this one ,i have thought abt it, possible reason also.
No, you should make good use of the friend. You must not appear dejected, and must not give any hint to the friend that you're crestfallen.
When a woman rejects a man, she always pauses for a response to justify her decision. A crestfallen man who is totally devastated by the rejection is the kind of confirmation that she needs - a confirmation that justifies her rejection.
To woo a woman, you must arouse her soul. Women work in the reverse way. Men are suckers to women stroking their ego. Women are suckers when their pride is challenged.
Date the friend and tell her that you're not really attracted to her. Use the word 'attracted'. Women cannot accept the fact that they are not attractive. She will want to prove you wrong, and prove she is attractive. While you're using the friend to relay message, be exceptionally nice to the friend, like as if you're courting her but short of any hints. Be gallant and gentlemanly. The friend, if she is touched by your manners, will psycho the girl to give it another thought.
With a woman who already has a boyfriend, you must not kum kum cheng. She has a 'goalkeeper', and it's not easy for you to shoot and score. Her heart is not empty because she has a goalkeeper. You must make one of her defenders (her friend) your accomplice. Then you will have better chances of scoring.