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Is it time for all religions to accept evolution?


bro fish,

we can only guide horses to river, can't force it drink the water

also, if heaven so shiok - why everyone don't go now? why wait for "die" then go....

99% believers are hypocrites. none of them practice what the bible preach; helping the poor, giving up wealth and follow jesus' teaching, witness to the end of the world etc. They all THINK they are faithful believers but all are doubting in their mind.


Actually we do not need christians to support evolution. All we need is some honesty, like admitting that christianity like any other religion is a belief, a faith, not based on science, not meant to challenge science in any way. Using religion to attack well-established scientific concepts is both dishonest and despicable. All the more worse if they use religion to drag down people's livelihoods, people's rights, etc.

101% agree with you!!!Those hypocrite idiots will cook all sort of lies not defending their Jesus but their own interest, heaven fantasy...its the mentality of these ppl :wink:


You are right. Most supporters of evolutionism never even try to read the 'Origin of Species' and never knew how Darwin used techniques of argument which is not based on science to cut his opposition. His claims are not defensible because not verifiable; full of conjecture, dots unconnected.

His views eroded tremendously the anthropocentricity of Man. Today what is being taught in schools are secretly not supported by those who are in the bastions of academia. These are atheists have an religious agenda to fulfill; and that is to create conditions for the reign of the Anti Christ, who is currently pulling the important strings in worldly affairs from behind the scenes..

The three bad ideas which are currently running amok in this world and which have the pernicious effects on the world of values are: Evolutionism, psychologism, and relativism. These three which stems from materialism and sensorialism give the illusion that 'true heaven is a place on earth.

The proponents and supporters of these pernicious ideas lack imagination because they limit themselves to what is obvious. They are like blind men
who encounter an elephant: each one would describe different parts of the elephant, and come to the wrong conclusions about what the elephant looks like.

How unimaginative?!

The tragic thing is that nowadays these lousy ideas are being taught in schools. Modern education is poisoning innocent lives!

pundek tambye,

What is the story of creation by brahma, visnu and siva as compared to genesis?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The onus is on evolutionism to prove that there are processes that have given rise to the diversity of life on Earth. The crucial word here is 'processes'. Therefore, biochemical equations will be most welcome.

Science is a discipline with strict (laboratory) parameters to adhere to.
As a science, 'evolutionary biology' is far fetched area of study by a factor of a couple of million light years.

What is 'reasonable' is not good enough!

Why do you uncritically accept what all these scientists spoon fed you in school?! All the years of education are wasted on you.

So u rather believe that the world is created in 7 days ? That's rather childish without any edvidence :wink:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Where/When got evolution ever been proven? It remains a hypothesis until today. It is to me a very impoverished hypothesis.

No need to talk about how humans 'evolved' from monkeys over time or how living things 'evolved' from some pre biotic soup.
The idea that 'order' somehow evolved from 'disorder' over time is the reverse of what we observe everyday and is easily dismissed.
In fact, it is disorder which originates from order/orderliness. So how can random motions evolve into orderliness? It cannot.

The whole conjecture about evolution can be thrown into the garbage bin of bad ideas.

An important and related aside: Can science explain 'free will', 'whim', and 'choice'?

The current paradigm in science falls very short in this arena.

Till next time.

So you mean dinosaur bones is fake ? Or did your god bury some Dino bones to test his followers how stupid their faith is ? Lol .

By the way don't come here and talk about free will if your religion teach you that you will go to hell if you don't believe in him :wink: that's not freewill :wink:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
and you chose in imaginary friend in the sky, talking snake, zombie rose from the dead, water to wine, walking on water, talking donkey, man live in fish's stomach etc. over real science?

shessh, some screws are loose in your head.

To that idiot , those magical stuff is real . Either he read too much Harry potter mistaken for the bible or he's just on LSD .


To that idiot , those magical stuff is real . Either he read too much Harry potter mistaken for the bible or he's just on LSD .

the most dangerous aspect of religion is its tendency to glorify the absurd and justify the abhorrent. - Stifyn Emrys

Deleted member 18975

the most dangerous aspect of religion is its tendency to glorify the absurd and justify the abhorrent. - Stifyn Emrys

The most dangerous part of secularism - which is actually religion in disguise by having a creed with a pernicious hidden agenda - is its tendency to glorify the absurd and justify the abhorrent.


The most dangerous part of secularism - which is actually religion in disguise by having a creed with a pernicious hidden agenda - is its tendency to glorify the absurd and justify the abhorrent.

1. secular spirit or tendency, especially a system of political or social philosophy that rejects all forms of religious faith and worship.
2. the view that public education and other matters of civil policy should be conducted without the introduction of a religious element.

your views and opinions toward any topics are skewed toward religions and your stupid imaginary friend in the sky. Therefore, you lack credibility and credentials to back your statement up.


So you mean dinosaur bones is fake ? Or did your god bury some Dino bones to test his followers how stupid their faith is ? Lol .

By the way don't come here and talk about free will if your religion teach you that you will go to hell if you don't believe in him :wink: that's not freewill :wink:

Dino bones are real. That is not the question. The question is their age. They just cannot be million of years old! They are only few thousand years old.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Dino bones are real. That is not the question. The question is their age. They just cannot be million of years old! They are only few thousand years old.

If its just few thousands years old did jesus ride the dinosaur to the cross to be crucify ? :wink:

Deleted member 18975

The undercurrents in the debate involving evolutionism:
1) Proponents of this preposterous hypothesis are embarassed to the extent that they are not willing to accept any kind of evidence in favour of any rival ideas. Instead, they drown ideas proposed by using what I call the Orwellian dictum.
They are running out of imagination.

