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Gamblers Beware


Alfrescian (Inf)
OK the page count settings sometimes go haywire. But DannyBoyBoy thread got 2,500+ postings, and TracyTan thread is 660+ only. You better do you part. Otherwise, Tracy angry with you don't blame me.


gugu...how is your Holidays...
did u sleep with air cond on or not...
poor kukubird kena bullied by the Ram...


Alfrescian (Inf)
gugu...how is your Holidays...
did u sleep with air cond on or not...
poor kukubird kena bullied by the Ram...

You mad is it? I where got bully you. I give you good advice.

Tracy has gone casino "field trip." Which casino, I can't tell you.

If you want to learn more about casino, go find GoldenDragon.

If you want to learn more about horse racing, go find Equalisation.


You mad is it? I where got bully you. I give you good advice.

Tracy has gone casino "field trip." Which casino, I can't tell you.

If you want to learn more about casino, go find GoldenDragon.

If you want to learn more about horse racing, go find Equalisation.

knn...my gugu very goot in 48 one.
dun gamble but always go casinos....


Alfrescian (Inf)
knn...my gugu very goot in 48 one.
dun gamble but always go casinos....

I think she goes on casino "field trips" to study how bad influence is casino on society. A couple of months back, she went to Genting and learned a bad influence on police. Police ambush people on the highway to Genting for coffee money. Singapore doesn't allow police to do that. They collect levy at the casino gate and then pay the police more bonus at year end.


Alfrescian (Inf)
hahaha...her imitation Yang Guo must be a gambler lah....always go casinos.
(oops...this one hit many pple, better say sorrie sorrie first)

Yang Guo was a one-armed swordsman if you recall.
Her new Yang Guo is a one-armed bandit. :eek: :biggrin: