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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This guy was conferred “Hero of Ukraine” by Zelensky
Actually I feel sorry for how this guy is humiliated… it breaks my heart seeing anyone with that expression. I think he is smart and did the right thing to surrender early rather than waiting for rains of phosphorus bombs

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
They are planning to sack Turkey from NATO it seems
Turkey is not a "passenger" country like most of the other NATO members. They have practical experience in warfare and arms manufacturer. Geopolitically they sit between Europe and Asia and the Black Sea.

If they end up joining a new Russia and Serbia military alliance then NATO will be in deeper shit without Finland and Sweden



Bloodymir Putin's soldiers are not in the mood to go to war. Bloodymir Putin is clearly fucked by his own men for good.​

PUTIN panic faced defeat, elite Russian soldiers demanded to return home and not fight​



Alfrescian (Inf)
Only a bigger fuck tard like you will say that Russia is winning the war. Russia's original intention is to capture the whole of Ukraine, but this is not the case even until today because of the poor morale of their own troops, the internal corruption within their military leading to the purchase of inferior tires from Tiongland for use on their heavy support vehicles (eg: to transport their tanks) and the most important of all, their underestimation of the resilience of the Ukrainian troops as well as the continuous support from the West and its allies. The war has not ended yet. Don't be so happy like as if you've just won the cow's balls, understand, you disgusting idiot.
Once you take full control of Mariupol by its neck, you can forget about Ukraine's pair of balls like Kyiv and Kharkiv. Is this not a win for Russia?


Alfrescian (Inf)

Bloodymir Putin's soldiers are not in the mood to go to war. Bloodymir Putin is clearly fucked by his own men for good.​

PUTIN panic faced defeat, elite Russian soldiers demanded to return home and not fight​

When you are captured, you will not want to fight. When you win the war, you will want to go further. It is human pyschology, every man and every soldier behaved as such.


Once you take full control of Mariupol by its neck, you can forget about Ukraine's pair of balls like Kyiv and Kharkiv. Is this not a win for Russia?
Agree that Mariupol is critical for Ukraine. Agree also that if Odesa will be taken, Ukraine's economy will be vastly affected as their channel for shipments will be blocked. However, the war has not ended. The civilians of Mariupol are not in favor of a Russian control.

I still think there is a chance for Ukraine to recapture Mariupol once more weapons will arrive from the West. They may be planning for something which we don't know. Give it another month or 2 and see what further outcome can be achieved.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Heard that they were send to Russia-controlled prisoners camp. The video was made for international consumption, the destination was unclear.
They should be shipped off to the newly founded Russian state Donetsk people's republic (DPR) where the death penalty awaits convicted Nazi war criminals.

The NATO VVIPs will go to Moscow for prisoner sexchange


Because it is cheap. Otherwise, how can the shareholders get paid high dividends?
Cheap must also be reliable and safe. SMRT is already bought over by the government and no longer a listed company in the SGX. So what dividends are you talking about? Please wake up.


Super Moderator
Turkey is not a "passenger" country like most of the other NATO members. They have practical experience in warfare and arms manufacturer. Geopolitically they sit between Europe and Asia and the Black Sea.

If they end up joining a new Russia and Serbia military alliance then NATO will be in deeper shit without Finland and Sweden
Not forgetting to mention those Bayraktars :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The civilians of Mariupol are not in favor of a Russian control.
Russia can adopt PAPPY method. Throw some chicken wings in exchange for a whole chicken coop, sinkies are very grateful. It works in Singapore and will certainly works everywhere including Ruskies controlled territory.


Super Moderator
Oh yeah.. Another problem. A lot of rare earth elements used to manufacture high tech weaponry and microchips today are imported from Russia and Russian federation states
China just need to halt its export of rare earth and let’s see what develops.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Turkey is not a "passenger" country like most of the other NATO members. They have practical experience in warfare and arms manufacturer. Geopolitically they sit between Europe and Asia and the Black Sea.

If they end up joining a new Russia and Serbia military alliance then NATO will be in deeper shit without Finland and Sweden
I wonder if Biden still believes he has scored a diplomatic coup in this Ukraine conflict. Every step he took seems to be a slap on US’ face.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Bloodymir Putin's soldiers are not in the mood to go to war. Bloodymir Putin is clearly fucked by his own men for good.​

PUTIN panic faced defeat, elite Russian soldiers demanded to return home and not fight​

Someone has done a check. Every posts like those from yourself points back to a single source : “Unnamed Pentagon high level official” and it is always based on “anecdotal evidence”

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
I wonder if Biden still believes he has scored a diplomatic coup in this Ukraine conflict. Every step he took seems to be a slap on US’ face.
US aid to Zelensky regime is already $53 billion.

Super huat for Biden and his party cronies. Next 2 generations eat cannot finish!