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Covid is spreading in West Taiwan


Alfrescian (Inf)
So how ? china will spend 1 May holidays under home jailed ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Taiwan media said if this covid outbreak is allowed to spread, there would be 3.5 million cases, peak 50k+ cases daily, 10k+ deaths. it's worth it for the sake of opening up the country ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Taiwan media said if this covid outbreak is allowed to spread, there would be 3.5 million cases, peak 50k+ cases daily, 10k+ deaths. it's worth it for the sake of opening up the country ?
China has no regards on human lives, Otherwise they would not use the below strategy in the war

Byebye Penis

In the past 3 weeks, Shanghai people are more restless about the lockdown than other Chinese cities because of wide-spread corruption.

According to my work associates in China, if you are willing to pay bribes, u can still get approval to get out in PPE cover-alls or get "runners" to run errands for you such as buying food or groceries. If your neighbourhood RC is willing to pay, your neighbourhood get fresher and better relief allocations. In almost all precincts, as long as you are willing to pay, you can get anything for your lockdown family. It strains the less-rich people and thus the anger.

Byebye Penis

Is Beijing considered west Taiwan ?

Taiwanese constitution say China belongs to them, so Beijing is part of West Taiwan.

These money-minded Taiwanese don't want to be clear about their own sovereignty because they still want to make money from China. Therefore if China invades Taiwan, why should the rest of the world help?


Alfrescian (Inf)
In the past 3 weeks, Shanghai people are more restless about the lockdown than other Chinese cities because of wide-spread corruption.

According to my work associates in China, if you are willing to pay bribes, u can still get approval to get out in PPE cover-alls or get "runners" to run errands for you such as buying food or groceries. If your neighbourhood RC is willing to pay, your neighbourhood get fresher and better relief allocations. In almost all precincts, as long as you are willing to pay, you can get anything for your lockdown family. It strains the less-rich people and thus the anger.
that’s a sexample of communist with capitalist tendency.