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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Super Moderator
The ball less US, UK and France should just station their Nuclear equipped submarines in the Baltic Sea and fire numerous Nuclear warhead missiles into St Petersburg and Moscow. This will definitely trash Russia to ashes.
For a moment I thought those ICBM silos are well prepared since the Cold War started.


Old Fart
Drone warfare hasn’t been well showcased here while it had been proven very effective.

The Ukrainians can even land a grenade into a tank hatch! Superb aiming I tell you.
Yeah their modified drones have been effective against small and soft targets. They need more serious hardware in addition to what's been provided, e.g., Leopard tanks, missile defence systems, and other weaponry. This is a good article from April 2022.



Old Fart
Folks in France and Germany are protesting against their leaders’ stance against Russia.

Franxit and Germaxit next?
Nabez! The frogs forgot how the allies saved their hides, they should reciprocate now! As for the krauts, they should make amends for their misdeeds by fully helping Ukraine. :biggrin:


Super Moderator
StarLink down, Musk says Ukrainians paid for basic services only…

Altogether now!!! HUAT AH!!!


No wonder the Russian soldiers from their mobilization exercise are surrendering to the Ukranian troops at the frontline. They are treated like cattle and fodders by their commanders.

Russian Soldiers Keep Surrendering for Cash and Socks:​

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Super Moderator
No wonder the Russian soldiers from their mobilization exercise are surrendering to the Ukranian troops at the frontline. They are treated like cattle and fodders by their commanders.
More importantly, they get treated nicely if they surrender.


Mathematics is absolute & empirical. The results are always clear, same & repeatable as long as set formulas derived from principles of logic are used. However when Humans & Nature are involved in the equation, the results may differ as Human emotions & nature are not all the same everywhere, and will vary. The only reliable mathematical data from Humans & Nature are based upon principles of Probabilities & 'fuzzy logic sets'.

I am sure the RUS planners for the aggression in UKR are intelligent, cold, methodical & clinical, & would had run through its data for years to find the best possible outcomes (probabilities) for the green light to roll into UKR. Unfortunately, the current results of the war had proven they had not chose the best possibilities among many other possibilities, which among them would had shown RUS would lose the war in UKR, as it is against the will of PrezPutin.

Math is empirical & favors none. Only the blind would choose the best possibilities while ignoring others, or had not even made preparations against outcomes not in their favor. Or even worse, the RUS planners had NOT even consider mathematical probabilities but relied on linear graphical math models as COVid 19 epidemiologists did in 2020, followed by all leaders & Humanity saw widespread starvation & deprivation during those 2 yrs of needless lockdowns over what was only an endemic virus.

Even R. McNamara - the def sec of USA during the Vietnam war, depended on system analysis but linear graphical models in the vain hope to win the war, -the number of Viet bodybags - war of attrition. He did not take into account Human nature or the history of the Vietnamese mentalities, & eventually had to resign in 1969 & replaced by M.Laird under PrezNixon who laid the foundation for disengagement from Vietnam.

RUS population is at 146 million citizens. Out of such, I am sure there are intelligent citizens amongst them. But it is up against the World population of 7 Billion, which will have MORE Humans whom are far more intelligent, far more colder, far more methodical & far more clinical than them. They would have already worked out the mathematical probabilities, & only awaiting RUS moves, akin to a chess player whom had already calculated each possibility before making any single move on the chessboard.

Even the use of nukes as a possible outcome. Do not, do not doubt that RUS will not use nukes. At the end of WW2, Hitler gave the 'Götterdämmerung' order - to destroy all German infrastructure just before committing suicide. Fortunately, his generals did not follow such crazy orders but surrendered instead & saw millions & generations of German survived & progressed. Should PrezPutin does the same & uses full or tactical nukes, it will mean that at least 70% of Human population will die, as it would not be a single nuke launch from NATO once RUS fires one, but MULTIPLE nuke launches from every nation that possesses nukes, settling even old scores...

It is high time to end the RUS - UKR war & needless burdens upon Humanity. The mathematical models -studied even up to Quantum Mechanics level, already predicted the war would fail, & RUS would pay a high price but eventually will progress & evolve as the Germans did in 1945.
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Super Moderator
It is high time to end the RUS - UKR war & needless burdens upon Humanity. The mathematical models -studied even up to Quantum Mechanics level, already predicted the war would fail, & RUS would pay a high price but eventually will progress & evolve as the Germans did in 1945.
Do you have the Big Russian Soul? :coffee::coffee::coffee:


It is high time to end the RUS - UKR war & needless burdens upon Humanity. The mathematical models -studied even up to Quantum Mechanics level, already predicted the war would fail, & RUS would pay a high price but eventually will progress & evolve as the Germans did in 1945.
This outcome is only achievable if and only if, Bloodymir Putin is eliminated from this world.