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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

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    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

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Even the use of nukes as a possible outcome. Do not, do not doubt that RUS will not use nukes. At the end of WW2, Hitler gave the 'Götterdämmerung' order - to destroy all German infrastructure just before committing suicide. Fortunately, his generals did not follow such crazy orders but surrendered instead & saw millions & generations of German survived & progressed. Should PrezPutin does the same & uses full or tactical nukes, it will mean that at least 70% of Human population will die, as it would not be a single nuke launch from NATO once RUS fires one, but MULTIPLE nuke launches from every nation that possesses nukes, settling even old scores...
Everyday, I'm looking forward to Bloodymir Putin to expeditiously press the "N" Button and making the first move. Only then will there be a quick end to this war because within a matter of days, Russia (especially St Petersburg and Moscow) will be reduced to ashes. History had already been proven as such in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Otherwise, the Japanese imperial army at that time had big ambitions and will never give up. Bloodymir Putin will then be captured and sentenced to death for treason to his own people.

At the same time, this will hopefully put an end to Winnie's ambition to retake Taiwan by force.

If only these Commie bastard leaders (North Korea's Fat Kim included) would have understood how the world works, they should have instead use the financial incomes from their natural resources to constantly improve and educate their people's capabilities into the Advancement of Science and Technology so that everybody in this world will be able to progress and benefit from these innovations. But instead, these bastard leaders are being self-centered with high egoism and wanting to make a legend for themselves before they leave this planet. which is all for the wrong reason.
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Old Fart
This is tragic but to be expected. The only way to stop this madness is to remove Putin. The russkies need to step up to that task.

Newly mobilised Russian soldiers already returning in coffins​

  • James Kilner
Sat, 15 October 2022 at 3:20 am·2-min read

A Russian conscript hugs family members - MAXIM SHIPENKOV/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

A Russian conscript hugs family members - MAXIM SHIPENKOV/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Coffins containing the bodies of men conscripted by the Kremlin just last month are already being flown back to Russia from Ukraine.

Pro-war Russian bloggers said that the death of conscripts barely three weeks after Vladimir Putin ordered a mobilisation showed just how shambolic the process had been.

"Some commanders on the ground should be shot,"
Anastasia Kashevarova told her 180,000 subscribers on the Telegram social media channel. "The result of mobilisation is that untrained guys are thrown into the frontline. Zinc coffins are already being sent back to Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Moscow."

War Kitten Z, another Russian military blogger with 470,000 subscribers, agreed. He said that mobilised men from Moscow were sent to fight in Ukraine with only one day's training and that half of their regiment had been injured or killed after coming under artillery bombardment.

"These mobilised men were left without command and without control," he said. "They suffered serious losses without even entering into a direct clash."

Videos posted online by Russian men mobilised after Mr Putin's order on September 21st also showed drunkenness, poor food and a lack of equipment. The men were told to buy their own first aid kits and there have been reports of ammunition running out.

Russian conscripts at a training camp - ALESSANDRO GUERRA/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Russian conscripts at a training camp - ALESSANDRO GUERRA/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Looking to protect Mr Putin, Kremlin propagandists have blamed the Russian ministry of defence for the shoddy mobilisation and also for strategies on the battlefield that have allowed Ukraine to gain the upper hand in the war.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned conscripted Russian men that they will be killed if they come to fight in Ukraine and Western analysts said that Russia's mobilisation, which Mr Putin had always wanted to avoid, was undermining morale.

"Russian incompetence continues to take its toll on mobilised personnel before they even reach the frontlines, likely exacerbating already-low morale," said the US-based Institute for the Study of War.

Russia's army has been pushed back across Ukraine's main battlefields since declaring a pause in fighting in the Donbas region in July, losing huge swathes of territory in northeast Ukraine near Kharkiv and southern Ukraine near Kherson.

The British ministry of defence said that Russian forces were making "very slow" progress capturing villages in Donbas but that the strategy was having limited impact.

"Its overall operational design is undermined by the Ukrainian pressure against its northern and southern flanks, and by severe shortages of munitions and manpower," it said.



Removing PrezPutin may not be a good solution, as he is deemed to have 'popular' support from the masses, or the assumption of it & in reality only supported by RUS propaganda & security apparatus. To remove him from the outside would only make him a martyr, & OTHERS within his diabolical circle will step up to take control & continue RUS now proven disastrous run.

The solution is to show to RUS citizens the evident truth of his mistakes, even to his propaganda & security apparatus & let them decide realities for themselves, & the course to take to progress their nation. The RUS planners who strategized & rehearsed this war - socio economic & military might upon UKR had by now proven to be failures, as Humanity had stood up en-massed thru UN & had THWARTED RUS & its allies at every socio economic & military strategies.

For RUS leaders of this aggression to UKR & Humanity, to turn back will be difficult, as their lives are LITERALLY on the line. It would be better if they had taken up a 'graceful exit' offered by neutral nations a few months ago to end such futile hostilities, but they have their fears & thus the prolongation of RUS miscarried & ill advised plans in UKR & to World.

