What kind of edvidence you want for evolution when you don't even want edvidence for talking snakes staying alive for days inside a fish stomach ...ect . Science have been trying very hard to prove their statement by providing bits of edvidence putting together using the latest science equipment . Science never say they have answer for everything unlike the bible so ignorance . Everyday science will discover something new and science never stop at one place even though they already have answers . That's something beautiful about science .
I want to see the intermediate types, the so called missing links - not a single one exists today. If indeed evolution is still happening today, we would still be able to see these elusive 'creepy crawlies', so to speak
Gills will always remain as gills and lungs as lungs, amphibians notwithstanding!
One cannot 'evolve' into another.
Modern science cannot connect the dots because the dots simply don't exist.
The bible does not have exclusive rights to the truth. It is primarily written as a historical document and only secondarily a metaphysical commentary.
Shark also another evolution product of the Megalodonsin fact there's many prehistoric fishes still alive in the deep ocean for example like the Goblin sharks which are originally discovered off the coast of Japan. Another is giant river stingray , which are found in Thailand , New Guinea , Borneo and Australia ( now think about Steve Irwin
) . Frilled Shark , has been terrorizing the oceans for at least 95 million years, looking something like a dragon . Alligator Gar , have been around for 100 million years is a dream fish for many angler , hundreds of sharp teeth. Double-rows of sharp teeth, because back in ancient times you needed all the teeth you could get in order to combat other bigger and dangerous fish .They live All over the Southern U.S., in rivers along the Gulf Coast . Those fishes I mention above are prehistoric fishes and they are still alive until now .
You have just shown us the difference betweeen micro-evolution and macro-evolution. No one is doubting that micro-evolution takes place. But it has been proven (and the fruitfly experiment is the best proof) that macro-evolution can never happen, either in the lab or in natural environment.
Whether it's blue sharks, white sharks, man-eating sharks or non-man-eating sharks, sharks are sharks. So the same as dogs, whether Pekinese, Alsasian, Bulldog, they are dogs. It is interesting to see from your note that you mentioned pre-historic fishes are still in existence. My question is how old you thing they are? 1 milllion years' old? or 1 billion years old? You have just shown to us that the 'old earth' of million or billion of years is simply a fairy-tales!
And fish with teeths....what's your point - to prove or to disapprove evolution? Of course fishes have teeth but perhaps some don't have. Fishes feed on many organisms like worms, sea-plants, etc and certainly they need teeth. This is intentionally designed by the Creator. So, what's your point you trying to arrive?
“Give you two example , Tadpoles can evo into frog that have legs and caterpillar can evo into butterflies with wingsI have shown you good example please do not change your tune as what all christians always do .”
You christains better make up your mind..
so you try to defend your imaginary friend and failed to study science.. tsk tsk.. all the years of education are wasted on you.
Dog is dog shark is shark what talking you ? Then religion also religion why you choose Christianity ?.....Even the same species of dog fetch different price .. Same like arowanas , different colour different price! Idiot. The fish in the video is more then a million year idiot . If you don't know about animals or fish then don't come here and giving fake infor and talk cock just to defense your cult![]()
Idiot !! You mean all fish have teeth as sharp as the one I shown During that Dino era a lot of animals and fishes need to protect themselves against bigger and stronger predator that's why their look and sizes are different then today's animals . If not they can't survive . Have you seen a black polar bear before ? of course not because if they are black in color then they wont be able to blend in to the surrounding . You need to watch more about national geo or animals planets to make you smarter . yes please continue to talk cock so that I can show ppl how stupid or how defensive christian is. Please carry on posting
What you have described is not evolution. You are describing a young animal growing up. In fact, the examples that you have provided shows definitively that you don’t understand the subject matter at all!!!
Tadpoles come from frogs and it is expected that they grow up into frogs. If they grow into something else, then it is time to get excited. Otherwise, we can all go to sleep.
Same for caterpillar: If a caterpillar grows into something other than a butterfly, then we can congratulate ourselves and we can expect a call from the Nobel prize committee for our discovery..
Aiyo! You are one confused mind!
Knock, knock, knocking on your head! Hello! Anything inside Heheheh
Huh?! Please show me on any post I ever said that I am Christian?!
Where?! Anywhere?! Show me where?!! Show meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
PUNISHER is now very confused. He doesn't know what he is trying to proof - evolution, creation, economics....
Not a single missing link of any animal and plant species have been found; that is a species which is undergoing evolution.
Not a single species!
laughing at the stupidity displayed.
uneducated and misinformed in this field. yet acting as if you are an expert. dumb fuck
It is exactly because it does not take an expert to understand the fallacies underlying evolutionism that is the crux of the matter here.
If A does not lead to B and there are many in the misinformed evolutionist camp who claim that A leads to B, then I will point that out;
so that among other purposes these misinformed evolutionists will not mislead others!
that statement of yours very much shows how shallow you are on current understanding of modern genetics. ill informed retards LOL. stupidity really has no cure.
you have no formal education on genetic at tertiary level right ? if not you will not make sure a dumb statement.
that statement of yours very much shows how shallow you are on current understanding of modern genetics. ill informed retards LOL. stupidity really has no cure.
you have no formal education on genetic at tertiary level right ? if not you will not make sure a dumb statement.