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I am a ex sbs bus captain. Ask me anything..


I had two friends both drive Grab. They said some good days can earn $400 to $500 a day but some bad days they earn less $100.

Both of them are private drivers since the Uber days, spent all their earnings on housing loans and basic needs.

No retirement savings at all except mandatory Medisave self-contribution :frown:
TIagong, got many Grab Drivers now using Conti cars or Satik Toyota MPV de woh


Yeah....one lao hero got to up a young 19yr old chiobu...but he too greedy want a second shot and things dun end up too well for him

A bitter sweet ending
Fuck u lah ,what up 19 year old chiobu.
U seems to be happy about other's misfortune.


I left because I cannot hold my urine as the bus aircon very cold. I heard senior bc said some bc wear diaper to drive.
This should be the main question to ask ourselves before signing up as a bc.
I'm also not a candidate for bc as I have enlarged prostrate.