanic hordes with just mere thousands Roman soldiers. It's about STRATEGY, from EVERY angle of aspect on Humans, whom were doing the fighting, & not mere tactics alone.

Most RUS mobilized troops are not aware of the aims of the RUS war upon UKR. To them mere kids, its a paid adventure, until reality hits - pain & suffering for life, not just death. When such happens, they will start to wake up & wonder what was it all about, & realize realities, that they suffered NOT for their loved ones, but for the vainglorious aims of their commanders & leaders, whom are FAR behind frontlines & will reap power, wealth, esteem & privileges from the suffering of the youths whom bore the fears, the dread, etc in battlefields, and from their families suffering from economic mismanagement in motherland RUS under such leaders.

UKR & allies must not treat those mere child as enemies. They are only fellow Humans whom had been brainwashed or FORCED to fight for the pre-eminence of their office seating leaders in rear echelons far from battles. Each RUS soldier whom surrendered will be & must be treated under Geneva Conventions, even if just one. ONE is an exponential number, as it will lead to another, & another. With the 300K mobilized troops as well as the regulars in battlefields, they can be the CHANGE for actions to build a better Russia & contributor to Human species for progress & evolution....

As for PrezPutin & his circle of fiends.. the clock is ticking...

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Super Moderator
Growing civil unrest across Europe amidst rising costs of living and high energy costs.

US profiteering from this and Macron is questioning US on the huge disparity between European market and US domestic market.



It is not easy to see hurt & harm to fellow Humans...

May the 300,000 conscripted RUS troops FORCED to fight in UKR wake up to realities. Ukrainians are NOT their enemy. They are only defending their loved ones, homes & independent land from INVADING RUS troops whom had been SLAUGTHERING them with bullets, drones & missiles. For those pitiful conscripts, the enemy is AT HOME - the RUS leaders whom had unconscionably forced innocent, little equipped & untrained RUS citizens to fight NOT for the glory of Motherland Russia, but for the vainglory of its leaders, & the only way home to loved ones in Russia is either wounded, crippled or in body bags...

Let the slaughters on both sides end, & RUS either surrender quickly, to end such sufferings, more so as winter closes in, or return back to their loved ones in Russia. Do not under-estimate the 300,000 soldiers. They are a force to be reckoned with. They are not just 300,000 RUS citizens, but each have families, relatives & friends & will be in the millions at the final count, that the RUS leaders & their bodyguards will have to wake up from their delusions or be booted out so that a better Russia can be led for the progress & evolution of Motherland Russia, its people & Humanity...



Super Moderator
Black Hornets are coming!

Smaller pocket-sized drones means better evasion and better surveillance and targeting system?