He Never Said Sorry
Tragic lovers' tiff over a pair of chopsticks
The New Paper
Thu, Apr 14, 2011
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[Photo: Miss Chong Kai Yan (above right) pushed to death by survivor, Tan Teck Soon (top left corner) at Block 565, Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3. She was found lying near some scaffolding which was part of lift-upgrading works.]
By Chong Shin Yen
A PAIR of chopsticks.
A late-night supper took a tragic turn after a lovers' tiff - over a pair of chopsticks.
The young couple had started a fight while tucking into a bowl of fishball noodles and the quarrel continued long after the youth took his girlfriend home.
Thinking that she was trying to end their relationship, Tan Teck Soon, then 19, decided to die with her.
He pushed Miss Chong Kar Yan, 20, over a 12th-storey parapet before leaping off seconds later.
Both landed on the ground.
She died, but he survived. Scaffolding had broken his fall and he miraculously escaped with no major injuries.
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Click on thumbnail to view (Photos: Deceased family, Shin Min Daily News & Lianhe Wanbao)</TD></TR><TR><TD width=120>
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<!-- End Photo Gallery -->Yesterday, Tan, now 21, a Malaysian who worked as a welder here, pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of manslaughter. He had initially been charged with murder.
Tan, who was represented by Mr Subhas Anandan and Mr Sunil Sudheesan, will be sentenced on Friday.
The court heard that Miss Chong, also a Malaysian, and Tan had been introduced by a mutual friend, Mr Chua Ooi Loon, sometime between August and September 2008.
Tan was from Johor Baru and Miss Chua was an Ipoh girl. The couple started dating a month after they met.
Miss Chong, who was living with her mother at a rental flat in Ang Mo Kio, was working as a waitress here.
On March 6, 2009, at about 11.30pm, the couple met Mr Chua at the hawker centre next to the Bedok bus interchange.
Tan wanted to return some money which he had borrowed from Mr Chua.
They sat at a table and Mr Chua went to order two bottles of beer. Miss Chong then ordered a bowl of fish ball noodles as she was hungry.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Eugene Lee told the court that the couple started quarrelling after the noodles arrived.
Miss Chong had asked her boyfriend to get an extra pair of chopsticks, but the latter refused. It is not known why she wanted the extra utensils.
She became unhappy and refused to talk to him.
After some time, she relented a little when Tan pacified her by feeding her a fish ball.
According to court papers, throughout the meal, Miss Chong kept making calls and sending text messages on her mobile phone.
At one point, she even walked to a nearby bench to talk on her phone. This made Tan unhappy and he kept looking in her direction.
When he approached her, she walked away. Angered, Tan went to his motorbike to smoke.
Noticing that her boyfriend had walked away, Miss Chong returned to the bench, still talking on the phone.
She was arranging with her best friend to meet in JB on their day off. Miss Chong did not mention on the phone the quarrel with her boyfriend.
Miss Chong's friend later confirmed with the police that she had spoken with Miss Chong at about 1am that night.
After both Miss Chong and Tan cooled down, they returned to the table to join Mr Chua. It was past 1am when the trio decided to leave the hawker centre.
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