The question of air superiority in terms of technological advantage and quality of pilot prowess of the RSAF becomes IRRELEVANT in any hypothetical armed conflict discussion because of ONE WEAK LINK that is difficult to fix.
SINGAPORE'S small land mass makes all their military runways including the secondary ones at the EASTCOAST PARKWAY (ECP) VULNERABLE to DAMAGE which is a crippling blow that would result in warplanes not being able to take off OR being able to land after their 1st sortie.
All the locations of the RSAF airports are already known by friend and foe. The locations of potential hostile mobile SAM/artillery batteries however remains unknown. Hostile saturation artillery barrages, missile strikes etc that would surely pockmark any military runway with craters/potholes in the opening gambit to render the technologically superior RSAF an impotent force.
Close proximity of all military airports situated in the NORTHERN parts of Singapore makes even more vulnerable and also hazardous for RSAF pilots to take off to gain sufficient altitude and airspeed to perform any effective countermeasures or evasive manoeuvres against short range SAM batteries of hostile AIR DEFENCE ARTILLERIES.
To neutralise hostile threats to airport runways puts the SAF in a catch 22 position. To take out the hostile SAM batteries/Artillery to safeguard RSAF runways without prior knowledge of their location requires lots of ordnance to saturate the whole of JOHORE causing widespread collateral civilian casualties and earning international condemnation.
Moving SAF ground troops in to neutralise them cannot take place safely avoiding massive friendly forces casaulties without adequate air cover. The RSAF cannot provide that vital aircover because the RSAF planes cannot take off from damaged and inoperable runways. Taking off from secret airfields in Thailand won't be as effective to provide air cover for ground troops operating in the Johore Theatre of operations due to the distance factor. The entire SAF including the RSAF would it seems be paralysed from DAY 1 by this logistical disadvantage of time and space.
typical armchair critic.....furthermore, this bird is from kiwiland.....