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Covid is spreading in West Taiwan

Byebye Penis

No humanity, no compassion.

Shanghai is the COVID-19 epicenter in China.


Byebye Penis

Singapore removed travel restrictions and reopening KTVs.
People from West Taiwan can come over here to have fun.


Byebye Penis


Disturbing reason China may be clinging to Covid zero policy​


China has stuck to its policy, despite official figures showing the vast majority of the more than 100,000 cases in Shanghai in the past month showed no symptoms of Covid.

One reason put forward for this is concern about whether China’s “patchy hospital network” could cope with the sudden spike in infections.

According to The Washington Post, researchers at Peking University estimated China would face a “colossal outbreak,” with more than 630,000 infections a day if it were to reopen, and that was before Omicron became predominant.