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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


More than 250 Ukrainian fighters surrendered to Russian forces at the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol after weeks of desperate resistance, bringing an end to the most devastating siege of Russia's war in Ukraine and allowing President Vladimir Putin to claim a rare victory in his faltering campaign.

Even as the Kremlin prepares to take full control of the ruins of Mariupol, it faces the growing prospect of defeat in its bid to conquer all of Ukraine's eastern Donbas because its badly mauled forces lack the manpower for significant advances, some analysts of the Russian campaign said.

Buses left the steelworks late on Monday in a convoy escorted by Russian armoured vehicles. Five arrived in the Russian-held town of Novoazovsk, where Moscow said wounded fighters would be treated.

More at https://shrtcô.de/IGgQ2h


This is why I had (have?) doubts whether there were really high ranking generals in the Azovstal pit...

All these Sandhurst/Westpoint trained military brains and their most cunning plan was to crawl into a hole with no alternate exit??? Were they going to resume earth excavation and hopefully surface in Australia or something?
They will tunnel all the way to @winners hdb flat. Hahaha


Super Moderator
let’s see, drones, cruise missiles, mining of the sea... short of air strikes, artillery and ground troops :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Super Moderator
I still think there is a chance for Ukraine to recapture Mariupol once more weapons will arrive from the West. They may be planning for something which we don't know. Give it another month or 2 and see what further outcome can be achieved.
The pocket of resistance in Melitopol seems to be growing :geek::geek::geek:


Someone has done a check. Every posts like those from yourself points back to a single source : “Unnamed Pentagon high level official” and it is always based on “anecdotal evidence”
Someone had also done checks that every claim from you in this forum does not substantiate with credible evidence. So, in other words, you are only bull-shitting all the time here. Everyone already knows this is your norm.

One example of your bull-shitting is claiming that PANASONIC makes outdated appliances. Your stupidity truly makes everyone laughs at you for being such a mountain tortise, still living in your own cave.


Ok if you say so. However pls call this number

9677 6878
I think it's more appropriate to call that number for yourself. That's because you are always feeling so let down by society. I'm just the opposite as I will always live life to the fullest and also try to make opportunities out of every crisis.

Actually, I just cannot understand people like you who is so mentally sick, but still refuses to seek help. Another leading example is @mojito. I'm still waiting for him to enlighten us in this forum whether he is rich, average or poor.
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I think it's more appropriate to call that number for yourself. That's because you are always feeling so let down by society. I'm just the opposite as I will always live life to the fullest and also try to make opportunities out of every crisis.

Actually, I just cannot understand people like you who is so mentally sick, but still refuses to seek help. Another leading example is @mojito. I'm still waiting for him to enlighten us in this forum whether he is rich, average or poor.
Rich, poor or average in asset does not equate to dumb and stupid. You're the prime example.
Have you called the number. Before it's too late


Except for Belarus aka Bloodymir Putin's Lapdog, like @tanwahtiu and @LordElrond are to Winnie, the rest of the CSTO members seem reluctant to agree to help Bloodymir Putin to fight against Ukraine.

Putin Fails To Win CSTO Allies’ Support On Ukraine War l Another Setback Amid NATO Expansion?​



Rich, poor or average in asset does not equate to dumb and stupid. You're the prime example.
Have you called the number. Before it's too late
People who insist that money cannot bring happiness are only trying to deceive and fool themselves. Trust me, otherwise, you can also ask Bloodymir Putin on this. The only thing that money cannot do is to allow one to live eternally. You are such a poor dog because your daily life seems to be so miserable. If I were you to live in such miseries day in and day out, finding no happiness at all, I'd rather go to Bedok Reservoir instead of calling that number. That number only applies to those who still have some hope, but not your type, which is too chronic already.

You are the type that cannot make it in life but yet always envious of those better than you, just like some of the oppies. What a loser?
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People who insist that money cannot bring happiness are only trying to deceive and fool themselves. Trust me, otherwise, you can also ask Bloodymir Putin on this. The only thing that money cannot do is to allow one to live eternally. You are such a poor dog because your daily life seems to be so miserable. If I were you to live in such miseries day in and day out, finding no happiness at all, I'd rather go to Bedok Reservoir instead of calling that number. That number only applies to those who still have some hope, but not your type, which is too chronic already.

You are the type that cannot make it in life but yet always envious of those better than you, just like some of the oppies. What a loser?
Haha...you have no idea how I spend my time freely without commitments or responsibilities and the bonus is poking idiots like you.


Haha...you have no idea how I spend my time freely without commitments or responsibilities and the bonus is poking idiots like you.
Trying to fool yourself has always been your past time. I know this already. Only an idiot will suggest Temasek to buy over Sri Lanka. No wonder you will never be successful in life.


You're yardstick for average is really low.
Just trying to be humble as I've always been. On a separate note, why would you so foolishly suggests Temasek to buy Sri Lanka? You must be out of your mind unless you can prove to me the benefit of doing so. It's like as if you don't have enough troubles for yourself already?