China has an illustrious history but its not without its failings, the Song dynasty was an especially bad one. Too much focus on the literary and Confucian theories without having enough martial skills(except a few like Yue Fei, etc) and corruption led to the ultimate fall of a country.
Song 宋朝 was the only dynasty in Chinese history that was truly defeated by foreign forces. ( excluding Ming who fall to Qing because of internal wars. ) Was Song really weak?
Song was the second longest dynasty in Chinese Imperial History. Chinese living under Southern Song lived a good life.
Han - 410 years, Song - 319, Tang - 289, Ming - 276, Qing - 268
Song since founding had to deal with very strong warmongers neighbors ( Liao, Western Xia, Jin ) but her ultimate demise was dealt by Kublai Khan Mongols, the ultimate fighting machine during that era which nobody can defeat. Southern Song held out against Mongols longer than most countries did.
Chinese historians are unkind to Song because of her poor military records, paying tributes to the likes of Liao and Jin, Song replaced by Yuan, a foreign power. All this hurt Chinese pride.
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