Their military invasion plan into UKR was to start in Spring 2022 & was to successfully end before summer. But because of its failures, it will go into winter which RUS planners wanted to avoid. Winter is coming, & in a World where climate change had proven to be real, as Humankind saw the strings of drastic changes to weather & temperatures. It is no longer a constant value that one can rely on anymore.

Whomever is able to have access to such data well in advance & plan for it on socio economic & military terms will determine the war's outcome, unfortunately none will have, or will only have hrs advance notice, which will be worse for those already caught in logistical nightmare now to supply troops far away. It can a bitterly cold and wet winter of record breaking extremes, or it could be skin scorching hot maximal.

Europeans whom had depended on RUS energy supplies but did not support the UKR invasion will have to make plans for the shortfall for this coming winter, thru alternative supplies innovatively, cutting down on energy consumption, etc. They still have 1 to 2months time to prepare.

All of such can be avoided if only PrezPutin comes to his senses now, but sadly unlikely, & thus the continuation of this man made calamity upon Russians, Ukrainians & Humanity. Sit back...& watch as this catastrophic real life drama... unfolds....


Super Moderator
There were videos of conscripts shooting at the officer/s in the conscription office…

Kak dilah, Ivan? :coffee::coffee::coffee:



Russia is Sending Musicians and Lawyers to the Frontlines in Ukraine As Cannon Fodders, WTF?:​

Jump to timeline 19:24 and you'll see the vast difference between Zelenskyy and Bloodymir Putin. Zelenskyy visits his wounded soldiers in hospitals with compassion whilst does Bloodymir Putin even does this? Yet we have Pumaos in this forum always critisizing Zelenskyy as a comedian/clown. I wonder who's the bigger clown instead in this forum? WTF?



Belarus is a concern as it poses a new front in RUS - UKR war. It is an ally of RUS. 45% of its trade comes from RUS. Unfortunately, it had decades of mismanagement in its corrupted & incompetent governance, including the devaluation of its ruble, & caused widespread suffering to its citizens which had not recovered even today. While it will allow RUS military troops & equipment on its soil, with support from its corrupted leaders, it will have little support from its citizens. It's economy is still tied to Humanity which accounts for 55% & more now, as its ally RUS economy is in shambles now, of its trade, as well as obligations to IMF for its bailout when its ruble devalued.

Should Free Humankind economic support for Belarus ends due to its role in the destruction & subjugation of UKR, its citizens will suffer more & may even rise up against its leaders for its involvement in what essentially is RUS personal vainglorious pride & not the uplifting of livelihood of Belarus citizens, let alone Russians. While corrupted Belarus leaders wax fat on the largesse from RUS, its ordinary citizens as well as those in RUS know which side of their bread are buttered. There will be some support for the RUS troops in Belarus for sure, as that's how RUS propaganda works, but underneath, the resentment against the RUS troops & equipment will be evident as the days go by. Stay tuned...Winter, ..is coming...
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In Singapore, when the temperature drops to 24C, jackets & warmer clothing would be worn & most would complain of the cold. However, in UKR, the avg summer temp is around 13C in the south & even colder in the north. Should record breaking winter temp comes due to climate change as seen around the world, temperatures will go in the minus C degrees.

For Humans - hypothermia, frostbites & influenza would rage. Med tents will swell up. There is only so much clothing one can wear once outside the freezing cold. Supplies of addictive alcoholic Vodka would be drunk, even neat, to keep warm. But being of high alcohol content, it would render one to distorted perceptions, recklessness & especially drowsiness, which would render a combatant ineffective, unproductive & worse - a danger to oneself during battles or on sentry duties.

For military hardware, the record cold temperatures would freeze & clog up machineries with chunks of ice, rendering it ineffective for battles even if such machines can be started in the cold with anti-freeze. As for aircrafts & drones, equally the parts would freeze up if such are forced to fly in such hazy weather. Rivers, seas & railroad tracks would freeze up, making transportation of supplies near impossible.

Should the weather turns scorching hot due to climate change, then it would mean high humidity which would lead to record breaking storms, heavy downpours & flooding, which would render great discomfit to troops & hindering movement of military hardware - aircraft, ships, tanks, etc.

It is still not too late for RUS to turn back & end its pompous, conceited arrogant & harmful war upon an innocent nation & to its own people, before winter comes.....


Super Moderator
In Singapore, when the temperature drops to 24C, jackets & warmer clothing would be worn & most would complain of the cold.
Huh? Back in the 70s and 80s when the daily temperature was 24-28 degrees C, I don’t recall folks wearing warmer clothings. I was also topless most of the time :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Ukrainians better be glad that it is only drones and not tact nukes.
They should request Putin more of these kinds of drone attacks or else they get a bigger boom.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The war could have been ended quickly had the USA sent a Reaper drone to kill Ukraine-Nazi chief and puppet Zelensky.

Unfortunately, Biden is a usurper and a puppet himself, and he looks after his own. :cool:

syed putra

Zelensky by now should know that the initial restrain dhown by putin is waning snd he is wants the entite ujraine to feel what its like to be bombarded for 8 years like what happened in the donbass and lukhansk region.
And european support for Ukraine is waning too.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
This is a dry run. Come winter Putin will send a nuclear Christmas present. Note Russia don’t celebrate Christmas on 25 Dec.