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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

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syed putra


Looks like vikings sabotaged russia's pipeline.​

Norway just opened new pipeline to poland.​

Launch of the Baltic Pipe​


Today, the Baltic Pipe was inaugurated at an opening ceremony in Goleniów, Poland. The event marks the end of the process of the Baltic Pipe construction, a key route to carry gas from Norway through Denmark to Poland and neighbouring countries. The Baltic Pipe will make it possible to import up to 10 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas annually from Norway to Poland and to transport 3 bcm of gas from Poland to Denmark. The start of gas transmission is planned for 1 October 2022.
The project, supported by the Trans-European Networks for Energy, enhances the diversification of gas supply in Central-Eastern Europe and the Baltic States by opening a new import route from the North Sea to the EU. The Baltic Pipe has been a Project of Common Interest since 2013 and has received around €267 million of EU funding through the Connecting Europe Facility, helping to complete the preparatory studies and construction works necessary for this project.
Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, said:

Flying Horse


Looks like vikings sabotaged russia's pipeline.​

Norway just opened new pipeline to poland.​

Launch of the Baltic Pipe​


Today, the Baltic Pipe was inaugurated at an opening ceremony in Goleniów, Poland. The event marks the end of the process of the Baltic Pipe construction, a key route to carry gas from Norway through Denmark to Poland and neighbouring countries. The Baltic Pipe will make it possible to import up to 10 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas annually from Norway to Poland and to transport 3 bcm of gas from Poland to Denmark. The start of gas transmission is planned for 1 October 2022.
The project, supported by the Trans-European Networks for Energy, enhances the diversification of gas supply in Central-Eastern Europe and the Baltic States by opening a new import route from the North Sea to the EU. The Baltic Pipe has been a Project of Common Interest since 2013 and has received around €267 million of EU funding through the Connecting Europe Facility, helping to complete the preparatory studies and construction works necessary for this project.
Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, said:
The fact is that this Baltic Pipeline capacity is only 1/5 the total capacity of the NordStream.


Your dubious forum is a source of reliable news? You're already the sort of idiot that believes in flying donkeys and worshipping stone idols.

You are the kind that likes taking it up the arse and boasting about how wonderful such an experience ought to be.

Not that many respectable sane or rational ppl fall for your perverse agenda.

Your pinkdotsg finds no takers in respectable honourable upright sane rational countries.

You need to ask yourself: what is good about spreading monkeypox? What is good about taking it up the arse? Why do you love your ang moh masters whether they be priests or pastors forcing themselves on you? Your faggotry may be considered holy among your coreligionists but a most detestable perversion elsewhere and by all respectable honourable righteous peoples of note.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You need to ask yourself: what is good about spreading monkeypox?

your arse.

Why do you love your ang moh masters whether they be priests or pastors forcing themselves on you?

why do you love your arabic "prophet" even though he was a liar and a pedophile? Dumb fuck mahomet was poisoned during dinner prepared by a Jew woman whose family his moslems massacred.


your arse.

There you go! Finally you have revealed that you are a faggot.

Except that you have long been known to take it up the arse, why do you pretend otherwise now?

why do you love your arabic "prophet" even though he was a liar and a pedophile? Dumb fuck mahomet was poisoned during dinner prepared by a Jew woman whose family his moslems massacred.

Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was the greatest ever person and prophet, any slander on his honourable character should be met with strictest punishment such as beheading. That's fair enough.

A jewess scoundrel would have poisoned him, going to prove once again, that they are untrustworthy as they have long been known to be. Treacherous, unreasonable, backstabbing, venomous, filthy liars who go to any extent to defame any one standing in their way.

Vilest amongst characters, not worthy of being classified as humans.

Why do you like taking it up the arse though? Why do you like your ang moh masters who penetrated your tender arse at a tender age and forced themselves upon you? Was it the very first incident that forced you to like to your ang moh priests and pastors? Is it an acquired habit? Why do you think spreading monkeypox is good for anybody? It's disgusting and deserving of punishment.

A faggot such as you deserve the worst kind of punishment. Why do you even believe a pinkdotSG member like you will receive any privileges?


Your dubious forum is a source of reliable news? You're already the sort of idiot that believes in flying donkeys and worshipping stone idols.
Coming from an idiot who thinks God went to the toilet and wiped his arse, gets tired and need to sleep and that same powerful God was crucified by his powerless creations?
Lets talk about idols...there is absolutely zero idols in any mosque you visit, but I find numerous in churches. Some idiots even talk to these stone idols asking for favours. Pagans will never change their ways.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Coming from an idiot who thinks God went to the toilet and wiped his arse, gets tired and need to sleep and that same powerful God was crucified by his powerless creations?

And yet, you're the idiot who follows a fake prophet who doesn't even practice his own religious laws. moslems are allowed to marry 10 wives in the quran?

Some idiots even talk to these stone idols asking for favours. Pagans will never change their ways.

I agree. Here are some photos of pagans asking their stone idol in mecca for favours. Thanks for stating out loud that moslems are pagans. They did exactly what you described about asking stone idols for favour.




And yet, you're the idiot who follows a fake prophet who doesn't even practice his own religious laws. moslems are allowed to marry 10 wives in the quran?

I agree. Here are some photos of pagans asking their stone idol in mecca for favours. Thanks for stating out loud that moslems are pagans. They did exactly what you described about asking stone idols for favour.

View attachment 162712

View attachment 162713
How many wives does the prophets in your bible have? See, we know that all prophets are given much favours from Allah.

However Quran is the only scripture that remind men to marry one ONLY if you cannot be just! Your bible does not limit you to how many wives YOU can have!

And those people are not worshipping the black stone. They just want to kiss it because the prophet said it came from jannah (heaven for lack of a better word). And he himself kissed it. They do not ask the stone for favours. They don't talk to the stone. They know the stone is powerless.
Unlike you who goes to your church and talk to physical stone idols!! Epitome of polytheists and paganism!


your arse.
Seek help my friend and bring the priests who did that to you, to justice. Its not healthy mentally and my suspicion is that by now your sex life with your wife is almost zero. And sex has not been good at all for you and your wife all these years. Due to the psychological damage done.

Don't take it to your grave. Unless you found a new outlet in the form of young male church volunteers?