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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sinkiestan had S.Korean engineers working on our MRT system, you had a look at the Korean MRT system yet? Not perfect layout in Sinkiestan but slowly getting there lah :coffee::coffee::coffee:
I don't know about this. But I thought a lot of the MRT contracts are awarded to Tiong companies, no?


Super Moderator
I don't know about this. But I thought a lot of the MRT contracts are awarded to Tiong companies, no?
The S Korean MRT systems double up as bunkers in times of war. Sinkiestan had been digging over the last three decades with the help of S Korean engineers. Let’s connect the dots.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Reuters Uses Image of Men with Paintball Guns for Ukraine Story​


May 16, 2022

View attachment 146097

Reuters made a questionable cover photo selection in an article about the conflict in Ukraine. For a recent news story on a reported Ukrainian assault in the Sumy region, the outlet went with a picture of soldiers armed with paintball guns.​

The photo shows several military gear-clad men crouched in a defensive position with weapons. A close examination of the photo reveals that the men are armed with paintball guns. As would be expected, many Twitter users found the notion of insurgents fighting off a hostile foreign invasion with paintball guns to be absurd. A barrage of ridicule ensued.
According to eatshitilldie, Ukrops are towing all the Russian military equipment home with tractors and fighting off Russians with water guns… in the last 69 days he said


Not according to tards like @winners who will say that Ukes are winning the war. Hahaha

His mental dissociation will have him admitted one day in the future.
Only a bigger fuck tard like you will say that Russia is winning the war. Russia's original intention is to capture the whole of Ukraine, but this is not the case even until today because of the poor morale of their own troops, the internal corruption within their military leading to the purchase of inferior tires from Tiongland for use on their heavy support vehicles (eg: to transport their tanks) and the most important of all, their underestimation of the resilience of the Ukrainian troops as well as the continuous support from the West and its allies. The war has not ended yet. Don't be so happy like as if you've just won the cow's balls, understand, you disgusting idiot.
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At this rate, how can the Russian troops not be demoralized? Even their SU-34 bomber can be shot down and its pilot captured by the Ukrainian forces.​

The Russian Air Force Just Had A Terrible Day Over Ukraine!​



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
While the dreamers continue to celebrate Ukraine victory…. this is what is left of Mariupol… 早知如此何必当初?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Why are they so dumb??? When there is zero chance of getting out. Why wait till Russia rains Phosphorus bomb? This thing can burn through 50cm thick steel. For weeks they were given the chance to surrender. This is the classic 不见棺材不落泪


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The answer is there. The key NATO people has surrendered. Hence Zelensky is free to surrender. 2 four stars general from US and 4 more high ranking European military personnel.
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Bloodymir Putin has already lost this war because his invasion had made Finland and Sweden determined to join NATO. Previously, these 2 countries would avoid this avenue in order not to antagonize Kremlin. Yes, some idiots here will insist that Turkey will veto but this is just a small setback which can and will be easily resolved by next month. Either NATO and its other members will put further pressure on Turkey or Finland will just have to handover their Kurdish terrorists to Turkey. The latter is not going to hurt Finland the slightest bit and I also think that it'll be an appreciative move by the other NATO members as well.

So, with the additional 2 NATO members, Bloodymir Putin will have to crack his balls through the roof and die from his cancer soon.
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Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
The answer is there. The key NATO people has surrendered. Hence Zelensky is free to surrender. 2 four stars general from US and 4 more high ranking European military personnel.
View attachment 146207
This is why I had (have?) doubts whether there were really high ranking generals in the Azovstal pit...

All these Sandhurst/Westpoint trained military brains and their most cunning plan was to crawl into a hole with no alternate exit??? Were they going to resume earth excavation and hopefully surface in Australia or something?


Sweden & Finland applications to join NATO is only the beginning. From there overcoming objections and disagreements to final agreement is a long journey.
Along the way who will provide the spark only SATAN knows



Even this Russian Colonel Mikhail Khodarenok is being realistic and admitting that Russia is clearly losing the war. How can those Russian Porlumpas in this forum still want to challenge and deny? He's even worse by saying that Russia is against the world in this war whilst I had only said against of the world.​

The Russian Colonel hurled heavy insults at Putin RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR​



Super Moderator
Sweden & Finland applications to join NATO is only the beginning. From there overcoming objections and disagreements to final agreement is a long journey.
Along the way who will provide the spark only SATAN knows
Turkey already told Sweden and Finland to fly kites, Erdogan not pleased with these entrants supporting the Kurds.


Super Moderator

Even this Russian Colonel Mikhail Khodarenok is being realistic​

Col (ret) Mikhail spoke against the Special Military Ops about a couple of weeks before 24th Feb, making mention of the lend-lease act.

Safe to say Putin placed one too many “yes-men” around him- a misplaced trust.