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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


destruction of about 3 brigades of russian forces who are trapped in lyman. despite “withdrawal” claims, majority of forces are encircled and stuck. many russian mothers and wives crying.
sad. sad. :confused::cry: and they're genetic brothers to the Ukrainians as well. Fucking stoopid!


Old Fart
depends on his state of mind at the moment. I also think it's less than likely that he will use nukes. but less than likely is not 0%. I give it 10-30% chance.

edit : If the nuke makes a big enough blast it's unlikely to be used. It would draw everyone's attention and they would escalate against the senile dumbass.
Yeah come to think of it, he's a liar. So when he says he won't, he will. And it follows that when he says he will, he won't.

That report on the train carrying nukes to the border, it's not true. Thankfully.



Alfrescian (Inf)
sad. sad. :confused::cry: and they're genetic brothers to the Ukrainians as well. Fucking stoopid!
blacks and browns are outproducing yellows and whites 6.9 times, and by 2069 will outpopulate the planet. depleting the white gene pool is moronic and suicidal. same with ccp. they intend on eliminating fellow yellows in sk, jp, and tw.


blacks and browns are outproducing yellows and whites 6.9 times, and by 2069 will outpopulate the planet. depleting the white gene pool is moronic and suicidal. same with ccp. they intend on eliminating fellow yellows in sk, jp, and tw.
good point. as if yellows didn't have enough of a problem keeping up the birthrate.


Most are saying retaliatory strikes will be non-nukes, which would be the sensible thing to do. And come to think of it, it makes sense. Not because it would mean the apocalyptic end of the world if nukes are flying everywhere, but more so conventional weapons are enough to send them all to hell. Fucked up hardware, fucked up soldiers, fucked up planning. They're just a fucked up bunch of people lah.
I would prefer to have a Nuclear war and finish off that Shortie bastard once and for all. One must never be afraid of death as such an eventuality will happen to everyone. Of course during the process, civilians will also be affected, but it's the only solution to have a quick end and not to prolong this suffering to those surviving ones. This will also put an end to Winnie's ambition of invading Taiwan.

Don't be afraid of a Nuclear war. Catastrophically, it won't destroy the whole world, but just the Northern Europe, Russia and probably parts of the Middle East. However, NATO and the West must be the first one to launch the Nuclear attack against Russia so that Shortie's retaliation will be very much limited due to the destruction which would have already occurred by then. As Shortie had once said: "If you see a fight is inevitable, then you must be the first one to strike." Do you want to be constantly living under the daily threats from that Shortie bastard? I don't and I would rather gamble and choose to have a quick end. Just like I would meet those bastards who dare to challenge me in this forum as I am fully prepared with my weapons. I am fearless and once I've achieved my target of eliminating my enemies, I don't mind being served with a death sentence thereafter.

The limited destruction caused by those 2 A-Bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima were living examples, but the biggest benefit out from it was, it did take away all the miseries caused by the Japanese at that time. In addition, Bui Kim had already tested numerous Nuclear detonations inside its mountains (albeit in a controlled environment) and no harm has been caused. History has always been proven to be right.
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How do you fear death? I cannot understand. Please explain.
Only fuckers like you will fear death. Don't even have the balls to turn up at a normal Khatib MRT station for a coffee meet. What a fucking Kuniang Chicken you are?

Choose your pick from below, which would you want to die from (from the oldest to the latest)? I will gladly oblige you for a free trip to Neraka (Hell). I'll further assure you that after I've killed you, I'll also pull out most of your teeth.




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Bloodymir Putin is fucked big time. Even his own righteous soldiers are joining Ukrainian troops to fight back against their Russian soldiers at the frontline.

Finally this happened: Hundreds of Russian troops join the Ukraine's army to fight Putin's forces!:​



Super Moderator
Bloodymir Putin is fucked big time. Even his own righteous soldiers are joining Ukrainian troops to fight back against their Russian soldiers at the frontline.

Finally this happened: Hundreds of Russian troops join the Ukraine's army to fight Putin's forces!:​

The nationalists will push Putin to hit the snooze button.


Only fuckers like you will fear death. Don't even have the balls to turn up at a normal Khatib MRT station for a coffee meet. What a fucking Kuniang Chicken you are?

Choose your pick from below, which would you want to die from (from the oldest to the latest)? I will gladly oblige you for a free trip to Neraka (Hell).
Ah I see. It's not that you do not fear death. You just cannot process logic which in normal human term means that you have no brains.


Ah I see. It's not that you do not fear death. You just cannot process logic which in normal human term means that you have no brains.
You are just another useless Mu.d. If Mu.ds have brains, they won't be fucking their own daughters, sisters, and mothers. Yet you still don't get what I'm trying to say. WTF?

At the end of the day, you are just not having a brain, but also no guts. Being a keyboard warrior in this forum is your only fort. Your fucking mother must be very disappointed with you and would have never thought that she had given birth to a Binte disguised as an Ahmad. I guess your circumcision must have taken your guts away from your manhood. WTF?
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I would prefer to have a Nuclear war and finish off that Shortie bastard once and for all. One must never be afraid of death as such an eventuality will happen to everyone. Of course during the process, civilians will also be affected, but it's the only solution to have a quick end and not to prolong this suffering to those surviving ones. This will also put an end to Winnie's ambition of invading Taiwan.

