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Gamblers Beware


Alfrescian (Inf)
hahaha...ever heard of this saying:
men not naughty, women don't love....

btw..do u know where my gugu went for her vacation.
sob..sob..she didn't tell me...

omg...knnbccb also disappeared...don't tell me they went together!!!!

yes...men must know when to be naughty..likewise, gals need to know when to be naughty too..that makes life more interesting, satisfying and enjoyable


Alfrescian (Inf)
actually, we cannot blame the government for legalise gambling.
if they dont legalise, underground gambling will be really hard to crack.

but that doenst mean we must encourage gambling.

legalising gambling is bad enough..it's tantamount to an admission that the pap has run out of idea on how to move Singapore forward but has to resort to bad practices.

normally a govt only use best practices.

singaporeans must know that the pap has no more ideas and has to resort to imposing all kinds of levies to keep SG going at the expense singaporeans' well being..the people are impoverished ...rich govt, poor singaporeans


Alfrescian (Inf)
encourage gambling and allowing gambling is 2 different things.
but to loosen the law and allowing more gambling in singapore is the same as encouraging gambling.so.., i think what our government can do is.. by allowing gambling in singapore but tighten the law against gambling in the public.

do u agree that the pap is allowing gambling in SG?

what makes u say that it's not enocourgaing gambling? in small SG, there are two casinos...so many betting outlets for TOTOs, 4-Ds, at hdb estates...if this is not making it easy for gambling, I dont know what is?

you are conned by the pap's propaganda that it is not encouraging singaporeans to gamble...that' politically correct statement from them..

but their deeds are different from the pap's talk..wise up and dont fall into pap's rhetoric..


Alfrescian (Inf)
more resources must be pumb in to let more people know what will happen when one is addicted to gambling and lost all his money.

education play the most part in it.

why need to go through all these hooha?

why break the peoples' legs then give them crutches?

a good govt wld not make it easy for their citizens to gamble, like what the first generation pap leaders did..they made gambling illegal .


Alfrescian (Inf)
gambling spread like fire in singapore and the result will be more damage families, more broken relationship and more sucide cases... and worst of all, more crimes due to lost of money in gambling!!!

it will happen..not a matter of if, it's a matter of when social ills , broken families will take its heavy toll on Singapore.

Likewise, the social ills of liberal and uncontrolled influx of cheap foreign labour are going to hit Singapore hard in future..more crimes, more rapes, more robberies, more family problems, etc


Alfrescian (Inf)
a healthy society is not easy to build up with.so , we must treasure it!!!
:smile: :smile: :smile:

well said..the pap must do its best not to destroy the healthy society SG has built up over the last 45yrs..a fit, robust, pragmatic Singapore for all Singaporeans.

once broken, no one can put SG back together again


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think she goes on casino "field trips" to study how bad influence is casino on society. A couple of months back, she went to Genting and learned a bad influence on police. Police ambush people on the highway to Genting for coffee money. Singapore doesn't allow police to do that. They collect levy at the casino gate and then pay the police more bonus at year end.

just an enjoyable trip enjoying nature lahhh..u know i dont gamble


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes, indeed. The best is yet to come...that goes also for Singapore. hopefully with the next election, Singapore gets a more caring and hardworking govt...cheaper, faster and better, comparable to 1st world govts instead of having the same autocratic, unresponsive and unaccountable LHL govt

Glad to know you are back. Kukubird's been looking all over for you.