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Gamblers Beware


Alfrescian (Inf)
Knowing our civil servants better may lead to heart attacks.

Heart attack or not, I still prefer to know the truth abt our civil servants and politicians.

From what I know so far, our civil servants r still not too bad. The pap are the bad guys and we can do without them


hahaha... bro Golden dragon..sorry to spill the beans here:p.
saw u in the movie, Nardia...
didn't know u are a cute young boy:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Kukubird, well done. When Tracy's away on vacation, it's your duty to upkeep her thread. Please don't disappoint her by letting it slip 3 or 4 pages down. You can find all sorts of excuses to bounce it back up. Gambatte!


Kukubird, well done. When Tracy's away on vacation, it's your duty to upkeep her thread. Please don't disappoint her by letting it slip 3 or 4 pages down. You can find all sorts of excuses to bounce it back up. Gambatte!

hahaha...gugu..Ram ask me to up you.. oops i mean your thread.:o.