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Covid is spreading in West Taiwan


Alfrescian (Inf)
China and Taiwan zero covid policy. Taiwan 1k+ cases daily. they said situation serious. they need to let it go and live with covid.

Byebye Penis

BBVA predicts Chinese authorities will stick to the “zero-COVID” strategy and lockdowns until at least June. Exports produced in Shanghai account for 7.2% of China’s total volume and about 20% of China’s export container throughput moves through the port there, according to the BBVA report. Most warehouses and plants are closed, nine out of 10 trucks are sidelined, the port and airport have limited function, shipping units are stranded in the wrong places, and freight is piling up.


Byebye Penis

The French logistics provider Geodis reports that truck drivers in the Shanghai area are being forced to wait up to 40 hours at certain highway entrances. Trucking rates have soared because of the limited supply, and shippers are waiting three to five days for cargo to get picked up, according to San Francisco-based Flexport.

The supply chain is backing up like water behind a dam. When water is released, the landscape gets flooded.

Flexport said in a market update that 80% of commercial freighter services have been canceled and airlines are considering shifting operations to nearby airports.

Flights at Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport are reduced by 50%, according to Geodis. Most inbound cargo there is transit cargo to other cities, such as Shanghai — which is compounding backlogs because the cargo isn’t allowed to move to the final destination.


Byebye Penis

COVID infections are spreading beyond Shanghai, according to news reports and logistics companies. The southern manufacturing hub of Guangzhou introduced travel restrictions and shifted schools to online learning — steps that often portend a wider lockdown.

The city of Kunshan — an important production center for electronics near Shanghai — is closed down until April 19. Part of Taicang, another manufacturing area in Jiangsu province, is also locked down. A surge of new COVID cases is hitting the coastal cities of Dalian and Tianjin in the north, Ningbo in the east, and Xiamen and Dongguan in the south.

Nantong is on a partial lockdown until April 15. Port operations have been severely impacted, with logistics companies diverting shipments to Nanjing. Zhangiagang is also under partial lockdown until April 19, resulting in slower port operations and some factory closures.


Byebye Penis

Chinese officials are reportedly killing pets whose owners have Covid-19, as video footage emerges of bin bags stuffed with cats and dogs.


Byebye Penis



Byebye Penis

The Voice of April

Chinese internet authorities are trying to block a popular video highlighting the impact of Shanghai's five-week lockdown on its residents.

The clip features audio of citizens complaining about their conditions, lack of food and poor medical care. Official attempts to remove it have triggered a backlash on Chinese sites.

The six-minute montage features audio clips of the local population criticising insufficient food supplies and complaining about poor medical conditions.

"We haven't eaten for days now," one person can be heard pleading
