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Chun Li


Feb 11, 2011

Shopkeeper jailed for having 8,000 fake cell phones

By Khushwant Singh

RAIDS on a business in Sim Lim Square in August and December 2009 uncovered 7,942 fakes that included Apple, Nokia and Sony Ericsson cell phones.

In a district court on Friday, Li Chuhan, 31, a Chinese national and a permanent resident here, pleaded guilty to copyright and trademark infringements and was jailed for a year and nine months.

Investigations revealed that Li started selling MP3 and MP4 players from a kiosk in Sim Lim Square in April 2007. The court heard that his uncle in China helped him to source for these items. Subsequently, his uncle's son, Li Xixin, 25, arrived from Shenzhen to join the business after completing his studies.

In April 2008, they set up a company called Yaomin Digital with both of them as directors drawing a monthly salary of $3,000. The cousin, who put in $120,000, was the major shareholder.

They rented a unit on the fourth floor and set up several makeshift kiosks in the shopping centre. In July 2008, the two partners decided to sell China-made cell phones as the sales of MP3 and MP4 devices were declining.

On Aug 7, 2009, officers attached to the Intellectual Property Rights Branch (IPRB) of the Criminal Investigation Department raided the premises rented by Yaomin in Sim Lim Square. A total of 615 fakes, comprising counterfeit cell phones, headsets, batteries, user manuals and packaging, were seized.

But this did not deter Li. A second raid on Dec 2, 2010 was conducted and a further 7,327 fakes were discovered. Li's cousin is on the run.


Toshiie Maeda


Feb 16, 2011

Japanese upskirt offender in Singapore jailed

By Elena Chong

A JAPANESE national who captured six photographs of a woman's thighs and her underwear with his digital camera was jailed for one week on Wednesday.

Nakagoshi Yuta, 25, pleaded guilty to insulting the modesty of the 30-year-old woman at Dhoby Ghaut station on Nov 3 2010.

A court heard that the woman was travelling on the escalator at the station when she felt someone had brushed her on the thigh area.

She turned around and saw Nakagoshi, who walked past her and tried to flee.

She shouted at him to stop. Two men who heard the commotion managed to detain him.

Police came and seized his camera which contained several upskirt photos.

Nakagoshi could have been jailed for up to one year and/or fined.



Drunk British national accidentally set rubbish on fire, killing himself

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Man found dead in Marine Terrace HDB fire
Fire occurred at 10th floor unit of Marine Terrace this afternoon. -AsiaOne

Sun, Mar 13, 2011
A man was found dead inside a HDB flat which had caught fire earlier this afternoon.
According to a statement from the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), a call came in at about 2.13pm about a fire in a unit at Blk 7, Marine Terrace.
SCDF resources - including a Red Rhino, four support vehicles and one ambulance - were dispatched.
SCDF personnel arrived to find the living room of the 10th floor unit alight. Wearing gas masks, they made their way into the unit by forcing the front gate open.
The flames were extinguished in 10 minutes, said the SCDF spokesperson.
A body believed to be male, was found inside the unit, about two feet from the metal front gate. SCDF paramedics pronounced the subject dead at the scene.

There were no other casualties and the cause of fire is under investigation.
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Indian nationals caught illegally leaving S’pore

<cite>By Channel NewsAsia, </cite>Updated: 15/03/2011
Indian nationals caught illegally leaving S’pore

Indian nationals caught illegally leaving S’pore
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Illegal immigrants found hidden in a Malaysia-registered prime mover.

SINGAPORE: Officers from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) have caught three Indian nationals for trying to leave Singapore illegally.
They were found hidden in a storage compartment, located behind the driver’s seat of a 40—foot Malaysia—registered prime mover.
The incident happened last Saturday at about 11.40 am.
Preliminary investigations revealed that the 29—year—old Malaysian driver was promised $500 for each immigration offender he successfully brings out of the country.
Arrangements were made to pick up the three immigration offenders along Woodlands Road.
The three, aged between 27 and 36, said they had come to Singapore to seek illegal employment.
If convicted, for overstaying or illegal entry, they could be jailed up to six months and given at least three strokes of the cane.
Penalties for illegal departure is a fine of up to $2,000, a jail term of up to six months, or both.



Dutch seaman jailed for making bomb threat on plane

Dutch seaman jailed for making bomb threat on plane
By Shaffiq Alkhatib | Posted: 21 March 2011 1511 hrs <LINK rel=image_src href="http://www.channelnewsasia.com/imagegallery/store/phpfdXLyv.jpg">
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SINGAPORE: A Dutch seaman was sentenced on Monday to 16 months' jail after making a bomb threat on a Singapore Airlines plane on September 29 last year.

