Islam is a simple religion. 1.9 billion Muslims can testify to tat.

Maybe u can share with me, one at a time, which part of Islam is not simple?
I can't understand any of it. Therefore it's not simple. If it can't be explained to a 4 year old totally and needs thousands of pages/verses. How can that be simple? Even you reply everytime have different verse.
Of course u know Allah s.w.t. Just tat mankind are just to proud to acknowledge HIM. Look at the Quran. Read it. See for ur self. Tons and tons of evidence found in the Quran. How could u deny the existence of Allah s.w.t....May Allah forbid. Tis one example:
Indeed We have created man, and We know whatever thoughts his inner self develops, and We are closer to him than (his) jugular vein [Q 50:16]
The Quran is the words of Allah s.w.t. Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, is the Messenger as mentioned in the Quran. He could have declare himself as "god". But he didnt. When the Prophet, pbuh, died, he left neither dirham or dinar. He left nothing other than his white mule, his personal arms and a piece of land which he left for charity.” Again, Allah s.w.t proclaimed, not AbuBakar or Zayd, but Muhammad, pbuh, the Messenger of Allah s.w.t.
This part already have logical conflict. You say it's the words of Mohammed. How would a dead man who is illterate write a book? For that matter Mohammed never claimed himself as the prophet. Apparently, he insisted he wasn't. So who made him a prophet of god? You? If the Koran is written by abu bakr and zayd as they themselves attest, who are we to insist that it wasn't? Maybe you know more than they or Mohammed did?
Also thanks to your persuasion, I have found evidence of Mohammed's will in writing. In the Charter of Medina. That sounds like a man of peace who is illterate which is consistent with other historical records. The Koran and the Charter are direct opposites of each other. One is simple and can be understood by anyone in 5 minutes. The other requires so much years and coaching from experts. This is proof abang that it is impossible for Mohammed to have influenced the Koran. It appears that Mohammed was a great man at the time. Of course, they will use his name. But how is a dead man going to protest anyone using his name? I have already supplied the above proof many times that the Koran and Mohammed are not related in the way you say it is. But if you wish to believe, that's your choice.
So dunno how many xx years after sudah mati then suddenly new publication of his words? If you choose to believe that's up to you. But it does not make it true or fact.
George Bush also believed he was helping the Middle East. Jews believe Israel belongs to them and them alone. You like what they did? So you say we can all can go according to beliefs right? This why I can guarantee that as long as religion continues people will continue to fight each other. Muslims vs Jews. Muslims vs Muslims. All fighting for belief. None of them fighting for truth. If you wish you can encourage your people to give money, give your families lives to these priests then go ahead. That is your choice. Here's an example :
No thanks. I don't want to read a duplicated and improved version of Jewish writings from Abu Bakr and Zayd. No offense to Jews as a race who I have no problem with. But I don't need fictional fairytales to lead my life. A god need not publish a book to be known to you. A god can simply come to you. unless of course you think he cannot stand you lah!!
Look you want more evidence that you are misled? Go and find out for yourself how people like under 100% commie control like in North Korea or Cambodia in the 70s. Now go and find countries under total Islamic rule like Iran and Saudi Arabia. They will look similar. If you don't belong to special class, your life is lousy there. For that matter go to Israel and Palestine to see how people live under those beliefs. I can guarantee you that you will not find god there. only unhappiness. Go and look at the end result of your beliefs and see if that's what you want to create on this earth. or for that matter if allah will reward you in heaven for that.
Now 1 thing I 100% agree with you is that if someone tells you he is god, he is syaitan. Thanks to you for that good insight.

But why only in dreams? You mean if you pray to god and comes to you in a dream you will reject? But if in 100% daylight and they come and tell you to your face they are from god you will believe? This is not very consistent. Anyway what's wrong with your dreams?
If that's the case if someone comes telling you he has the word of god, does it not make sense that he has the word of syaitan? Remember, Mohammed never, ever claim he is the prophet. The people who wrote the Koran, claim that he is and therefore they have the word of god. According to your own words, that should be suspicious no?
As for me, the end results tell me all I need to know. I don't want to live in commie country and I don't want to live in religious country. All controlled directly or indirectly by Jews my friend...