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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Super Moderator
Would Turkey veto Sweden‘s and Finland’s entry into NATO? :coffee::coffee::coffee:

Odessa still standing right?

syed putra

Would Turkey veto Sweden‘s and Finland’s entry into NATO? :coffee::coffee::coffee:

Odessa still standing right?
Even mariupol is still standing. Despite intense fighting at the azov steel plant. Prople are going sbout with their normal lives and leave the fighying to tne two armies.
Unlike US and Nato forces which destroyed iraq and libya's infrastructure, russian army has left ukraine infrastructure intact.
Even with intense fighting, areas not affected by war still have running water, electricity and internet/ mobile phones.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Russian soldiers seen shooting Ukrainian civilians dead in chilling CCTV footage​

BBC Fakenews busted. No such Russian troop, and Russian troop will never spray graffiti on their van in English for the western world to recognise them. Cheap shot.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Even mariupol is still standing. Despite intense fighting at the azov steel plant. Prople are going sbout with their normal lives and leave the fighying to tne two armies.
Unlike US and Nato forces which destroyed iraq and libya's infrastructure, russian army has left ukraine infrastructure intact.
Even with intense fighting, areas not affected by war still have running water, electricity and internet/ mobile phones.

the Western media said Mariupol battle is not over but it is not true. Russia has fully taken control of Mariupol. the azov steel plant battle is just typical mopping up operation.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Meanwhile shitskin pulling a fast one… make some profits by banning wheat exports… let the price sky rocket… while US is reselling Russian oil to dumbfucked Europeans


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
For the dreamers who still think Russia has not taken over Mariupol… this is how you report a surrender in the most positive tone. Game over.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Mariupol a dumping ground for retired NATO generals? One of the rats snuffed out from Azovstal rat hole… pending validation by Russia


Russia is self-imploding. Bloodymir Putin will get his retribution very soon. This bastard must be put to death immediately.

PUTIN panicked when Russia turned into a sea of fire, the Russians burned the army building.​

PUTIN panic because Russia's internal collapse! Russian soldiers and commanders slaughter each other​



I see the capture of Mariupol by the Russians as a transition phase. Given the chance of a retaliation by the Ukraine forces in time to come with more ammunition and intelligence support from the West, coupled with the low morale by the Russian's own battalion, there is still a possibility for Ukraine to recapture Mariupol going forward, just like what has happened in Kharkiv presently where the Ukrainians are back in control and the Russian troops had been forced back to their own borders. Just wait and see.


Super Moderator
I see the capture of Mariupol by the Russians as a transition phase. Given the chance of a retaliation by the Ukraine forces in time to come with more ammunition and intelligence support from the West, coupled with the low morale by the Russian's own battalion, there is still a possibility for Ukraine to recapture Mariupol going forward, just like what has happened in Kharkiv presently where the Ukrainians are back in control and the Russian troops had been forced back to their own borders. Just wait and see.
The southern corridor from the Donbas region straight up to the west of Odessa could well be the ramp for Putin to come down without losing face to his home crowd, ie making Ukraine a land locked nation.

Ukrainian milltia already operating in the Mariupol oblast, they would likely be crushed without sufficient millitary support.

That said, how successful are the Russkies on holding such a large piece of ground is another question altogether, or are we looking at another referendum in Donetsk, Lugansk and Mariupol soon? :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)

Reuters Uses Image of Men with Paintball Guns for Ukraine Story​


May 16, 2022


Reuters made a questionable cover photo selection in an article about the conflict in Ukraine. For a recent news story on a reported Ukrainian assault in the Sumy region, the outlet went with a picture of soldiers armed with paintball guns.​

The photo shows several military gear-clad men crouched in a defensive position with weapons. A close examination of the photo reveals that the men are armed with paintball guns. As would be expected, many Twitter users found the notion of insurgents fighting off a hostile foreign invasion with paintball guns to be absurd. A barrage of ridicule ensued.


Super Moderator
Before you are so sure, take a look first at their underground bunkers in Finland, built for their people. Otherwise, don't just talk like as if only you know the best. I don't think even Sinkie Land is capable of this provision for Sinkies in times of war.

Sinkiestan had S.Korean engineers working on our MRT system, you had a look at the Korean MRT system yet? Not perfect layout in Sinkiestan but slowly getting there lah :coffee::coffee::coffee: