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[HWZ EDMW forums] MOE vice-principal of popular primary school caught in extra-marital affair with school parent


Alfrescian (Inf)
You have no idea how gov structures its pay scale LOL. Even as an LTC, it depends on his education and what sort of plan he's on. Sign on after Poly is also officer what. From his lanjiao face,he's not an LTC. Max i give him he retired as a captain, and that's below the grade of $10k. You guys don't make ppl laugh with your guesswork lah. And don't forget this chart applies across civil service, not just fucking MOE or Army
After 25 years with the SAF, he is probably a Major, or LTC
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Husband reportedly no longer listed as vice-principal​

A check on the school’s website shows that the man is no longer listed as its vice-principal.

As of the time of writing, the woman has deleted all her Facebook posts.

In response to queries from MS News, the Ministry of Education (MOE) said it is aware of the matter and is looking into it.

School leaders are expected to maintain high standards of personal conduct to uphold the integrity and reputation of the Public Service,” said MOE.

“The individual has tendered his resignation and is currently on leave. Meanwhile, the school will continue to actively monitor staff and students’ wellbeing and provide the necessary support.”


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset

Husband reportedly no longer listed as vice-principal​

A check on the school’s website shows that the man is no longer listed as its vice-principal.

As of the time of writing, the woman has deleted all her Facebook posts.

In response to queries from MS News, the Ministry of Education (MOE) said it is aware of the matter and is looking into it.

School leaders are expected to maintain high standards of personal conduct to uphold the integrity and reputation of the Public Service,” said MOE.

“The individual has tendered his resignation and is currently on leave. Meanwhile, the school will continue to actively monitor staff and students’ wellbeing and provide the necessary support.”

All will be fine after the guy holds his wife's hand and beg for forgiveness from God in church this Sunday.


View attachment 208241

This MILF looks extremely fuckable she has my seal of approval. Vincent's taste has improved considerably over the years.


major proabably. But unless he's been
After 25 years either the SAF, he is probably a Major, or LTC
unless he was fast tracked, or he's on super scale, there's no way for him to rise beyond MX11 on the pay scale. 25 years as what, we don't know. Could have been a Senior NCO, Encik. Can't assume he was an officer