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Covid is spreading in West Taiwan


Alfrescian (Inf)

China's Shenzhen shuts key electronics market to fight COVID-19​

SHENZHEN: Authorities in China's southern city of Shenzhen shut the world's largest electronics market of Huaqiangbei and suspended service at 24 subway stations on Monday (Aug 29) in a bid to curb an outbreak of COVID-19.

Three key buildings in the sprawling area, comprised of thousands of stalls selling microchips, telephone parts, and other components to manufacturers, will stay closed until Sep 2.

Byebye Penis


China's Shenzhen shuts key electronics market to fight COVID-19​

SHENZHEN: Authorities in China's southern city of Shenzhen shut the world's largest electronics market of Huaqiangbei and suspended service at 24 subway stations on Monday (Aug 29) in a bid to curb an outbreak of COVID-19.

Three key buildings in the sprawling area, comprised of thousands of stalls selling microchips, telephone parts, and other components to manufacturers, will stay closed until Sep 2.
China and Taiwan are both trying to hold the world hostage. Both sides are assholes and dishonest people. Economically, they are even more powerful with HK and Macau.

The world is a better place if they start killing each other asap.

Byebye Penis


China's Shenzhen shuts key electronics market to fight COVID-19​

SHENZHEN: Authorities in China's southern city of Shenzhen shut the world's largest electronics market of Huaqiangbei and suspended service at 24 subway stations on Monday (Aug 29) in a bid to curb an outbreak of COVID-19.

Three key buildings in the sprawling area, comprised of thousands of stalls selling microchips, telephone parts, and other components to manufacturers, will stay closed until Sep 2.

more districts in Shenzhen lockdown now

Byebye Penis

Looks like China got new strains. All staff of a large China Crypto company in Singapore got infected in Oct after their China superiors visited them, two staff hospitalized.

Byebye Penis


Covid Outbreak at China iPhone Plant Pushes Workers to the Edge​


Food has become a source of unrest after Foxconn, the Taiwanese company that makes most iPhones sold around the world, shut cafeterias at the manufacturing site known as “iPhone City.” Only workers on the production lines were given meal boxes, with those infected or afraid to leave their company-provided dormitories given more basic fare like bread and instant noodles, some of the people said, asking not to identified for fear of retribution. Scuffles among employees over food have broken out, the people added.