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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
How many wives does the prophets in your bible have? See, we know that all prophets are given much favours from Allah.

Your islam doesn't permit moslems to have more than 4 wives at a time. Your fake prophet, mahomet, didn't obey his own allah's laws.

However Quran is the only scripture that remind men to marry one ONLY if you cannot be just! Your bible does not limit you to how many wives YOU can have!

Again, your fake prophet mahomet didn't obey his own scriptures.

And those people are not worshipping the black stone. They just want to kiss it because the prophet said it came from jannah (heaven for lack of a better word).

They clearly look like they are worshipping or venerating the stone. They seem very desperate to touch it or lick it.

They do not ask the stone for favours. They don't talk to the stone. They know the stone is powerless.

If moslems thought the stone was powerless, they wouldn't bother to squeeze like that to touch it.

Even my moslem kakis tell me that touching the stone can cleanse sins. Not sure if you heard of that islamic superstition.


Your islam doesn't permit moslems to have more than 4 wives at a time. Your fake prophet, mahomet, didn't obey his own allah's laws.
Don't pretend to not understand. God gave all his prophets special leeway and you prophets in the bible had way more wives.

They clearly look like they are worshipping or venerating the stone. They seem very desperate to touch it or lick it.

If moslems thought the stone was powerless, they wouldn't bother to squeeze like that to touch it.

Even my moslem kakis tell me that touching the stone can cleanse sins. Not sure if you heard of that islamic superstition.
No that definitely isn't worship. Shall I embarrass you how you worship idols in your church?

Muslims all want to emulate what Prophet Muhammad did esp when this stone is from Jannah. And you muslim kakis are wrong. They probably can't ven understand the Quran. Learn from others about Islam and dump your ignorant friends.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
the smoking gun is in Biden's hand. US has peppered the Atlantic & Baltic sea with so many sensors that no Russia subs could have moved without them knowing. All this while, none of NATO cuntries are committal in pointing their fingers.

only US can order a sub to destroy the pipe in a flimsy attempt to make Putin look bad while forgetting that their hands are stained. Akin to Japanese blowing up the Manchurian railway as a pretext to invade due to Chinese bandits.


the smoking gun is in Biden's hand. US has peppered the Atlantic & Baltic sea with so many sensors that no Russia subs could have moved without them knowing. All this while, none of NATO cuntries are committal in pointing their fingers.

only US can order a sub to destroy the pipe in a flimsy attempt to make Putin look bad while forgetting that their hands are stained. Akin to Japanese blowing up the Manchurian railway as a pretext to invade due to Chinese bandits.

why russkies don't send drones to blow up those sensors or disable them?

ask iran for help if russkies can't produce them?

reports appeared that iran uses aliexpress parts to assemble their drone, probably true.

that'd explain why countries like iran or turkey are unable to test nukes and icbm out in public, coz then ssanctions and embargo would be imposed by UN and assemblers of products like iran or turkey would be in trouble


Super Moderator
Hokay, decree just signed and national anthemn played, just wondering when Putin would use the Soviet version :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Alfrescian (Inf)
lyman liberated. is hymen next?


Super Moderator
destruction of about 3 brigades of russian forces who are trapped in lyman. despite “withdrawal” claims, majority of forces are encircled and stuck. many russian mothers and wives crying.
For a moment I thought those Russkies entrapped in Liman would simply give up the fight and surrender.


Alfrescian (Inf)
For a moment I thought those Russkies entrapped in Liman would simply give up the fight and surrender.
many destroyed armor and dead troops on way out of last bridge. now that bridge is destroyed. i suppose trapped survivors will surrender soon when they run out of ammo. those trying to escape were ambushed and massacred.


Super Moderator
many destroyed armor and dead troops on way out of last bridge. now that bridge is destroyed. i suppose trapped survivors will surrender soon when they run out of ammo. those trying to escape were ambushed and massacred.
Why try to escape when they’d be treated nicely when they surrender? Zelensky ensured their safety.


many destroyed armor and dead troops on way out of last bridge. now that bridge is destroyed. i suppose trapped survivors will surrender soon when they run out of ammo. those trying to escape were ambushed and massacred.
The fucking Bloodymir Putin is the cause of all these miseries and sufferings today. Even if he will eventually rot in Hell, this punishment will never be enough for this bastard.


it seems war only fought on social media nowadays

where are video footages of all these captured russkies? yankee single digit IQ bots activated never reminded to take videos?

video editing software not good enough meh?

show us these 5000 captured russkies videos ranks names badgets equipment lost
only then battle get interesting

it seems everytime ukrainians win its on social media

and russkie putler fighting been pathetic utterly pathetic lol

he's dead scared of NATO which is just yankees others are nothing militarily


Alfrescian (Inf)
The fucking Bloodymir Putin is the cause of all these miseries and sufferings today. Even if he will eventually rot in Hell, this punishment will never be enough for this bastard.
according to ukrainian source in response to russian propaganda about russian troops’ redeployment to safer zones, russians in lyman are “redeployed in body bags and captivity.” lol.



no matter how anyone tries to spin it, russkies have fared extreeeemely poorly against ukraine. in more than 7 months, they can't even conquer all of ukraine? doesn't matter if nato is helping or not, the fighting should have been over long time ago.

i don't mind either of these two kuffar camp cut down to size to be very clear. ideally i'd like all kafir devils to be cut down to size. Muslims should concentrate on Improving deen imaan akhlaq, on building massive arsenal of nukes, ICBM and anti satellite weapons (at any orbit), increasing population so that at least 10 OIC members got at least 1 billion ppl each rather than this lousy teeny tiny population we see today where the entire greater middle east combined got less than 1 billion people. utterly pathetically small population.

russkie idiots dont even dare to do exactly as I ordered, when I ordered, therefore whatever punishment befalls them is just deserts for them.

i didn't ask them to think dilly dally delay drag their feet pull wool over anybody's eyes blah blah blah but do exactly as I ordered (yes, ordered) when I ordered and with the tremendous gift of natural resources at putler's disposal yanks would have long been toast, but --- as we've witnessed low IQ russkies, can't figure this one out. so here we are. pathetic russkies shown to be a paper tiger. utterly rubbish.