Don't be afraid of a Nuclear war. Catastrophically, it won't destroy the whole world, but just the Northern Europe, Russia and probably parts of the Middle East. However, NATO and the West must be the first one to launch the Nuclear attack against Russia so that Shortie's retaliation will be very much limited due to the destruction which would have already occurred by then. As Shortie had once said: "If you see a fight is inevitable, then you must be the first one to strike." Do you want to be constantly living under the daily threats from that Shortie bastard? I don't and I would rather gamble and choose to have a quick end. Just like I would meet those bastards who dare to challenge me in this forum as I am fully prepared with my weapons. I am fearless and once I've achieved my target of eliminating my enemies, I don't mind being served with a death sentence thereafter.

The limited destruction caused by those 2 A-Bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima were living examples, but the biggest benefit out from it was, it did take away all the miseries caused by the Japanese at that time. In addition, Bui Kim had already tested numerous Nuclear detonations inside its mountains (albeit in a controlled environment) and no harm has been caused. History has always been proven to be right.
sorry. can't agree with you here. it's not the "shortie bastard" that will be finished. The whole world will be. Right now no grain shipments for Ukraine and Russia whole world food prices through the roof. No oil and gas to Europe, Europe habis.

You nuke those areas, those problems become permanent. Plus, other regions nearby will suffer the same fate as will those in the same latitude. Please treat this as constructive criticism.

As for the "shortie bastard" as you call him, he's already finished. It's only a matter of how and when. Got assassination attempt on him already. His bodyguards disappeared. From my own estimation, even from natural causes he doesn't have long. Politically also it's on a countdown clock.

I still can't believe how many Putin-cucks there are.... :confused::confused::confused: Must point to a deficit of their own self-respect.


sorry. can't agree with you here. it's not the "shortie bastard" that will be finished. The whole world will be. Right now no grain shipments for Ukraine and Russia whole world food prices through the roof. No oil and gas to Europe, Europe habis.

You nuke those areas, those problems become permanent. Plus, other regions nearby will suffer the same fate as will those in the same latitude. Please treat this as constructive criticism.

As for the "shortie bastard" as you call him, he's already finished. It's only a matter of how and when. Got assassination attempt on him already. His bodyguards disappeared. From my own estimation, even from natural causes he doesn't have long. Politically also it's on a countdown clock.

I still can't believe how many Putin-cucks there are.... :confused::confused::confused: Must point to a deficit of their own self-respect.
As long as that Shortie bastard is still in power and control, there will be no quick end to this war. And your no grain, no oil, no gas and no food crises will all continue to exist. So, for how long more do you want to continue to suffer with the Shortie bastard's ransom to the whole world? If he can be so easily be assassinated, it would have been done much earlier already. Yet you still see him live in public celebrations/concerts as he's very well protected by his own bodyguards and definitely with several layers of bullet-proof vests on him. I'm still of the opinion that a Nuclear war will be the quickest way to resolve this war.

A well planned Nuclear war need not cause too much of a vast destruction, but NATO and the West must be the initiators so that Russia won't have a good chance of retaliation since they would be already flattened to the ashes. I'm sure with the great Intelligence from the West (especially from modern day satellite images), they will know where are the majority of the stockpiles of Russia's Nuclear weaponries.

Chernobyl's destruction did not vanish everyone in Europe. Hiroshima and Nagasaki also did not vanish mankind in Asia and so did Japan's Fukushima power plant destruction. Besides, even North Korea had even detonated a few Nuclear bombs in their mountainous regions without any harm, albeit in a controlled environment.

Saudi Arabia and the OPEC members are also one hell of a kind. Instead of trying to offer a relief (at least temporarily) with the world's current shortfall in oil supplies, they are cutting by up to 2 million barrels a day instead. That's why I'd always say those fucking Arabs are never to be trusted. When the Sunnis and the Shiites will fight each other, the world should let them duel and kill each other and not to interfere. Another greatest mistake was that idiotic Sleepy Joe and his green policies, thus killing all those shale oil productions in America today.
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I'm still of the opinion that a Nuclear war will be the quickest way to resolve this war.

A well planned Nuclear war need not cause too much of a vast destruction,
The assertion in bold is an oxymoron. Accordingly, the rest of the paragraph is not a probable outcome.

Chernobyl's destruction did not vanish everyone in Europe. Hiroshima and Nagasaki also did not vanish mankind in Asia and so did Japan's Fukushima power plant destruction. Besides, even North Korea had even detonated a few Nuclear bombs in their mountainous regions without any harm, albeit in a controlled environment.
A reactor leak and a bomb are 2 very different things. Why don't you do surgery with a chainsaw then? NK did all it's nukes subterranean.
Saudi Arabia and the OPEC members are also one hell of a kind. Instead of trying to offer a relief (at least temporarily) with the world's current shortfall in oil supplies, they are cutting by up to 2 million barrels a day instead. That's why I'd always say those fucking Arabs are never to be trusted. When the Sunnis and the Shiites will fight each other, the world should let them duel and kill each other and not to interfere. Another greatest mistake was that idiotic Sleepy Joe and his green policies, thus killing all those shale oil productions in America today.
that's another topic. actually multiple topics.

Your assertion that Putin should be gone is agreeable. Your methods are not. He will be done shortly one way or another.