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Gamblers Beware


No wonder she says Kukubird is naughty, dirty and perbird! :eek: :biggrin:

Behalf yourself and look after her thread, maybe she'll forgive you. :rolleyes:

hahaha...ever heard of this saying:
men not naughty, women don't love....

btw..do u know where my gugu went for her vacation.
sob..sob..she didn't tell me...

omg...knnbccb also disappeared...don't tell me they went together!!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
hahaha...ever heard of this saying:
men not naughty, women don't love....

btw..do u know where my gugu went for her vacation.
sob..sob..she didn't tell me...

omg...knnbccb also disappeared...don't tell me they went together!!!!

hoi hoi... me no disappear hor...
eh you all no go out on christmas day ah ???
I went to Zoo lor... knn ... infested by many ah nehs ... :oIo:
not i say i wan go hor.. my relatives come chio me go wan hor...
else i stay at home 24 hour sammyboy kopitiam...


yes..I agree.

but does the pap see the evil like we do?

actually, we cannot blame the government for legalise gambling.
if they dont legalise, underground gambling will be really hard to crack.

but that doenst mean we must encourage gambling.

encourage gambling and allowing gambling is 2 different things.
but to loosen the law and allowing more gambling in singapore is the same as encouraging gambling.so.., i think what our government can do is.. by allowing gambling in singapore but tighten the law against gambling in the public.

more resources must be pumb in to let more people know what will happen when one is addicted to gambling and lost all his money.

education play the most part in it.
well, it's a trick the government must know how to do so that they dont make RA casino a bad image but also dont make gambling spread like fire in singapore and the result will be more damage families, more broken relationship and more sucide cases... and worst of all, more crimes due to lost of money in gambling!!!

a healthy society is not easy to build up with.so , we must treasure it!!!
:smile: :smile: :smile:


Alfrescian (Inf)
knnbccb...don't be so crude lah..
can u say it in a more refined way...
something like your bird stuck inside her abalone isit.....

hee... me too direct bit ... :biggrin:
rewind : help what ? your lap-chiong stuck inside her hum is it ? :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ram...kopi+roti not enough, i throw in 2 eggs lah...
tell me leh...where is my gugu,
i am missing her already....

She'll slash me with her sword if I tell you. Be patient. She'll be back. Thanks for your kind offer of breakfast belanjah. Two eggs, two roti and one kopi is very nice and enough for me. I'm a humble man who doesn't eat much anyway. But I can't tell you, frightened of her sword. :eek: