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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Old Fart
I said that soldier is a fucker, he’ll go straight to hell. Shooting unarmed civilians in the back?
Totally agree, that two fuckers need to face the firing squad.

My translation algorithm went a bit wonky, translated into gibberish. I need to fire my programmer.

Anyway, you like my Ukrainian or not? I spent the last few months taking a crash course in the language. :biggrin:


Old Fart
Why this Canadian is bearing arms for other's war? I don't understand. It's never his to begin with.

In the olden times, this war between Russia and Ukraine is just a provincial war. Warlord against warlord, King vs the rebel state. In this case, Putin vs the comedian.

I hope Putin can end the war by putting a bullet on the rebellious warlord.
Your comparison is outdated. Yes, Kiev was a well established city when Moscow was a mere little village. But things have changed through the centuries. One is now a nuclear superpower and the other isn't, etc.

Have a look and you will understand, one is being bullied by the other :





  • 21-year-old Russian soldier Vadim Shysimarin is accused of killing of an unarmed civilian near Kyiv.
  • Prosecutors say he was ordered to shoot the man through an open car window in February.
  • The trial, set to start Friday, is the first war crimes trial in Ukraine since Russia's invasion.
A 21-year-old Russian soldier is the first to stand trial for war crimes committed during the invasion of Ukraine, according to Ukrainian officials.

Tank commander Vadim Shysimarin is accused of the murder of a 62-year-old unarmed civilian in Chupakhivka, a village in northeast Ukraine's Sumy region, Prosecutor General Irina Venedyktova announced.

Venedyktova said that on February 28, Shysimarin shot at the man —who was on a bicycle and talking on the phone — from an open car window.

Shysimarin and four other Russian soldiers had been fleeing Ukrainian forces and fired at and stole a car to escape, Venedyktova wrote. As the car drove away, Shysimarin was ordered "to kill [the] civilian so that he would not report them to Ukrainian defenders," she alleged.

Shysimarin is in Ukrainian custody and is due to make his first court appearance Friday, The Guardian reported.

"Investigators have gathered enough evidence of his involvement in violating the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder," Venedyktova wrote. It would mean 10 to 15 years imprisonment, or potentially a life sentence, she said.

Shysimarin appeared in a short video posted on May 4 by Ukraine's security service, in which he described the shooting, the Associated Press reported.

"I was ordered to shoot," said Shyshimarin, wearing a blue and gray hooded sweatshirt. "I shot one (round) at him. He falls. And we kept on going."

Venedyktova did not identify the alleged victim or the soldier who gave Shyshimarin the order.

Volodymyr Yavorskyy from Kyiv's Center for Civil Liberties, a prominent human rights group, said the trial would be monitored and Shysimarin's rights protected, according to the AP.


Alfrescian (Inf)
mercenaries are paid how much in Ukraine ? they are supposed to be paid very well. those foreigners who volunteer to fight free for Ukraine, why die for other's war ? it is really not worth it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
mercenaries are paid how much in Ukraine ? they are supposed to be paid very well. those foreigners who volunteer to fight free for Ukraine, why die for other's war ? it is really not worth it.
Fighting for others are called democracies. That is America's narrative to the world.