TracyTan866, boss is jsust saying SIngapore is not crumbling ... did he said pap runs SG well ?
please go and take a course in argumemtative writing and critical thinking
Yes I DID say that the PAP runs Singapore well. In fact, it runs the place excellently. No other country I know has transformed the skyline for the better in the space of one decade! It's unbelievable.
I'm repeating myself but I have to emphasise once more that until you have had to put up with the inefficiencies, the waste, the delays and the political stalemates that pervade other 1st world nations and stall all progress, you will not appreciate what the PAP has done to make your life better in such a short period of time.
The YOG problems, the MRT breakdowns, the stresses caused by immigration, the bad investments of GIC and Temasek, prisoner escapes etc are all minor hiccups in the grand scheme of things. No individual or organisation is infallible. The only way to avoid failure is to do nothing. If you want to avoid MRT breakdowns, don't have an MRT in the first place. Let's go back to days of rickshaws and bullock carts.
The negativity of many here defies belief and it invariably comes from the armchair critics!

I experience it personally whenever the server that runs this site gives problems. "Fucked up server", "Sam never pay hosting fee" etc etc. It gets even more bizarre when the conspiracy theorists step in and make accusations that the server problems are a sinister way of censoring free speech.
I could easily have avoided all the server problems simply by not ever having started this site. Is that the way Singaporeans want the PAP to run the country... by avoiding all major projects to improve the lot of Singaporeans so there's nothing much to go wrong in the first place???? I sympathise with and support the PAP for all the things they have done for the country to make things better. Hang in there PAP. I'm sure you'll prove your doubters wrong in due course.
LHL are doing their very best for the future of the country and they operate under numerous constraints imposed by the island's unfortunate size and location. Those who think that things can be done better should get off their fat asses and volunteer their assistance instead of just banging away at a keyboard taking pot shots from their couches. Typing messages full of unsubstantiated hogwash is the easiest thing in the world to do. Taking charge of problem and coming up with solutions is a different story altogether.