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Gamblers Beware


walaoo...then jialat leh...my gugu not around kukubird has to talk to himself.....

gugu..kuku..coo coo..gugu..kuku..coo coo...gugu..kuku...kuku...kuku...


Alfrescian (Inf)
hahaha..i thought patience is needed more to watch Love and also to make money from casino.....
Dragon...we are the pak see buay chow here.......

kukubird58: Not only pak see buay chow, pak see poon tern lai!!! Catherine LIm's "They do Return" applies here - I will return to SBF even if I up the lorry!!! And continue to haunt the MIW.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thank you. I am striving to do even better coz "The Best Is Yet to Be". Cheers.

Yes, indeed. The best is yet to come...that goes also for Singapore. hopefully with the next election, Singapore gets a more caring and hardworking govt...cheaper, faster and better, comparable to 1st world govts instead of having the same autocratic, unresponsive and unaccountable LHL govt


Alfrescian (Inf)
Tracy has gone on Christmas vacation.

How did you guess that I was away?

Yes, I was away and just returned from a great holiday...wish I cld be away lonegr. But. alas, all good things have to come to an end. and so, here I am back in Singapore.


Alfrescian (Inf)
hahaha...how u know my gugu went for vacation...some PMs going around isit?

Ram has good sixth sense. Or is he just analytical and logical? This is holiday season and many of us travel with loved ones at this time of the year. so maybe just good guess on Ram's part


Alfrescian (Inf)
Kukubird, well done. When Tracy's away on vacation, it's your duty to upkeep her thread. Please don't disappoint her by letting it slip 3 or 4 pages down. You can find all sorts of excuses to bounce it back up. Gambatte!

hahahaha..looks like kuku cant sustain the interest