Thirty-seven-year-old Eduard Gerard Jacobus also kicked a flight steward in the groin after he was asked to sit down while the Perth-bound SQ 223 was taxiing on a Changi Airport runway at around 10am that day.

The court heard that a very drunk Jacobus claimed that he was a terrorist and threatened to blow up the plane.

As a result, the aircraft returned to the departure gate and passengers had to disembark for another round of screening.

The plane also had to go through another round of security sweep.

It only left some four hours later.

For making the bomb threat, Jacobus could have been jailed up to five years, fined a maximum of S$100,000 or both.

And for assaulting the flight attendant, he could have been jailed up to two years, fined a maximum of S$5,000 or both.

- CNA/fa


Man jailed for threatening Borneo Motors' image


Home > Breaking News > Singapore > Story

Mar 21, 2011

Man jailed for threatening Borneo Motors' image

<!-- by line -->By Elena Chong
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Khoo Yee Tien was sentenced to three months and two weeks in jail.

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AN UNEMPLOYED man who threatened to tarnish the image of a car service centre unless he was given $100,000 was sentenced to three months and two weeks in jail. District Judge Low Wee Ping backdated Khoo Yee Tien's sentence to Dec 11 last year, which means he can be released soon.
The 26-year-old Malaysian admitted to the amended charge of criminal intimidation by threatening to tarnish Borneo Motors' image unless service manager Mah Yoke Yu, 42, delivered $100,000 to him. He was originally accused of trying to extort money from the company at the service centre at Pandan Crescent on Dec 1, 2010.
Assistant Public Prosecutor Asran Samad said that Khoo's services with a company which had a contract for services with Borneo Motors were terminated following some allegations of misconduct.
In October last year, Khoo sent text messages to a few customers alleging that Borneo Motors had deliberately caused mechanical problems to their cars sent there for repairs.
Mr Mah subsequently found out that Khoo was responsible for sending the SMSes. During the SMS exchanges on Nov 29, Khoo demanded $50,000 from Mr Mah. He threatened to send more such messages to Borneo customers if his demand was not met. Two days later, he sent another SMS to ask for $100,000, failing which he would tarnish the image of the company.
He was arrested at a carpark beside Tanjong Katong Complex in an ambush on Dec 9.


4th Filipino jailed for cheating bank

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SINGAPORE: A fourth Filipino was sentenced to jail on Tuesday for being part of a scam to cheat Standard Chartered bank.

Thirty-two-year-old Hazel Thea Puyaoan Vicente, who used to be a direct sales agent with telemarketing company, Touch & Tech, will be imprisoned for two years and three months.

Standard Chartered had engaged the firm to reach out to prospective customers of its unsecured credit facilities.

But to meet her monthly sales target, Vicente had forged her applicants' pay slips, inflating their salaries so that their annual pay would appear to meet the minimum income requirement laid down by the bank.

In some cases, she also doctored their letters of extension for employment as the bank will only approve applicants who have a minimum of one year validity remaining on their employment passes.

Based on court documents, her then-boss 60-year-old Singaporean, Abdul Karim Baba was the one who had encouraged her to do so.

Between July and October 2009, Vicente managed to dupe the bank into giving out a total of S$411,000 in unsecured loans to 39 people.

She also earned a commission of more than S$3,800.

Vicente, who pleaded guilty to four of 39 counts of cheating, could have been jailed up to ten years and fined for each charge.

Besides her, three other Filipinos have already been convicted and sentenced earlier this year for taking part in the ruse.

They include one of her former colleagues, 26-year-old Charon Legaspi Dimpas, who will spend 45 months behind bars, and an applicant, 39-year-old Maria Theresa Arenas Garcia who was sentenced to six months' jail.

Abdul Karim, however, hasn't been dealt with yet.

- CNA/fa



Police arrest four Chileans for suspected theft

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<TD width="5" valign="top"></TD><TD width="784" valign="top" colspan="2">Police arrest four Chileans for suspected theft
Posted: 22 March 2011 1459 hrs <LINK rel=image_src href="http://www.channelnewsasia.com/imagegallery/store/phpbC2DGu.jpg">
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SINGAPORE: Police have arrested four Chilean men, aged between 29 and 39, who are believed to have committed a series of theft cases involving more than S$10,000 worth of items.

They are believed to have pilfered from victims who had left their belongings out of sight or unattended.

Police said several cases of theft were reported in the vicinity of Orchard Road and other shopping malls in Singapore in the past week.

In these cases, items such as branded bags, laptops and mobile phones were stolen from unsuspecting victims whom had left them out of sight or unattended in public areas.

A joint task force comprising officers from Tanglin Police Division and Bedok Police Division was set up.

Following extensive enquiries and follow-up investigations, the officers managed to establish the identities of the suspects.

The four men entered Singapore a week ago on March 15 and 16 on a social visit pass. Three of them were visiting Singapore for the first time, while the 39-year-old man had come to Singapore once in 2004.

Police said they went through CCTV footages of shopping malls in Orchard Road where there was a spike in theft cases. That narrowed the search to four foreign-looking men.

Police officers then spotted the four suspects in Geylang on Monday afternoon when they were trying to get rid of plastic bag containing a passport and some cards.

The suspects were nabbed as they were returning to their hotel in Geylang.

Some postal receipts were also seized which helped trace four parcels containing the stolen goods that were posted earlier in the day.

Police recovered 16 mobile phones, nine cameras, three laptops, two media players, four branded handbags, one ATM card, one credit card and three bank books.

Preliminary investigations revealed that the suspects are believed to be involved in at least 10 cases of theft.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Koh Yak Leng, Commander of Taglin Police Division, said: Police see two common tactics culprits go about stealing things. One of them is, they'll comb through the food courts and so on, and when people are distracted and they're not paying attention to their properties, they may just reach to steal their properties.

"Now, the second method is of course to distract the victim, and when the victim is distracted, an accomplice can come and steal his property. So with good collaboration with the Orchard Road business community, we managed to identify the suspects and then managed to arrest them even before they flee the country. And this resulted in us recovering all the properties."

Police are currently in the process of identifying and contacting the rightful owners of the recovered stolen items.

All four suspects will be charged in Court on Wednesday.

If convicted, they can be jailed for up to three years and fined.

This is the second South American syndicate to be arrested in 10 days. The first group is believed to specialise in house-breaking.

- CNA/fa/ac

Red Squadron


Mar 22, 2011

Croupier and patron jailed for rigging roulette game

By Khushwant Singh

CROUPIER Ng Wuey Kiang and punter Leong Teck Leong hatched a scam to cheat the Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) casino in September 2010.

The 24-year-old casino employee would throw the roulette ball so that it would end up within the 20 numbers grouped on one side of the roulette wheel.

As Ng was unable to control the roulette ball, it could land on the wrong side of the wheel. To cover these losses, he would overpay Leong when he won.

Ng, a Malaysian, and Leong, 39, a Singaporean, were on Tuesday jailed a year and nine months each, for criminal breach of trust and cheating by a district court.

Agreeing with Deputy Public Prosecutor Ruth Wong that a deterrent sentence was necessary, District Judge Jasbendar Kaur said that the scam was well-planned and both men were equally culpable.

Out of their winnings of $30,570, which the judge observed was by no means a small amount, Ng received $1,700 as his share. He did return $500 worth of chips to the casino on one of the days when they had committed the offences.

Asking the court to consider a lenient sentence, Leong's lawyer Michael Yap Gim Chuan said his client had quit his job as a planner for a transport firm to play full-time after the casinos opened early in 2010.

He went there daily and initially won between $300 and $1,000 on most days. However, his luck changed and he started losing up to $10,000 in a single night.

The court heard Leong had gambled away some $50,000 and he and his wife have sold their car and flat. They have an eight-year-old son.

Sun Ce


Mar 22, 2011

'Jogging' molester jailed for 12 months

By Elena Chong

A MALAYSIAN forklift operator was jailed for 12 months on Tuesday after he was found guilty of molesting two women in November 2010.

Aziz Oman, 27, was convicted of molesting a 19-year-old and a 20-year-old while jogging past them along Pearl Bank and Chin Swee Road on Nov 6 and 8 respectively.

The teen was walking home from Outram Park MRT Station when he touched her private part between 9.30pm and 10pm on Nov 6.

The 20-year-old student testified that she was about to cross Chin Swee Road when Aziz crossed over to her side from the opposite direction and touched her breast.

Both witnesses said Aziz was wearing a black T-shirt and shorts at the time.

The younger victim also noticed his white shoes and hair band.

Aziz, who was not represented, denied the molestation.

He said he was gay and did not like women and could not have committed the acts in the charges.

He could have been jailed for up to two years, fined, caned or received any combination of such punishments.


Date Masamune


Mar 22, 2011

Couple fined for having sex in public park

By Elena Chong

A THAI couple who had sex in a public park on Sunday evening were each fined $1,000 on Tuesday.

Ngernthaisong Phichet, 36, a construction worker, and his girlfriend, Phloetphrao Somphan, 35, pleaded guilty to committing an obscene act at Harmony Hub along Beach Road at about 11pm.

A magistrate's court heard that an auxiliary policeman was patrolling near Beach Road when he heard sounds coming from the nearby bushes inside Harmony Hub.

He shone the torchlight towards the bushes and found the naked couple having sex.
Somphan was here on a social visit pass.

They could have been jailed for up to three months and/or fined.


Mitsuhide Akechi


Chinese national caught for illegal departure in refrigerator truck
Posted: 22 March 2011 2045 hrs

SINGAPORE: Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) officers caught a 30-year old Chinese national at Woodlands Checkpoint, hiding in the back of a refrigerator truck in an attempt to leave Singapore after overstaying his visa.

The 42-year-old Malaysian driver of the Malaysia-registered truck was promised S$500 to smuggle the man out, but suspicions were raised when he appeared fidgety at Woodlands Checkpoint.

Both men were arrested.

The immigration offender faces a six-month jail term or at least three strokes of the cane for overstaying.

The penalties for illegal departure is a fine of up to S$2,000 and a jail term of up to six months, or both.

- CNA/cc


Kiyomori Taira


4th Filipino jailed for cheating bank

Posted: 22 March 2011 1509 hrs

SINGAPORE: A fourth Filipino was sentenced to jail on Tuesday for being part of a scam to cheat Standard Chartered bank.

Thirty-two-year-old Hazel Thea Puyaoan Vicente, who used to be a direct sales agent with telemarketing company, Touch & Tech, will be imprisoned for two years and three months.

Standard Chartered had engaged the firm to reach out to prospective customers of its unsecured credit facilities.

But to meet her monthly sales target, Vicente had forged her applicants' pay slips, inflating their salaries so that their annual pay would appear to meet the minimum income requirement laid down by the bank.

In some cases, she also doctored their letters of extension for employment as the bank will only approve applicants who have a minimum of one year validity remaining on their employment passes.

Based on court documents, her then-60-year-old Singaporean boss, Abdul Karim Baba was the one who had encouraged her to do so.

Between July and October 2009, Vicente managed to dupe the bank into giving out a total of S$411,000 in unsecured loans to 39 people.

She also earned a commission of more than S$3,800.

Vicente, who pleaded guilty to four of 39 counts of cheating, could have been jailed up to ten years and fined for each charge.

Besides her, three other Filipinos have already been convicted and sentenced earlier this year for taking part in the ruse.

They include one of her former colleagues, 26-year-old Charon Legaspi Dimpas, who will spend 45 months behind bars, and an applicant, 39-year-old Maria Theresa Arenas Garcia who was sentenced to six months' jail.

Abdul Karim, however, hasn't been dealt with yet.

- CNA/fa



Re: Jailed for forging for married boyfriend

Chinese national "not terribly frightened" after cabby death

By Ng Jing Yng |
Posted: 23 March 2011 1515 hrs
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SINGAPORE: A Chinese national on trial for the murder of a taxi driver, told the High Court on Wednesday he was "not terribly frightened" when he tried to remove evidence after allegedly killing the man.

Wang Wenfeng, 32, had originally claimed that he was very frightened after the alleged murder of taxi driver Yuen Swee Hong, 58, in April 2009 following a botched robbery attempt.

Wang then allegedly dumped the body on a hill.

When questioning Wang, Deputy Public Prosecutor Eugene Lee noted that Wang, despite being frightened, was still able to wipe off blood from the taxi and even snipped off wires from a card reader to avoid being detected.

Wang said he was "not terribly frightened".

He had wanted to look for the taxi's Global Positioning System (GPS) machine but mistook the card reader for it.

He later demanded S$150,000 from Mr Yuen's wife as ransom.

DPP Lee asked Wang about his intention for bringing a knife out that day.

In response, Wang said: "To commit robbery, you have to bring a knife… don't tell me you want me to bring a banana?"

- CNA/fa



Re: Jailed for forging for married boyfriend

A psychopath with no remorse.

Chinese national "not terribly frightened" after cabby death

By Ng Jing Yng |
Posted: 23 March 2011 1515 hrs
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In response, Wang said: "To commit robbery, you have to bring a knife… don't tell me you want me to bring a banana?"


Re: Jailed for forging for married boyfriend

A psychopath with no remorse.

A criminal who talks like that deserves to punished far beyond the full extent of the law.
On the one hand, he claims that he didn't have any intention to kill. That is of course said to escape the death penalty.
Then he sarcastically asks if he should have brought a banana instead of a knife to commit a robbery. Hope the judge had his ears
wide open when the fucker said that.
This is one criminal whose parents, spouse and children should also be punished, until he retracts his sarcastic remarks and begs for
forgiveness from his victim's family on his knees. Of course, after that, he should still be hanged after being caned.

I ask everyone's forgiveness for this one time of vulgarity. This is meant for the sarcastic killer Wang Wenfeng.

Date Masamune

Re: From Fraud To Murder

Mar 28, 2011

2 Indonesians jailed for stealing from shoppers

By Elena Chong

TWO Indonesian women who stole mainly electronic items from shoppers along Orchard Road were each jailed for 18 weeks on Monday.

Helda Lastria, 31, and Nursilawati, 37, admitted to three charges of theft from person and one of shoplifting each.

Eight other charges were considered during their sentencing.

The court heard that the manager of New Look at 313@Somerset saw them walking in on March 5 and found them to resemble two women who were involved in a theft two days earlier.

She detained them and called the police.

They were found with three stolen items worth $70 from Uniqlo at the same shopping mall.

When police raided their hotel room in Geylang, they found an assortment of mobile phones.

These included an iPhone stolen from Ms Lim Hui Shan, 27, on March 2; a Blackberry from an Indonesian woman on March 3; and a BlackBerry from an 18-year-old student on March 4.


Toshiie Maeda


Mar 30, 2011

Couple accused of theft of $15k bracelet

By Elena Chong

TWO foreigners were charged in a district court on Wednesday with stealing a $15,000 diamond bracelet from a jewellery shop.

Colombian national Gomez Bermundez Rafael Alexander, 33, and American Lopez Linda Tatiana, 22, allegedly stole the bracelet at SK Jewellery at Bugis Junction, Victoria Street, last Saturday.

The couple, who are believed to be involved in similar cases, were remanded at Central police division lock-up for a week.

They were picked up at a hotel in Geylang Road on Monday.

The case will be mentioned again on April 6.

If convicted, they face a jail term of up to seven years and a fine each.


Ellah joy case

Cebu Daily News
Cebu's Only Independent Newspaper


Posted on April 2, 2011 by cebudailynews


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Police seek protection for 12 witnesses

By Chito O. Aragon, Correspondent

POLICE authorities recommended that 12 witnesses in the Ellah Joy Pique be placed under the witness protection program of the Department of Justice (DOJ).
This will secure them from threats and intimidation, said Senior Supt. Patrocinio Comendador Jr., spokesman of Task Force Ellah Joy.
He said police will also coordinate with the DOJ to prepare grounds to support its request for the court to issue a hold departure order against the main suspects, Bella Ruby Santos and her British boyfriend, Ian Charles Griffiths.
Comendador said the task force would coordinate with the International Police to locate Griffiths, who left for Singapore last Feb. 28. Only Santos returned to Cebu.
Last Thursday, the police task force showed PowerPoint slides of how they conducted the investigation that led to the filing of charges against the couple.
Comendador showed step by step how they were able to identify the suspects through witnesses, before, during and after the Feb. 8 kidnapping, including the dumping of Ellah Joy’s body off a cliff in Barili town.

Darth Maul


Apr 4, 2011

South Korean jailed for burglaries

By Elena Chong

A SOUTH Korean national who came here in 2006 and broke into a shipping company returned last year with a false passport and committed a series of housebreaking and theft.

Choi Hee Soo, 36, pleaded guilty on Monday to six counts of housebreaking and theft and three charges under the Immigration Act.

The unemployed man was sentenced to a total of 55.5 months and plus three strokes of the cane.

A district court heard that he broke into 37 premises and got away with almost $87,000 worth of property.

He first broke into a shipping company in Chinatown Point and stole cash and a Rolex watch totalling $12,830 in 2006. He then left the country.

On Oct 20 last year, he returned via Tuas checkpoint using a false passport.

He lied that he had never used a passport under a different name to enter Singapore and produced the travel document which did not belong to him.

He then went on a housebreaking and theft spree, burgling offices in Orchard Road, Science Park Drive, Alexandra Terrace and Ubi.

The remaining 44 charges were considered during his sentencing.