2) Taking in the totality of the data:
Am still waiting for the evidence that proves that evolution did occur.

Not a single missing link of any animal and plant species have been found; that is a species which is undergoing evolution.
Not a single species!

What are we evolving into?

It seems to me that we are on the verge of self annihilation via nuclear war! This is devolution, not evolution.
Perhaps we should get rid of the genetic component which causes us to have the propensity for belligerence or self annihilation.
I don't want the ants to take over. They are just not worthy successors.

Adios evolutionism!
Last edited by a moderator:

Deleted member 18975

1. secular spirit or tendency, especially a system of political or social philosophy that rejects all forms of religious faith and worship.
2. the view that public education and other matters of civil policy should be conducted without the introduction of a religious element.

your views and opinions toward any topics are skewed toward religions and your stupid imaginary friend in the sky. Therefore, you lack credibility and credentials to back your statement up.

The undercurrents..

Its not a matter of biases. Everyone has biases. Credibility has the capacity and is used to persuade others because principles and manifestations presented agree with one another. I consider the totality of the data and decide based on that.

On the other hand you are biased in favour of secularism, the word secularization is better actually, but no need to dwell on that at this juncture.
Don't let a young 200 year old punk such as secularization come into our lives ya ya like a mafia gangster and 'make us an offer we can't refuse'!
Don't be so easily influenced by European ideas. What for kowtow to those who possess a hidden agenda, or even a blatant and pernicious one at that!

You think they're so kind as to let us be their equals?! Think again buddy.

While I'm at the topic of the origin of ideas: After they decolonised many parts of the world, here they come again selling unhealthy ideas such as corporatism, corporatisation, and macdonalisation to the world. We are being fucked again and again. Are we aware of that?!

If we continue to worship their fads, which comes as fast as they go, then they will fuck us continually?
They don't want us to know how to think properly.
They shiok while we ultimately suffer.
We become their 'yes' men.

On the other hand, traditional ideas last for thousands of years.
It is currently being eroded by 'secularization' or 'secularism', which is a form of relativism.
Why? Because we are being bombarded and clouded by all kinds of rude and cacophonous ideas presented by punks.

Relativism reduces every element of absoluteness to relativity while declaring itself to be absolutely true.

This assertion nullifies itself!

Deleted member 18975

pundek tambye,

What is the story of creation by brahma, visnu and siva as compared to genesis?

Some suggestions..
The Indian/Hindu perspective is based on the idea, the distinction between Principle and Manifestation. The Principle lies absolutely beyond, and is distinct from illusion or Manifestation.

Brahma, Visnu and Siva comprises of the iconology/iconography/symbolism/syllogism, the logical framework, through which metaphysical principles are discussed and occurrences explained.

The Hindu or Central Asian perspective is not easily absorbed by passionate Arabs and Jews, Hinduism being a primarily an Aryan perspective. Please view the Indo European migration here: http://media.maps.com/magellan/Images/WRLH034-H.gif This Aryan perspective is accepted by India - more than 3000 years old - but it failed in Greece and Rome.

Arabs and Jews understand more easily using the idea of Divine Names, which is abstract as compared to the more fluid iconolgy of the Aryan perspectives with its complicated system of avatars, which is visual.

The idea of Christ, the logos, the Only One Avatar is injected back into the Aryan way of thinking via Christianity, where Oneness takes primacy over multiplicity, whence the idea of Divine Names is much more palatable to the 'Semiticized' psyche as compared to 'so many gods'.

Keeping in mind the points above: To answer your question, the Hindu perspective emphasizes time as cyclical and that at every moment, the universe is being re-created, or breathed new life into at every moment.

And we are currently in the Era of Vice or Kali Yuga, the last and final age, the other three having passed by already, The idea behind these eras are illustrated here: http://www.thewakeup.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/yugas.jpg

Being conscious or minding once breath is most basic and lies within the core of every religious perspective.

Please do read the works of Ananda Coomaraswamy for more..

In Genesis, the perspective used is much more 'personable' or 'personal'. God created this and that and ultimately man in his own image, meaning within man lies all Divine Names, but not so the other creatures. The system of metaphysics in genesis is vastly different from that of Hinduism.

The character of man is, he forgets, so he must be made to remember. By mentioning the Divine Names, man remembers his beginings.

Fuck your mother's pundek, stupid!

Till next time.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The undercurrents in the debate involving evolutionism:
1) Proponents of this preposterous hypothesis are embarassed to the extent that they are not willing to accept any kind of evidence in favour of any rival ideas. Instead, they drown ideas proposed by using what I call the Orwellian dictum.
They are running out of imagination.

2) Taking in the totality of the data:
Am still waiting for the evidence that proves that evolution did occur.

Not a single missing link of any animal and plant species have been found; that is a species which is undergoing evolution.
Not a single species!

What are we evolving into?

It seems to me that we are on the verge of self annihilation via nuclear war! This is devolution, not evolution.
Perhaps we should get rid of the genetic component which causes us to have the propensity for belligerence or self annihilation.
I don't want the ants to take over. They are just not worthy successors.

Adios evolutionism!

What kind of edvidence you want for evolution when you don't even want edvidence for talking snakes staying alive for days inside a fish stomach ...ect . Science have been trying very hard to prove their statement by providing bits of edvidence putting together using the latest science equipment . Science never say they have answer for everything unlike the bible so ignorance . Everyday science will discover something new and science never stop at one place even though they already have answers . That's something beautiful about science .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


See how cool jesus is :wink:



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Sarcosuchus , commonly called SuperCroc, is an extinct genus of crocodyliform and distant relative of the crocodile that lived 112 million years ago. :wink: its one of the evidence that evolution do take place .



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset