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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

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    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

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Alfrescian (Inf)
russian “reservists” being sent to certain death in ukraine. from 36.9 to 69 years old.


russian “reservists” being sent to certain death in ukraine. from 36.9 to 69 years old.
View attachment 163551

their faces don't send an optimistic message.

stupid russkies.

serves them right, can't even conquer tiny ukraine (nato or no nato, doesn't matter) but talking so big and bragging that putler doesn't mind if zionist terrorists bomb Gaza/Palestine or bombing syria to the ground but got no courage to do it in ukraine. stuipd fucktard.

btw if drones win wars, why turkey can't oust russkies from syria NOW that russkies are getting a hammering in ukraine?

why iran or turkey can't liberate palestine with their "mighty" drones?

why iran can't kill suudi or emirati or kuwaiti/moroccan/jordanian/egyptian/other yankee puppet dictators with their "mighty" drones and install their own vassals?

so now suddenly drones aren't all that mighty after all this hype for all this while?


i don't believe in hype over stealth plane, first of all they are not stealth, second fighter aircrafts don't win wars, nukes do.

that's why yanks have never abandoned their nukes icbm and anti satellite missiles.

if they believed their fighter aircrafts alone can win wars, they'd readily give up ALL of their nukes, verified by ALL member states of the UN or otherwise, including Afghan Taliban of course, and then give up all their ICBM and anti satellite missiles, verifiably, then the yankees would fight only with their fighter aircrafts. why don't they?

because, obviously, fighter planes are just measly toys in comparison to real weapons i.e. nukes and their delivery systems (ICBMs) and anti satellite missiles.

btw as I said in this thread, https://www.sammyboy.com/threads/wh...-intellectually-praiseworthy-activity.328860/

what sort of a nation of donkeys promote hacking cracking etc as an intellectually praiseworthy activity? apparently yankee donkeys do. and continue to carry them out since they are donkeys otherwise.

yeah as I have said, yanks don't verifiably abandon their nukes, icbm and anti satellite weapons tell us they don't trust their worthless overhyped stealth fighters.

tiongs just copycats, slanties, got no hope apart from copycat.

i love it now that putler is put in his place, bastard didn't side with Muslims and Islam openly, did not EXPORT nuclear weapons and ICBM when i ordered him to do so, and thought he was clever by dragging his feet.

now if yankees can actually defeat him in ukraine, that'd be his just deserts. as we've seen chinks are nowhere in sight, washing their hands off pretendin they were never working with russkies against yanks.

i think that serves as a useful wake up call.

tiongs are nobody's ally, only stupid low IQ ceca-virus-afflicted lying filthy pakis looove their slanty commie kafir masters even though those commies don't like Islam one bit. ironic isn't it? funnily enough malaysian melayun umno leaders also hobnob with those commie kafir tiongs although those commies are kafir and anti Islamic and been openly so (e.g. against Uighurs or Huis in their own turf, and against Muslims worldwide when they sided with yanks in 2001 and onwards, let's not forget that).


Ukrainian soldiers are bad ass! Slava Ukraini:biggrin:

heard that nato inserted their own troops under ukrainian flags and both ukraienias and russkies lied a lot.

that's their habit


anybody who followed or watched zionist terrorists closely would know that lying is second nature to them. you've to assume everything they say is a lie unless proven otherwise with those zionist terrorists.

and with zioniost terriorists you should know that most of them are refugees from russkie ukrie or polish backgrounds in Palestine .

so i'm not surprised in the least bit with ukrainianas frequent lying and ditto for russkies.

this is more of an online social media war than real war.

yet russkies have performed extremely poorly no doubt.

putler's bragging and boastful claim of "significantly superior" weapons are nowhere to be seen.

if putler possessed significantly superior weapons why can't he disable yankees? why is he afraid to fight off yankees?


Old Fart
heard that nato inserted their own troops under ukrainian flags and both ukraienias and russkies lied a lot.

that's their habit


anybody who followed or watched zionist terrorists closely would know that lying is second nature to them. you've to assume everything they say is a lie unless proven otherwise with those zionist terrorists.

and with zioniost terriorists you should know that most of them are refugees from russkie ukrie or polish backgrounds in Palestine .

so i'm not surprised in the least bit with ukrainianas frequent lying and ditto for russkies.

this is more of an online social media war than real war.

yet russkies have performed extremely poorly no doubt.

putler's bragging and boastful claim of "significantly superior" weapons are nowhere to be seen.

if putler possessed significantly superior weapons why can't he disable yankees? why is he afraid to fight off yankees?
I agree, the ukrainians are no angels that's for sure. Both they and the russkies are brutes, even uncivilised. But the russkies bit off more than they can chew, not expecting the ukrainians to be so motivated. Plus they have had plenty of help from their western friends. Fuck Putin and his merry band of thugs.


I agree, the ukrainians are no angels that's for sure. Both they and the russkies are brutes, even uncivilised. But the russkies bit off more than they can chew, not expecting the ukrainians to be so motivated. Plus they have had plenty of help from their western friends. Fuck Putin and his merry band of thugs.

i say fuck yanks pommies gayropeans ukies etc and their merry band of thugs.

putler is no saint and a liar and corrupted criminal to boot. he deserves punishment for not siding with Muslims all these years even going so far as to say he doesn't mind if zionist terrorists bomb palestine/Gaza or siding with yanks wholeheartedly when they invaded Afghanistan or imposing sanctions at the UN on both iran and north korea, so yeah he deserves punishment too.

so do zionist terrorists, they deserve punishment, and so do their bumchummers like stinkypura, and other yankee poodles like japs gooks etc as well as iranian sectarian terrorists who are losers (we've seen how powerful they are after murder of qasim soleimani, they can't even touch trump pompeo or bolton or any other yankee of some note, their retaliation didn't even kill a single yankee publicly, sorry propaganda won't work. we've seen that iranians are both cowards and weaaaaaak) and turkey ceca virus or pakis or burmese junta deserve punishment too.

so you see the list is pretty long already & it's not comprehensive.

singling out putler seems quite hypocritical.

anybody remember the ghost of kiev? didn't ukies lie then? :o-o:

how about putler? didn't he lie when he bragged about significantly superior russkie weapons? or all those six new strategic weapons he bragged about unveiling a few years ago (in 2018?) incl avangard zirkon etc etc.

so why don't russkies use their supposedly "significantly superior" weapons to deal a knockout blow to yanks and then all nato members are up for the taking?

too bad


Old Fart
i say fuck yanks pommies gayropeans ukies etc and their merry band of thugs.

putler is no saint and a liar and corrupted criminal to boot. he deserves punishment for not siding with Muslims all these years even going so far as to say he doesn't mind if zionist terrorists bomb palestine/Gaza or siding with yanks wholeheartedly when they invaded Afghanistan or imposing sanctions at the UN on both iran and north korea, so yeah he deserves punishment too.

so do zionist terrorists, they deserve punishment, and so do their bumchummers like stinkypura, and other yankee poodles like japs gooks etc as well as iranian sectarian terrorists who are losers (we've seen how powerful they are after murder of qasim soleimani, they can't even touch trump pompeo or bolton or any other yankee of some note, their retaliation didn't even kill a single yankee publicly, sorry propaganda won't work. we've seen that iranians are both cowards and weaaaaaak) and turkey ceca virus or pakis or burmese junta deserve punishment too.

so you see the list is pretty long already & it's not comprehensive.

singling out putler seems quite hypocritical.

anybody remember the ghost of kiev? didn't ukies lie then? :o-o:

how about putler? didn't he lie when he bragged about significantly superior russkie weapons? or all those six new strategic weapons he bragged about unveiling a few years ago (in 2018?) incl avangard zirkon etc etc.

so why don't russkies use their supposedly "significantly superior" weapons to deal a knockout blow to yanks and then all nato members are up for the taking?

too bad
It may grief you to know that no one really cares about your middle eastern and muslim brethren. Even bastard terrorist Putin knows to not throw his lot in with them. That speaks volume, doesn't it. Anyway, his days as russkie president are numbered. Probably even his days on earth.


It may grief you to know that no one really cares about your middle eastern and muslim brethren. Even bastard terrorist Putin knows to not throw his lot in with them. That speaks volume, doesn't it. Anyway, his days as russkie president are numbered. Probably even his days on earth.

It may also grief you to know that no one really cares about your Ukie masters or gayropean masters. Let them rot in hell, ditto for yanks or russkies. We can watch the show from sidelines.

That bastard Putin is getting his arse handed to him next door in tiny ukraine because of his wrong policy, are you telling me now that bastard putler's policy has been correct all along?

Btw, everyone's days on Earth are numbered, they always have been. Don't tell me you think your yankee or gayropean masters will live forever. :roflmao:



Fucking Bloodymir Putin is clearly losing this war with each passing day. His fucking mobilization operation will make the situation even worse because he is losing his top talents in other fields by sending them to their deaths in Ukraine. There were instances where the country's top surgeons were conscripted for this mobilization operation. These people are not combat ready and by sending them to the warfront would only mean a 1-way ticket back in body bags. Furthermore, the Russian's military weaponry and ammunition are not up to par as a result of years of corruption within their army. Logistical problems further complicated the matter where there are even insufficient food for their troops at the frontline. Due to the sudden large number of new conscripts, there is even a lack of military uniforms for them and they were told to just make-do with whatever is issued to them presently.

The real reason why Finland, Estonia and Latvia are closing their borders to fleeing Russians is because these countries would want the ordinary Russians to retaliate against Bloodymir Putin.

Total Airstrike: 3 Russian S-300 defense systems ELIMINATED by Ukrainian air forces!:​


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Would the Ah Tiong let Putin collapse?
I think Winnie is not going to shed an extra drop of blood for Bloodymir Putin. After that recent Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit at Kazakhstan, it can be seen that the attitude from Winnie towards Bloodymir Putin has started to turn cold. Winnie would have also realized that he won't want to become a ridicule by his own people for continuing to support a losing horse.


When the Russian troops are abandoning their equipment and fleeing on foot at the war front, you will know that their fighting morals are at the lowest.

Russia loses full control of annexed regions after huge Ukraine gains:​

This video summarizes it all.

Putin is in panic and fear! Secret Attack Against Putin's Regime!:​

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Would the Ah Tiong let Putin collapse?

I'm the only one in the world - so far - who has publicly said that this is a collab between tiongs and yanks to drag down their next tier competitors. Japs are already a vassal of yanks, by dragging down russkies, gayropeans and then maybe ceca virus, tiongs & yank will ensure only the two of them remain standing in the ring.

that's the idea. we haven't seen any public commitments whatsoever from tiongs to the russkies yet while yanks and gayropeans went all in against russkies, even banning russkie athletes using IOC as a proxy. ironically ioc did nothing to ban yankee pommie ozzie sheepshagger jap gook stinky etc etc athlete EVER at all for ANY of their crimes.



What if yanks turn their attention on tiongs next (highly like, using taiwan as sacrificial lamb) and cut tiongs down to size? Maybe russkies will take that opportunity to seize manchuria or inner mongolia or east turkestan then?