Originally Posted by Psalm23
Rojak Scientist,
And you have any formal education in genetics? Every scientist who has formal education in genetics and has done substantial study will tell you that DNAs are 4-digital codes that give each cell instructions on how they should 'behave' and this in turn will allow each cell to from in a variety of functions. You are the ONLY scientist, rather rojak scientist, that does not agree to this. Each cell - whether human cell or non-human cells like those belong to animals - is an extremely highly complex machine. Further the information that is packed in each cell is so dense that could fill up thousands of encyclopaedia! We (except some rojak scientists) understand that information MUST come from an intelligent source.
Evolutionists have been trying to 'prove' that there are missing links by pointing out some dead bones zillion of years' old. If indeed there are missing links, why none is still in existence? Why didn't we see any half-bird and half-monkey, half-fish and half-banana?
Modern science with all the complex instrumentations have already shown that evolution can ever be occured by natural selection. Remember your famous illustration - the Fruitfly - yes, they did mutate and many of these fruitflies that were exposed to radiation and other chemicals have extra features (and some have less features) compared to their unexposed parents, they remained as fruitflies. It was reported that these mutated fruitflies would never able to survive in the wild. At best they can only be confined in the labs. They couldnot be changed to something else like a cockroach. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that some intelligence is needed to intervene by scientists to expose them to radiation and other chemicals, and all they could achieve was some variations in the fruitflies, and never a new specie. This experiment of fruitfly have gone for at least 30 - 50 years and yet none has turned to become what scientists were expecting - anything insect other than fruitfly.
You are beyond hope and it is sad that 'educated' people like you believe in evolution....I am giving you the benefits of the doubt to consider you as educated....frankly I am very doubtful you have passed any A-level or O-level biology or chemistry!
[=vamjok;1506075]useless non substantial tactic of putting words in others mouth.
Facts remain, DO YOU HAVE A DEGREE? loser?[/QUOTE]
Rojak Scientist,
Are you now admitting that you have never written anything on fruitfly, or are you also admitting that the fruitfly experiement is a load of rubbish, or are you admitting that fruitfly experiement really confirms that evolution can never occur?
I know you don't have the answer to any of the above because you are just simply very ignorant of what science is all about. You truly have a very questionable creditential. You keep telling people you are doing this research, that research but when confronted with the real questions of science, you simply avoid them. I have already written many topics on these but have never received a convincing and educated reply from you....e.g. DNA is a four-digital codes and is highly complex informational-base codes more complex than any computer software, fruitfly experiement (I don't to say more on this, just read the above), fossils just dead bones and tell you nothing about the age, the original of the animals which the fossils related to, Charles Darwin was completely ignorant and didn't actually knew what he was wrtting, he used word like transmutation and this word can only convey true meaning after the discover of DNA which was also 120 after his death, atoms and subatomic particles are invisible and can never be seen by optical instruments and this confrimed what tbe Bible told us - all things are made of invisible things, i.e atoms, and etc, etc.....
Answers from you ..... none........
Rojak Scientist,
And you have any formal education in genetics? Every scientist who has formal education in genetics and has done substantial study will tell you that DNAs are 4-digital codes that give each cell instructions on how they should 'behave' and this in turn will allow each cell to from in a variety of functions. You are the ONLY scientist, rather rojak scientist, that does not agree to this. Each cell - whether human cell or non-human cells like those belong to animals - is an extremely highly complex machine. Further the information that is packed in each cell is so dense that could fill up thousands of encyclopaedia! We (except some rojak scientists) understand that information MUST come from an intelligent source.
Evolutionists have been trying to 'prove' that there are missing links by pointing out some dead bones zillion of years' old. If indeed there are missing links, why none is still in existence? Why didn't we see any half-bird and half-monkey, half-fish and half-banana?
Modern science with all the complex instrumentations have already shown that evolution can ever be occured by natural selection. Remember your famous illustration - the Fruitfly - yes, they did mutate and many of these fruitflies that were exposed to radiation and other chemicals have extra features (and some have less features) compared to their unexposed parents, they remained as fruitflies. It was reported that these mutated fruitflies would never able to survive in the wild. At best they can only be confined in the labs. They couldnot be changed to something else like a cockroach. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that some intelligence is needed to intervene by scientists to expose them to radiation and other chemicals, and all they could achieve was some variations in the fruitflies, and never a new specie. This experiment of fruitfly have gone for at least 30 - 50 years and yet none has turned to become what scientists were expecting - anything insect other than fruitfly.
You are beyond hope and it is sad that 'educated' people like you believe in evolution....I am giving you the benefits of the doubt to consider you as educated....frankly I am very doubtful you have passed any A-level or O-level biology or chemistry!
[=vamjok;1506075]useless non substantial tactic of putting words in others mouth.
Facts remain, DO YOU HAVE A DEGREE? loser?[/QUOTE]
Rojak Scientist,
Are you now admitting that you have never written anything on fruitfly, or are you also admitting that the fruitfly experiement is a load of rubbish, or are you admitting that fruitfly experiement really confirms that evolution can never occur?
I know you don't have the answer to any of the above because you are just simply very ignorant of what science is all about. You truly have a very questionable creditential. You keep telling people you are doing this research, that research but when confronted with the real questions of science, you simply avoid them. I have already written many topics on these but have never received a convincing and educated reply from you....e.g. DNA is a four-digital codes and is highly complex informational-base codes more complex than any computer software, fruitfly experiement (I don't to say more on this, just read the above), fossils just dead bones and tell you nothing about the age, the original of the animals which the fossils related to, Charles Darwin was completely ignorant and didn't actually knew what he was wrtting, he used word like transmutation and this word can only convey true meaning after the discover of DNA which was also 120 after his death, atoms and subatomic particles are invisible and can never be seen by optical instruments and this confrimed what tbe Bible told us - all things are made of invisible things, i.e atoms, and etc, etc.....
Answers from you ..... none........