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Covid is spreading in West Taiwan


Go fuck yrslf and blue camels, chinkmaricunt u...

US has never played fair. Look at what they did to their own ppl in the 70s as compared to after the 90s.

Irag and Afghanistan. I don't have proof but somehow the virus erupted in China but the house Senators can sell their stocks B4 everyone got the wind of it.

Something is not right.

Byebye Penis

Chongqing got 7 daily cases, Shanghai got 7000. Apparently, Chongqing learnt from OYK and told their people not to see doctor or take PCR unless there are life-threatening symptoms.

No testing = No case recorded.
Now, other cities like Guangzhou scrambled to block people & flights from Chongqing.

Byebye Penis

23,000 daily cases reported in East Taiwan today.
Will semiconductor industry be disrupted?

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Byebye Penis


China's Hainan expands COVID-19 lockdowns to more areas​


At least eight cities and towns, with a combined population of around 7 million, said their residents must not go beyond where they live, unless for necessary reasons such as COVID-19 tests, grocery shopping or to fulfil essential job roles. They suspended various public transport services.